Publications by authors named "Taksu Cheon"

Asymmetry in contrarian behavior is investigated within the Galam model of opinion dynamics using update groups of size 3 with two competing opinions A and B. Denoting and the respective proportions of A and B contrarians, four schemes of implementations are studied. The first scheme activates contrarians after each series of updates with probabilities and for agents holding respectively opinion A and B.

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We consider a Bose-Einstein condensate with repulsive interactions confined in a one-dimensional ring where a Dirac δ is rotating at constant speed. The spectrum of stationary solutions in the δ comoving frame is analyzed in terms of the nonlinear coupling, δ velocity, and δ strength, which may take positive and negative values. It is organized into a set of energy levels conforming a multiple swallowtail structure in parameter space, consisting of bright solitons, gray and dark solitonic trains, and vortex states.

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The correspondence between exotic quantum holonomy, which occurs in families of Hermitian cycles, and exceptional points (EPs) for non-Hermitian quantum theory is examined in quantum kicked tops. Under a suitable condition, an explicit expression of the adiabatic parameter dependencies of quasienergies and stationary states, which exhibit anholonomies, is obtained. It is also shown that the quantum kicked tops with the complexified adiabatic parameter have a higher-order EP, which is broken into lower-order EPs with the application of small perturbations.

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A probabilistic framework is developed that gives a unifying perspective on both the classical and quantum versions of two-player games. We suggest exploiting peculiar joint probabilities involved in Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) experiments to construct a quantum game when the corresponding classical game is obtained from factorizable joint probabilities. We analyze how nonfactorizability changes Nash equilibria in three well-known games of prisoner's dilemma, stag hunt, and chicken.

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Suppression of ecological competition by an apex predator.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

August 2004

In the framework of Lotka-Volterra dynamics with evolutionary parameter variation, it is shown that a system of two competing species which is evolutionarily unstable, if left to themselves, is stabilized by a common predator preying on both of them. Game-theoretic implications of the results are also discussed.

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A self-similar hierarchical solution that is both dynamically and evolutionarily stable is found for the multidimensional Lotka-Volterra equation with a single chain of prey-predator relations. This gives a simple and natural explanation to the key features of hierarchical ecosystems, such as its ubiquity, pyramidal population distribution, and higher aggressiveness among higher trophic levels.

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