Cervicofacial Emphysema (CFE) is a self-limiting condition, defined by the presence of air in face and neck. The purpose of the manuscript is to systematically review the existing literature on CFE evaluation and management for updated clinical understanding of this condition. A literature search was conducted of publications about CFE on PubMed and Google Scholar by identifying all the articles with key search terms "Cervicofacial Emphysema" and "Sub Cutaneous Emphysema".
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntractable Rare Dis Res
August 2024
Pneumomediastinum is a rare condition defined by the presence of air in the mediastinum. In the absence of traumatic injury, iatrogenic injury, or clear etiology, it is called spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM). Spontaneous pneumomediastinum most commonly occurs in younger individuals and has a self-limiting course with a good outcome.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction Chronotropic incompetence (CI) and heart rate (HR) recovery at one minute post-exercise (HRR1) have been proposed as indicators of autonomic imbalance. We retrospectively studied the presence of CI and HRR1 attained on cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) and those with interstitial lung disease with pulmonary hypertension (ILD-PHTN). Methods A total of 32 patients (21 had ILD alone; 11 had ILD-PHTN) underwent CPET performed per American Thoracic Society protocol on a manually-braked bicycle.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOrtner's syndrome (OS), also called cardiovocal syndrome, is a rare condition hallmarked by left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy due to underlying cardiopulmonary disease. The purpose of this review is to systemically analyze the existing literature for cases of OS to outline typical presentation, methods of diagnosis, and management of these patients. Case reports, case series, and cohort studies describing OS between 1955 and 2021 were identified.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Pulmonary hypertension is classified into five groups in the WHO classification system. Patients with pulmonary hypertension often have comorbid obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), yet the prevalence and severity of OSA in each of the WHO pulmonary hypertension groups have not been well established.
Methods: To compare the prevalence and severity of OSA between WHO pulmonary hypertension groups, we performed a retrospective cohort study, including patients who had polysomnography or a home sleep study and confirmed pulmonary hypertension on right heart catheterisation.
Purpose: Sleep disturbance is common in patients with advanced interstitial lung disease (ILD) often complicated by pulmonary hypertension (PH) and may contribute to poor quality of life. The etiology of sleep disturbance and the relationship between PH and sleep architecture in patients with ILD remains unknown.
Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study comparing sleep architecture on polysomnography in patients with ILD with and without PH, defined as mean pulmonary artery pressure on right heart catheterization ≥ 20 mmHg.
Predicting the severity of acute chest syndrome is an important research priority in sickle cell disease. In this retrospective study of patients with acute chest syndrome, an enlarged pulmonary artery on computed tomography was associated with severe respiratory failure defined by the need for either noninvasive or mechanical ventilation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating medical and economic consequences globally. The severity of COVID-19 is related, in a large measure, to the extent of pulmonary involvement. The role of chest CT imaging in the management of patients with COVID-19 has evolved since the onset of the pandemic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPulmonary artery aneurysm is a rare but important entity in the spectrum of pulmonary vascular diseases. The etiologies can be varied and patients can present with non-specific symptoms with the diagnosis being incidental. There is limited consensus regarding the diagnostic criteria and follow-up imaging for patients diagnosed with this entity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn clinical practice, the presence of wheezing generally indicates an airway disease. In rare circumstances, adjacent mediastinal structures may compress the tracheobronchial tree leading to obstructive physiology. Compression of the tracheobronchial region by an enlarged pulmonary artery (PA) is exceedingly rare.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOvernight pulse oximetry (OPO) has proven to be an effective and beneficial technique to determine the cardiorespiratory status of patients in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. It is a cheap, safe, reliable, simple, and accurate method of patient monitoring as compared to the expensive and labor-intensive method of multichannel polysomnography for detecting sleep-disordered breathing. It provides accurate information about patient's oxygenation status and also helps in monitoring the response to continuous positive airway pressure and in the surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSimonson J, Greenberg H, Talwar A. Pulmonary artery dilatation and obstructive sleep apnea. .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPulmonary hypertension (PH) is a rare and devastating disease characterized by progressive increases in pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance, which eventually leads to right ventric-ular failure and death. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) (World Health Organization Group I), a subset of PH, and may be idiopathic in nature or associated with other systemic conditions and is thought to most commonly effect women, the majority of whom are of childbearing age. However, PAH in the elderly population is being increasingly diagnosed creating clinical considerations that had once not been considered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPulmonary hypertension (PH) is a relatively frequent and severe complication of sickle cell disease (SCD). PH associated with SCD is classified as Group 5 PH. The exact pathogenesis of PH in SCD in not known.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Health disparities have a major impact in the quality of life and clinical care received by minorities in the United States. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare cardiopulmonary disorder that affects children and adults and that, if untreated, results in premature death. The impact of health disparities in the diagnosis, treatment, and clinical outcome of patients with PAH has not been systematically investigated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Opioids are natural, semisynthetic, or synthetic substances that act on opioid receptors in the central nervous system. Clinically, they are prescribed for pain management. Opioid overdose (OOD) occurs when the central nervous system and respiratory drive are suppressed because of excessive consumption of the drug.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntiphospholipid (aPL) antibodies are antibodies specific for anionic phospholipids. They are immunoglobulins that attack phospholipids, phospholipid-binding proteins, or phospholipid-protein complexes and are detected in anticardiolipin and lupus anticoagulant assays. aPL antibodies are often associated with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) which can be idiopathic or from secondary causes such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), infection or drugs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFScleroderma is an uncommon autoimmune disease of unknown cause that may affect any organ system in the body. Patients with scleroderma are prone to developing pulmonary complications, including pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), that are the leading cause of death in this population. This article describes scleroderma-related PAH and its diagnosis and management.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlatypnea-Orthodeoxia syndrome (POS) is a rare clinical entity characterized by dyspnea and arterial desaturation while in the upright position. The various pathophysiologic mechanisms leading to POS has puzzled clinicians for years. The hypoxia in POS has been attributed to the mixing of the deoxygenated venous blood with the oxygenated arterial blood via a shunt.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUrothelial carcinoma (Transitional cell carcinoma) of the bladder is the pre-dominant histological type of bladder cancer in the United States and Europe. Patients with bladder cancer usually present with painless hematuria. The diagnosis is often delayed, as the symptoms are similar to various other benign conditions such as urinary tract infection, prostatitis or renal calculi.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCardiac tamponade, if not recognized and treated immediately, is a life threatening condition with various etiologies. Most common causes of cardiac tamponade encountered in emergency rooms are due to trauma, post myocardial infarction wall rupture, cancer and all other causes of pericardial effusion. Iatrogenic causes of cardiac tamponade include anticoagulation and procedures related.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is part of the recommended management plan of pulmonary hypertension (PHTN) and is important to better quality of life and exercise tolerance. This study aimed at determining effectiveness of PR on exercise capacity. Retrospective chart analysis was conducted on patients referred to our PHTN clinic for PR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdv Respir Med
October 2018
Socioeconomic status (SES) is defined as an individual's social or economic standing, and is a measure of an individual's or family's social or economic position or rank in a social group. It is a composite of several measures including income, education, occupation, location of residence or housing. Studies have found a lower SES has been linked to disproportionate access to health care in many diseases.
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