Utilizing the Zeeman Faraday effect in atomic vapor cells, a novel setup is introduced both for laser intensity stabilization and laser intensity modulation. The method is based on the closed loop control of the polarization rotation angle of the laser light in an atomic vapor cell for adjustment of the laser intensity. Characterizing the implemented setup, it is shown that more than 30 dB attenuation of the optical fluctuation is achieved in the frequency range from DC to 1 kHz.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to evaluate the influence of livelihood diversification on tribal farmers' decision to adopt modern agricultural practices, while also examining the profitability of various agricultural practices and identifying key challenges and policy recommendations for enhancing the sustainability of tribal farming livelihoods in Bangladesh. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire during the month of February 2021 from 115 tribal farmers, followed by a simple random sampling technique. In the study area, only 9.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Childhood adverse and favorable experiences before the age of 18 have enduring effects on an adult's mental health.
Objective: We investigate the moderating effect of benevolent childhood experiences (BCEs) on the link between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and poor mental health outcomes (depression, anxiety, stress) in an adult's later life.
Participants And Setting: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 384 adults aged ≥40 years from September 2021 to March 2022 at Dhangara Union of Raiganj Upazila, Bangladesh.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic presented a 'double-edged sword' for older adults: not only were they more susceptible to the virus, but its broader consequences also exacerbated other challenges, particularly those related to psychosocial well-being. Limited evidence exists on how older adults perceive the pandemic and its impact on their well-being and the role of social workers in addressing these challenges, particularly in resource-limited settings like Nigeria.
Aim: This study explored older adults' perceived risks regarding COVID-19, its impact on their psychosocial well-being, and the role of social workers in addressing these challenges in Nigeria.
Background: Numerous studies have demonstrated the significance of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) in the development of cancer metastasis. The expression levels of many lncRNAs are elevated in metastatic lung cancer patients compared to non-metastatic lung cancer patients.
Objectives: The primary objective of the study was to investigate the association between the expression levels of three lncRNAs (MALAT1, HOTAIR, and AFAP1-AS1) and lymph node metastasis (LNM) of lung cancer.
The efficiency of the resource recovery system in the automobile industry is not well understood. The effectiveness of resources recovery for used oil, filters and containers in four Canadian provinces were assessed from 2010 to 2022. The collection rates of resources, financial performance, and temporal changes of two original indicators: Resource Recovery Per Vehicle (RRPV), and Expenses Per Vehicle (EXPV) were examined.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground Although caregiving is considered a normal phenomenon for parents, delivering care to a child with neurodevelopmental disabilities can be taxing and disastrously impact parents' quality of life (QoL). This study explored the relationship between QoL, coping strategies, and psychosocial support status of caregivers of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Methodology This cross-sectional study included 906 caregivers of children having neurodevelopmental disabilities utilizing the World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief and Perceived Stress Scale.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlaque assays quantify the amount of active, replicating virus to study and detect infectious diseases by application of samples to monolayers of cultured cells. Due to the time taken in thawing, propagating, plating, counting, and then conducting the assay, the process can take over a week to gather data. Here, we introduce assay-ready cryopreserved Vero monolayers in multiwell plates, which can be used directly from the freezer with no cell culture to accelerate the process of plaque determination.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommercial microalgae cultivation is a dynamic field with ongoing efforts to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and explore new applications. We conducted a study to examine how different light exposure periods affect growth. We employed a Phyto tank batch system of approximately 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Children globally, including in Bangladesh, are facing various forms of online sexual abuse including sextortion, exploitation, body shaming, and blackmail. They are also coerced into engaging in intimate activities, harassed through the sending of sexual content, among other forms of abuse. We aimed to explore the root cause of online child sexual abuse (OCSA) in Bangladesh.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper presents a comprehensive analysis of e-waste collection and management trends across six Canadian provinces, focusing on e-waste collection rates, provincial stewardship model attributes, program strategies and budget allocations from 2013 to 2020. Temporal and regression analyses were conducted using data from Electronic Product Recycling Association reports. A group characterization based on geographical proximity is proposed, aiming to explore the potential outcomes of fostering collaboration among neighboring provinces.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElectronic waste recycling companies have proliferated in many countries due to valuable materials present in end-of-life electronic and electrical equipment. This article examined the business characteristics and management performance of Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA), a Canadian nationwide electronic product stewardship organization. The organization's annual performance reports, from 2012 to 2020, for nine Canadian provinces in which it currently operates were aggregated and analyzed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) was announced as being a global pandemic on 11 March, governments from all parts of the world declared a quarantine period, during which people were prohibited from leaving their homes (except for essential activities) to contain the spread of the virus. Since then, the population has faced different levels of restrictions (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMymensingh Med J
April 2024
The Covid-19 pandemic has introduced the world to a new chapter in the last three to four years. The focus of this review is on a significant but often overlooked group and topic that has received limited research attention. Recent studies show that the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is still intense, even around three years later.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Considering the health literacy status of service seekers is crucial while developing programs and policies to improve service delivery in primary health care settings.
Objective: Our aim was to assess health literacy among adults seeking non-communicable disease (NCD)-related services in primary health care centers (PHC) of Bangladesh and identify its contributing factors and its preventive effect on risky behaviors.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 2,793 NCD service seekers were interviewed face-to-face from eight rural and three urban PHCs selected by a multi-stage random sampling method.
Altered somatosensory reactivity is frequently observed among individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Here, we report that although multiple mouse models of ASD exhibit aberrant somatosensory behaviors in adulthood, some models exhibit altered tactile reactivity as early as embryonic development, whereas in others, altered reactivity emerges later in life. Additionally, tactile overreactivity during neonatal development is associated with anxiety-like behaviors and social behavior deficits in adulthood, whereas tactile overreactivity that emerges later in life is not.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report a role for activity in the development of the primary sensory neurons that detect touch. Genetic deletion of Piezo2, the principal mechanosensitive ion channel in somatosensory neurons, caused profound changes in the formation of mechanosensory end organ structures and altered somatosensory neuron central targeting. Single cell RNA sequencing of conditional mutants revealed changes in gene expression in the sensory neurons activated by light mechanical forces, whereas other neuronal classes were less affected.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Utilizing salt-affected marginal lands in coastal regions can help meet the growing demand for rice. We explored a nature-based solution involving wild halophytic rice () and commercial rice BRRI Dhan 67 () grown in close proximity to each other under salt stress.
Methods: This was to investigate whether a paired planting strategy could help complement rice growth and yield under stress.
The study aims to explore the demographic and clinical characteristics of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Bangladesh. A total of 3035 persons with SCI spanning from 2018 to 2022 were included in this cross-sectional study. Information about demographic and clinical variables was obtained from the medical records and verified through telephone calls to ensure accuracy and consistency.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProline isomerization, the process of interconversion between the - and -forms of proline, is an important and unique post-translational modification that can affect protein folding and conformations, and ultimately regulate protein functions and biological pathways. Although impactful, the importance and prevalence of proline isomerization as a regulation mechanism in biological systems have not been fully understood or recognized. Aiming to fill gaps and bring new awareness, we attempt to provide a wholistic review on proline isomerization that firstly covers what proline isomerization is and the basic chemistry behind it.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDisseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) is infrequently associated with COVID-19 infection. COVID-19 infection can predispose to thrombotic events through inflammation and microvascular injury. DIC is rarely associated with coronary artery disease, especially myocardial infarction (MI).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAltered somatosensory reactivity is frequently observed among individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Here, we report that while multiple mouse models of ASD exhibit aberrant somatosensory behaviors in adulthood, some models exhibit altered tactile reactivity as early as embryonic development, while in others, altered reactivity emerges later in life. Additionally, tactile over-reactivity during neonatal development is associated with anxiety-like behaviors and social interaction deficits in adulthood, whereas tactile over-reactivity that emerges later in life is not.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLight touch sensation begins with activation of low-threshold mechanoreceptor (LTMR) endings in the skin and propagation of their signals to the spinal cord and brainstem. We found that the clustered protocadherin gamma (Pcdhg) gene locus, which encodes 22 cell-surface homophilic binding proteins, is required in somatosensory neurons for normal behavioral reactivity to a range of tactile stimuli. Developmentally, distinct Pcdhg isoforms mediate LTMR synapse formation through neuron-neuron interactions and peripheral axonal branching through neuron-glia interactions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince the last century, methicillin-resistant (MRSA) bacteremia has become a major global and public health concern not only in terms of morbidity and mortality but also the duration of hospital stay, healthcare cost, and antimicrobial choices. Especially alarming is the growing antimicrobial resistance due to their misuse and overuse, which has led the world to be exhausted of its effective antibiotic resources. In this review article, we sought to figure out the most efficacious antimicrobial agents to treat MRSA-related bloodstream infections.
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