Publications by authors named "Tapia S"

Background: Monitoring hospitalization rates associated with oral health conditions is an important part of epidemiological surveillance, especially when these conditions have increased significantly in low-and middle-income countries. This study aimed to evaluate the temporal trends in hospital discharges associated with oral health-related conditions in Ecuador from 2000 to 2023 and identify the leading diagnoses groups.

Methods: An ecological time-series study was conducted based on annual data from the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses of Ecuador.

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Study Design: Face and content validation of a surgical simulation model.

Objective: Accidental transection of the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) during bilateral sagittal split osteotomies (BSSO) has a reported incidence of up to 7%, determining important sensory disturbances in patients. Proper repair demands the need of microsurgical anastomosis skills.

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Nanopore sequencing of the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) vp2 gene from Andean trout cultures in Peru reveals genogroups 1 and 5. This insight aids in understanding strain diversity and pathogenicity, vital for effective disease surveillance, and control measures in aquaculture.

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  • The study introduces IMplicit UNrolled NEtworks (IMUNNE) as a new training strategy for dynamic MRI reconstruction, addressing issues of long training times and high GPU memory usage.
  • IMUNNE frames the MRI reconstruction as an implicit fixed-point equation and uses a gradient approximation method, allowing it to work efficiently with deep learning models.
  • Results show that IMUNNE improves image quality and significantly decreases training and inference times compared to existing methods, making it a promising solution for efficient cine MRI imaging.
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Introduction: Cardiogenic shock is associated with high in-hospital morbidity and mortality. Improvements in this care process could lead to better outcomes.

Methods: This retrospective study of patients with cardiogenic shock compared two periods: no specific program to address cardiogenic shock and implementation of a cardiogenic shock program.

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Study Design: Face and content validation of a surgical simulation model.

Objective: Open reduction and internal fixation in displaced subcondylar mandibular fractures is standard care. This requires an extraoral (eg: retromandibular, transparotideal) or intraoral approach.

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  • Acute appendicitis is a common emergency surgery, and this study examines its potential link to an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer afterwards in France.
  • Researchers analyzed data from nearly 230,349 patients with acute appendicitis between 2010 and 2015 and compared them to a control group of 460,698 patients with trauma to ensure accuracy.
  • The findings revealed that patients treated for appendicitis had a significantly higher risk of being diagnosed with colon cancer, particularly in the first year post-appendicitis, with a notable increase in risk for those under 40 and for right-sided colon cancer.
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Background: Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is an evolutionary mechanism of adaptive importance, which has been deeply studied in wine S. cerevisiae strains, where those acquired genes conferred improved traits related to both transport and metabolism of the nutrients present in the grape must. However, little is known about HGT events that occurred in wild Saccharomyces yeasts and how they determine their phenotypes.

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Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. is a xylem-borne bacterium that causes some of the most important plant diseases to woody plants such as citrus, olives, almonds and other cultures. This pathogen is mainly transmitted by sharpshooters, among which the tribe Cicadellini (Cicadellinae) includes the largest number of proven vectors.

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  • Women who experienced hypertensive disorders during pregnancy showed a significantly increased risk of developing chronic hypertension and other cardiovascular issues after giving birth.
  • The study analyzed over 2.2 million women, finding that the risk was notably higher in the first year post-pregnancy and gradually decreased over the next decade.
  • Specifically, the risk of chronic hypertension was 18 times higher within the first year after preeclampsia compared to normotensive pregnancies, though it remained elevated for up to 10 years.
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  • Biodiversity is getting worse because of things people do, and many people don't know how serious it is, especially when it comes to plants.
  • We can use citizen science and mobile apps to help teach students and the public about the importance of plant biodiversity.
  • Our research shows that these tools are really effective for getting people involved in protecting the environment and understanding biodiversity better.
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  • The study investigates how obesity impacts COVID-19 outcomes in cancer patients, looking specifically at ICU admissions, severe complications, and in-hospital mortality using data from French hospitals between March 2020 and February 2022.
  • Among 992,899 cancer patients analyzed, 53,090 had COVID-19, with obese patients showing a higher likelihood of needing ICU care and experiencing severe complications regardless of obesity severity.
  • While general obesity doesn't significantly raise the risk of in-hospital mortality, massive obesity increases this risk, especially for solid cancer patients without COVID-19 and hematological cancer patients with COVID-19, highlighting the need for extra caution with such patients.
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The use of unconventional yeast species in human-driven fermentations has attracted a lot of attention in the last few years. This tool allows the alcoholic beverage industries to solve problems related to climate change or the consumer demand for newer high-quality products. In this sense, one of the most attractive species is Saccharomyces kudriavzevii, which shows interesting fermentative traits such as the increased and diverse aroma compound production in wines.

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Phenylethanol (PE) and phenylethyl acetate (PEA) are commonly desired compounds in wine because of their rose-like aroma. The yeast S. cerevisiae produces the PE either through de novo biosynthesis by shikimate pathway followed by the Ehrlich pathway or the direct phenylalanine catabolism via Ehrlich pathway, and then converted into PEA.

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  • The study investigates the effectiveness of different virus transport media (VTM) for transporting nasopharyngeal swab samples during the COVID-19 pandemic in Santiago, Chile.
  • Five VTM types were compared: DNA/RNA Shield™, NAT, VTM-N, Ezmedlab™, and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), using RT-qPCR amplification profiles.
  • Results indicated that DNA/RNA Shield™ performed best, showing higher fluorescence and lower Cq values, while PBS performed poorly and may hinder accurate sample diagnosis.
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, an aggressive intracellular pathogen, is the etiological agent of salmonid rickettsial septicemia (SRS). This is a chronic multisystemic disease that generates high mortalities and large losses in Chilean salmon farming, threatening the sustainability of the salmon industry. Previous reports suggest that is able to survive and replicate in salmonid macrophages, inducing an anti-inflammatory environment and a limited lysosomal response that may be associated with host immune evasion mechanisms favoring bacterial survival.

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Despite a lack of evidence of benefit, the compounded product ABH gel (lorazepam, diphenhydramine, and haloperidol) continues to be prescribed for individuals in hospice and palliative care settings for the treatment of nausea and vomiting and terminal delirium. More effective and reliable pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies exist for the treatment of these conditions in the palliative care and hospice settings. We discuss the pharmacokinetic and clinical evidence for the individual components of ABH gel, as well as the compounded product, and attempt to understand the mechanism of effect that some purport to see, as well as why the compound continues to enjoy such a cult following.

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Population-level sampling and whole-genome sequences of different individuals allow one to identify signatures of hybridization, gene flow and potential molecular mechanisms of environmental responses. Here, we report the isolation of 160 Saccharomyces eubayanus strains, the cryotolerant ancestor of lager yeast, from ten sampling sites in Patagonia along 2,000 km of Nothofagus forests. Frequency of S.

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The utilization of S. eubayanus has recently become a topic of interest due to the novel organoleptic properties imparted to beer. However, the utilization of S.

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Patulin (4-hydroxy-4H-furo[3,2c]pyran-2[6H]-one) is a mycotoxin produced by a suite of fungi species. Patulin is toxic to humans and is a sporadic contaminant in products that were made from fungi-infected fruits. The baker yeast has been shown to decrease patulin levels likely by converting it to the less harmful E-ascladiol, yet this capacity is dependent on the strain utilized.

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This paper explores culturally-related concerns that arose during a multi-year study of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) along the U.S.-Mexico border and describes adaptations made to better connect the research process to study participants.

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is a facultative intracellular pathogen and etiological agent of the systemic disease salmonid rickettsial septicemia. It has been suggested that is able to survive in host macrophages, localized within a vacuole like-compartment which prevents lysosomal degradation. However, the relevant aspects of the pathogenesis of as the host modulation that allow its intracellular survival have been poorly characterized.

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Glycerol is one of the most important by-products of alcohol fermentation, and depending on its concentration it can contribute to wine flavor intensity and aroma volatility. Here, we evaluated the potential of utilizing the natural genetic variation of non-coding regions in budding yeast to identify allelic variants that could modulate glycerol phenotype during wine fermentation. For this we utilized four strains (WE - Wine/European, SA - Sake, NA - North American, and WA - West African), which were previously profiled for genome-wide Allele Specific Expression (ASE) levels.

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Unlabelled: Fibrinogen is a protein that plays a key role in blood coagulation and thrombosis and it is involved in several inflammatory processes; in multiple sclerosis (MS) may be related with blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption. We analysed the relationship between plasma fibrinogen levels and the presence of active lesions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during relapses of multiple sclerosis (MS) and clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) patients.

Methods: We collected data of patients admitted to a tertiary-care hospital with relapse of MS and CIS from 2008 to 2013 and we analysed the relation between plasma fibrinogen levels (normal: 200mg/dl-417mg/dl) and the presence of active lesions on brain or spinal MRI.

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Micophenolic acid (MPA) is an immunosuppressant mycotoxin which impairs yeast cell growth to variable degrees depending on the genetic background. Such variation could have emerged from several phenomena, including MPA gene resistance mutations and variations in copy number and localisation of resistance genes. To test this, we evaluated MPA susceptibility in four S.

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