Purpose: To describe the agreement of three methods of Near Point of Convergence (NPC) measurement among patients with different refractive errors.
Methods: 60 asymptomatic subjects, 18 - 25 yrs old, were included in 3 groups: emmetropes, myopes and hypermetropes. All subjects underwent NPC break point and recovery point measurement by Royal Air Force (RAF) rule, Pencil Rule (PR) and penlight with red green glasses (RG) using standard techniques.
Purpose: To describe the influence of corrected refractive error on measured torsional fusional amplitudes (TA) by comparing the TA between emmetropes and spectacle corrected myopes, using the after-image slides of the synoptophore, as targets.
Methods: Fifty emmetropes (Group I) and 50 myopes (Group II) with best-corrected acuity of 6/6 in each eye were included in the study. Near point of convergence (NPC), near point of accommodation (NPA), and horizontal fusional amplitudes (HFA) were assessed in all the subjects.