Publications by authors named "Tamil Anthonymuthu"

Mitochondrial trifunctional protein (TFP) deficiency is an inherited metabolic disorder leading to a block in long-chain fatty acid β-oxidation. Mutations in HADHA and HADHB, which encode the TFP α and β subunits, respectively, usually result in combined TFP deficiency. A single common mutation, HADHA c.

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Unlike chronological age, biological age is a strong indicator of health of an individual. However, the molecular fingerprint associated with biological age is ill-defined. To define a high-resolution signature of biological age, we analyzed metabolome, circulating senescence-associated secretome (SASP)/inflammation markers and the interaction between them, from a cohort of healthy and rapid agers.

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For targeted protein panels, the ability to specifically assay post-translational modifications (PTMs) in a quantitative, sensitive, and straightforward manner would substantially advance biological and pharmacological studies. The present study highlights the effectiveness of the Affi-BAMS™ epitope-directed affinity bead capture/MALDI MS platform for quantitatively defining complex PTM marks of H3 and H4 histones. Using H3 and H4 histone peptides and isotopically labelled derivatives, this affinity bead and MALDI MS platform achieves a range of >3 orders of magnitude with a technical precision CV of <5%.

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Although DNA damage is intricately linked to metabolism, the metabolic alterations that occur in response to DNA damage are not well understood. We use a DNA repair-deficient model of ERCC1-XPF in to gain insights on how genotoxic stress drives aging. Using multi-omic approach, we discover that nuclear DNA damage promotes mitochondrial β-oxidation and drives a global loss of fat depots.

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Ferroptosis and necroptosis are two pro-inflammatory cell death programs contributing to major pathologies and their inhibition has gained attention to treat a wide range of disease states. Necroptosis relies on activation of RIP1 and RIP3 kinases. Ferroptosis is triggered by oxidation of polyunsaturated phosphatidylethanolamines (PUFA-PE) by complexes of 15-Lipoxygenase (15LOX) with phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 (PEBP1).

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Total body irradiation (TBI) targets sensitive bone marrow hematopoietic cells and gut epithelial cells, causing their death and inducing a state of immunodeficiency combined with intestinal dysbiosis and nonproductive immune responses. We found enhanced Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAO1) colonization of the gut leading to host cell death and strikingly decreased survival of irradiated mice. The PAO1-driven pathogenic mechanism includes theft-ferroptosis realized via (a) curbing of the host antiferroptotic system, GSH/GPx4, and (b) employing bacterial 15-lipoxygenase to generate proferroptotic signal - 15-hydroperoxy-arachidonoyl-PE (15-HpETE-PE) - in the intestines of irradiated and PAO1-infected mice.

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Ferroptosis is a redox-driven type of regulated cell death program arising from maladaptation of three metabolic pathways: glutathione homeostasis, iron handling and lipid peroxidation. Though GSH/Gpx4 is the predominant system detoxifying phospholipid hydroperoxides (PLOOH) in mammalian cells, recently Gpx4-independent regulators of ferroptosis like ferroptosis suppressor protein 1 (FSP1) in resistant cancer lines and iNOS/NO in M1 macrophages have been discovered. We previously reported that Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) utilizes its 15- lipoxygenase (pLoxA) to trigger ferroptotic death in epithelial cells by oxidizing the host arachidonoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (ETE-PE) into pro-ferroptotic 15-hydroperoxy- arachidonyl-PE (15-HpETE-PE).

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The temporo-spatial organization of different cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME) is the key to understanding their complex communication networks and the immune landscape that exists within compromised tissues. Multi-omics profiling of single-interacting cells in the native TME is critical for providing further information regarding the reprograming mechanisms leading to immunosuppression and tumor progression. This requires new technologies for biomolecular profiling of phenotypically heterogeneous cells on the same tissue sample.

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Article Synopsis
  • Researchers found that M1 macrophages can prevent ferroptosis through a mechanism involving high levels of nitric oxide (NO), which inhibits the production of a lipid that contributes to ferroptosis.
  • The study utilized various biochemical techniques to investigate how NO interferes with the enzyme 15-lipoxygenase (15LOX) complexed with a protein called PEBP1, revealing that NO competes with oxygen for the enzyme's active site.
  • The findings identified key residues in the enzyme that help facilitate this competition and confirmed that NO can effectively reach and react with the enzyme in macrophages, providing new insight into how NO suppresses ferroptotic processes.
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Peroxidized phosphatidylethanolamine (PEox) species have been identified by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) as predictive biomarkers of ferroptosis, a new program of regulated cell death. However, the presence and subcellular distribution of PEox in specific cell types and tissues have not been directly detected by imaging protocols. By applying gas cluster ion beam secondary ion mass spectrometry (GCIB-SIMS) imaging with a 70 keV (H O) (n>28 000) cluster ion beam, we were able to map PEox with 1.

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A huge diversification of phospholipids, forming the aqueous interfaces of all biomembranes, cannot be accommodated within a simple concept of their role as membrane building blocks. Indeed, a number of signaling functions of (phospho)lipid molecules has been discovered. Among these signaling lipids, a particular group of oxygenated polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), so called lipid mediators, has been thoroughly investigated over several decades.

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Ferroptosis, triggered by discoordination of iron, thiols and lipids, leads to the accumulation of 15-hydroperoxy (Hp)-arachidonoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (15-HpETE-PE), generated by complexes of 15-lipoxygenase (15-LOX) and a scaffold protein, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)-binding protein (PEBP)1. As the Ca-independent phospholipase Aβ (iPLAβ, PLA2G6 or PNPLA9 gene) can preferentially hydrolyze peroxidized phospholipids, it may eliminate the ferroptotic 15-HpETE-PE death signal. Here, we demonstrate that by hydrolyzing 15-HpETE-PE, iPLAβ averts ferroptosis, whereas its genetic or pharmacological inactivation sensitizes cells to ferroptosis.

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Hydroperoxy-eicosatetraenoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (HpETE-PE) is a ferroptotic cell death signal. HpETE-PE is produced by the 15-Lipoxygenase (15LOX)/Phosphatidylethanolamine Binding Protein-1 (PEBP1) complex or via an Fe-catalyzed non-enzymatic radical reaction. Ferrostatin-1 (Fer-1), a common ferroptosis inhibitor, is a lipophilic radical scavenger but a poor 15LOX inhibitor arguing against 15LOX having a role in ferroptosis.

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Mitochondria are essential for neuronal function because they serve not only to sustain energy and redox homeostasis but also are harbingers of death. A dysregulated mitochondrial network can cascade until function is irreparably lost, dooming cells. TBI is most prevalent in the young and comes at significant personal and societal costs.

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Redox balance is essential for normal brain, hence dis-coordinated oxidative reactions leading to neuronal death, including programs of regulated death, are commonly viewed as an inevitable pathogenic penalty for acute neuro-injury and neurodegenerative diseases. Ferroptosis is one of these programs triggered by dyshomeostasis of three metabolic pillars: iron, thiols, and polyunsaturated phospholipids. This review focuses on: (1) lipid peroxidation (LPO) as the major instrument of cell demise, (2) iron as its catalytic mechanism, and (3) thiols as regulators of pro-ferroptotic signals, hydroperoxy lipids.

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Ferroptotic death is the penalty for losing control over three processes-iron metabolism, lipid peroxidation and thiol regulation-that are common in the pro-inflammatory environment where professional phagocytes fulfill their functions and yet survive. We hypothesized that redox reprogramming of 15-lipoxygenase (15-LOX) during the generation of pro-ferroptotic signal 15-hydroperoxy-eicosa-tetra-enoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (15-HpETE-PE) modulates ferroptotic endurance. Here, we have discovered that inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)/NO-enrichment of activated M1 (but not alternatively activated M2) macrophages/microglia modulates susceptibility to ferroptosis.

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In addition to the known prominent role of polyunsaturated (phospho)lipids as structural blocks of biomembranes, there is an emerging understanding of another important function of these molecules as a highly diversified signaling language utilized for intra- and extracellular communications. Technological developments in high-resolution mass spectrometry facilitated the development of a new branch of metabolomics, redox lipidomics. Analysis of lipid peroxidation reactions has already identified specific enzymatic mechanisms responsible for the biosynthesis of several unique signals in response to inflammation and regulated cell death programs.

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Cardiolipin (CL) is a mitochondria-specific phospholipid that is central to maintenance and regulation of mitochondrial bioenergetic and metabolic functions. CL molecular species display great tissue variation with brain exhibiting a distinct, highly diverse CL population. We recently showed that the appearance of unique brain-type CLs in plasma could serve as a brain-specific marker of mitochondrial/tissue injury in patients after cardiac arrest.

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Aerobic life is based on numerous metabolic oxidation reactions as well as biosynthesis of oxygenated signaling compounds. Among the latter are the myriads of oxygenated lipids including a well-studied group of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) - octadecanoids, eicosanoids, and docosanoids. During the last two decades, remarkable progress in liquid-chromatography-mass spectrometry has led to significant progress in the characterization of oxygenated PUFA-containing phospholipids, thus designating the emergence of a new field of lipidomics, redox lipidomics.

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Objectives: Brain mitochondrial dysfunction limits neurologic recovery after cardiac arrest. Brain polyunsaturated cardiolipins, mitochondria-unique and functionally essential phospholipids, have unprecedented diversification. Since brain cardiolipins are not present in plasma normally, we hypothesized their appearance would correlate with brain injury severity early after cardiac arrest and return of spontaneous circulation.

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Objectives: Traumatic brain injury triggers multiple cell death pathways, possibly including ferroptosis-a recently described cell death pathway that results from accumulation of 15-lipoxygenase-mediated lipid oxidation products, specifically oxidized phosphatidylethanolamine containing arachidonic or adrenic acid. This study aimed to investigate whether ferroptosis contributed to the pathogenesis of in vitro and in vivo traumatic brain injury, and whether inhibition of 15-lipoxygenase provided neuroprotection.

Design: Cell culture study and randomized controlled animal study.

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sn2-15-Hydroperoxy-eicasotetraenoyl-phosphatidylethanolamines ( sn2-15-HpETE-PE) generated by mammalian 15-lipoxygenase/phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein-1 (15-LO/PEBP1) complex is a death signal in a recently identified type of programmed cell demise, ferroptosis. How the enzymatic complex selects sn2-ETE-PE as the substrate among 1 of ∼100 total oxidizable membrane PUFA phospholipids is a central, yet unresolved question. To unearth the highly selective and specific mechanisms of catalytic competence, we used a combination of redox lipidomics, mutational and computational structural analysis to show they stem from (i) reactivity toward readily accessible hexagonally organized membrane sn2-ETE-PEs, (ii) relative preponderance of sn2-ETE-PE species vs other sn2-ETE-PLs, and (iii) allosteric modification of the enzyme in the complex with PEBP1.

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Mechanical injury to the brain triggers multiple biochemical events whose specific contributions to the pathogenesis define clinical manifestations and the overall outcome. Among many factors, mitochondrial injury has recently attracted much attention due to the importance of the organelle for bioenergetics as well as intra- and extracellular signaling and cell death. Assuming the essentiality of a mitochondria-unique phospholipid, cardiolipin (CL), for the structural and functional organization of mitochondria, here we applied global (phospho) lipidomics and redox lipidomics to reveal and identify CL modifications during controlled cortical impact (CCI).

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Ferroptosis is a death program executed via selective oxidation of arachidonic acid-phosphatidylethanolamines (AA-PE) by 15-lipoxygenases. In mammalian cells and tissues, ferroptosis has been pathogenically associated with brain, kidney, and liver injury/diseases. We discovered that a prokaryotic bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, that does not contain AA-PE can express lipoxygenase (pLoxA), oxidize host AA-PE to 15-hydroperoxy-AA-PE (15-HOO-AA-PE), and trigger ferroptosis in human bronchial epithelial cells.

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Mitochondria are a keystone of neuronal function, serving a dual role as sustainer of life and harbinger of death. While mitochondria are indispensable for energy production, a dysregulated mitochondrial network can spell doom for both neurons and the functions they provide. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex and biphasic injury, often affecting children and young adults.

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