Publications by authors named "Tatjana Cutovic"

Unoperated patients with bilateral complete cleft lip and palate (BCCLP), who do not receive orthopedic treatment in infancy and present with significant sagittal excess of the premaxilla, are among the most difficult patients to treat. Delay in primary reconstruction reduces the elastic characteristics of the tissues. The resulting rigidity of bony structures accompanied by the wide alveolar and palatal clefts associated with sagittal excess of the premaxilla pose a great challenge for both surgeon and orthodontist.

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Background/aim: Despite significant advances in current medicine and improvement of overall health education, chronic periodontitis is still a widespread disease. Losing teeth is the most serious complication of this particular illness. The aim of this study was to examine patients with chronic periodontitis in order to evaluate the efficacy of non-surgical therapy and combination of amoxicillin and metronidazole compared with cefixime, which has not been so far used for the treatment of this disease.

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Background/aim: The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) is a scoring system for malocclusion that con- sists of the two independent components: Denal Health Component (DHC) and Aesthetic-Component (AC). IOTNs are usually used in the countries with dental healthcare financed by the government through the national healthcare system or healthcare insurance. The aim of the study was to determine IOTN in primary school children from the town of Niš and to asses percent of children with any kind of orthodontic treatment.

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Introduction: Radicular cysts treatment involves surgical approach, more or less aggressive. However, treatment of large cystic lesions, including radicular cysts, causes some of dilemmas concerning the choice of the surgical method, especially the degree of radicalism.

Case Report: We presented a 65-year-old male patient with large radicular cyst in the mandible.

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Holoprosencephaly is a complex malformation of the brain associated with the median facial defects. Variability of the clinical picture is the characteristic of this anomaly. In most cases, the degree of severity of the facial anomaly correlates with the degree of damage to the brain.

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Introduction: Cleft lips and palates are the most common congenital orofacial anomaly. This type of clefts is the most severe from the orthodontic-surgical therapy aspect.

Case Report: A female newborn with a complete cleft of the primary and the secondary palate was admitted to the clinic, where a multiple-role orthodontic device was specially designed and applied to primarily manage the closure of the existing cleft and help to improve the suckling ability of the baby.

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Background/aim: The literature suggests different views on the correlation between the cranial base morphology and size and saggital intermaxillary relationships. The aim of this study was to investigate the cranial base morphology, including the frontal facial part in patients with mandibular prognathism, to clarify a certain ambiguities, in opposing viewspoints in the literature.

Methods: Cephalometric radiographies of 60 patients were analyzed at the Dental Clinic of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia.

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Objective: To investigate temporomandibular disorders (TMD), psychosocial, and occlusal variables in class III orthognathic surgery patients with respect to the control subjects, and to compare psychosocial and occlusal features in class III patients with different Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD) diagnoses.

Materials And Methods: The study enrolled 44 class III patients referred for orthognathic surgery and 44 individuals without a malocclusion. TMD, depression and somatization were assessed by RDC/TMD.

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Background: Class III malocclusions are considered to be ones of the most difficult problems to treat. Their causes are multifactorial and include genetic and/or environmental factors. Class III malocclusions are generally classified into 2 categories: skeletal and dental.

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Objective: To examine the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) after orthodontic-surgical treatment in patients with mandibular prognathism and analyze psychosocial variables related to TMD.

Materials And Methods: The case-control study comprised 40 patients with mandibular prognathism who underwent combined orthodontic-surgical treatment (orthognathic surgery group). Forty-two patients with untreated mandibular prognathism served as a control group.

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Introduction/aim: There are numerous factors that influence the formation of condylar processus: the growth and development of cranial base, growth and development of the jaws and alveolar extensions, teething, the way of intercuspidation, the overlap of incisors, functions of masticatory muscles, etc. Considering the fact that the above-mentioned factors significantly differ in persons with different morphological set of the face, we set a hypothesis that dimensions of condylar processus and the mandibular ramus considerably differ in persons with mandibular prognathism compared to eugnatic persons. The aim of this study was to establish the differences in dimensions of condylar processus between the above-mentioned groups.

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Introduction/aim: Patients with mandibular prognathism as dominant symptom have disordered sagittal interjaw relations that make prominent appearance to this dental craniofacial anomaly beside hyperplastic mandibles and inverted front teeth overlap. The aim of this study was to examine the differences in dimensions of sella turcica in patients with mandibular prognathism and in eugnathic.

Methods: On profile teleradiographs of 30 eugnathic control and 30 patients with mandibular prognathism, three parametres, which represent dimensions of sella turcica, were measured (surface, width and depth).

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