Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord
June 2020
Purpose: While the double crush phenomena (compression along two points on a nerve) has been established between median neuropathy and cervical radiculopathy, combined suprascapular neuropathy (SSN) and cervical C5/C6 radiculopathy-so-called shoulder double crush syndrome-has not been well examined. We aim to identify the incidence of shoulder double crush syndrome in patients undergoing arthroscopic suprascapular nerve release for SSN.
Methods: One hundred consecutive patients >18 years of age who were positive for SSN on electromyography and motor nerve conduction studies (EMG/NCS) and underwent a suprascapular nerve release were included.
Introduction: The neurological manifestation of vitamin B12 deficiency can occur as a result of peripheral nerve pathology or lateral and posterior column involvement, also known as "sub-acute combined degeneration". This case report demonstrates an unusual presentation of SCD with normal B12 level.
Case Presentation: A 39-year-old man was referred to the outpatient neurology clinic with a two month history of distal upper extremities numbness and fine motor movement difficulties.