Publications by authors named "Takezawa S"

The present study analyzed B-cell clonality and bovine leukemia virus (BLV) provirus integration sites in cattle with enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) having BLV proviral copy numbers less or greater than the number of bovine nucleated cells. EBL cattle with BLV copy numbers less than the number of bovine nucleated cells showed monoclonal and biclonal proliferation of B-cells with one BLV provirus integration site. On the other hand, EBL cattle with BLV copy numbers greater than the number of bovine nucleated cells showed monoclonal proliferation of B-cells with two BLV provirus integration sites.

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We investigated the pathological characteristics of renal dysplasia with hydronephrosis and congenital ureteral stricture in two calves. Macroscopically, the affected kidneys were enlarged and the renal calyces were dilated and associated with ureteral strictures. Histopathologically, multifocal regions of mesenchyme were observed in the renal medulla.

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Peripheral B-lymphocyte clonality of 274 bovine leukemia virus-infected cattle with lymphocytosis was analyzed using clonality PCR based on sequences of the variable region of the bovine immunoglobulin H chain. None of the cattle showed monoclonal proliferation, while 10, 31, and 233 showed minor-clonal, oligoclonal, and polyclonal proliferation, respectively. A total of 163 cattle were analyzable the following year, and lymphocytosis was maintained in 157, indicating persistent lymphocytosis (PL).

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We have developed a novel triphenylmethane-based hexanuclear zinc complex that exhibits peculiar photochemical and photophysical properties. Upon UV irradiation, the compound turned from colorless to reddish purple, while the color of emission turned from blue to red. The color change was attributed to an oxidation of the ligand part.

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A 68-year-old man with multiple myeloma was admitted to our hospital complaining of slight fever and dyspnea on effort 4 months after treatment with thalidomide. Chest HRCT findings showed diffuse ground-glass attenuation, small nodules, and interlobular septal thickening in bilateral lungs. BAL showed marked lymphocytosis, and TBLB revealed alveolitis with exudative change, consistent with drug-induced interstitial pneumonitis.

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A number of nuclear complexes modify chromatin structure and operate as functional units. However, the in vivo role of each component within the complexes is not known. ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes form several types of protein complexes, which reorganize chromatin structure cooperatively with histone modifiers.

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A 53-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of repeated hemoptysis. Her past history indicate uveitis at age 48. Chest HRCT findings showed the thickening of broncho-vascular bundles, interlobular septal thickening, and patchy ground-glass attenuation, but no hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy.

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The female sex steroid hormone oestrogen stimulates both cell proliferation and cell differentiation in target tissues. These biological actions are mediated primarily through nuclear oestrogen receptors (ERs). The ligand-dependent transactivation of ERs requires several nuclear co-regulator complexes; however, the cell-cycle-dependent associations of these complexes are poorly understood.

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TLX is an orphan nuclear receptor (also called NR2E1) that regulates the expression of target genes by functioning as a constitutive transrepressor. The physiological significance of TLX in the cytodifferentiation of neural cells in the brain is known. However, the corepressors supporting the transrepressive function of TLX have yet to be identified.

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Lipofuscin contains fluorophores, which represent a biomarker for cellular aging. Although it remains unsubstantiated clinically, experimental results support that the accumulation of lipofuscin is related to an increased risk of choroidal neovascularization due to age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of legal blindness. Here, we report that a major lipofuscin component, A2E, activates the retinoic acid receptor (RAR).

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A 72-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of dry cough and dyspnea on effort for 9 months. Her chest HRCT findings showed diffuse reticular opacities, ground-glass opacities, and interlobular septal thickening with subpleural and peribronchovascular distribution, not typical of IPF/UIP. BAL revealed mild lymphocytosis and elevated CD4/CD8 ratio.

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Histone modifications induced by activated signalling cascades are crucial to cell-lineage decisions. Osteoblast and adipocyte differentiation from common mesenchymal stem cells is under transcriptional control by numerous factors. Although PPAR-gamma (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-gamma) has been established as a prime inducer of adipogenesis, cellular signalling factors that determine cell lineage in bone marrow remain generally unknown.

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A 63-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for evaluation of an abnormal chest X-ray film finding. He was asymptomatic. The chest HRCT showed a ground-glass attenuation with multiloculated cystic change in the left lower lobe.

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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) control cell proliferation, differentiation and fate through modulation of gene expression by partially base-pairing with target mRNA sequences. Drosha is an RNase III enzyme that is the catalytic subunit of a large complex that cleaves pri-miRNAs with distinct structures into pre-miRNAs. Here, we show that both the p68 and p72 DEAD-box RNA helicase subunits in the mouse Drosha complex are indispensable for survival in mice, and both are required for primary miRNA and rRNA processing.

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Photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor (PNR) (NR2E3) acts as a sequence-specific repressor that controls neuronal differentiation in the developing retina. We identified a novel PNR co-repressor, Ret-CoR, that is expressed in the developing retina and brain. Biochemical purification of Ret-CoR identified a multiprotein complex that included E2F/Myb-associated proteins, histone deacetylases (HDACs) and NCoR/HDAC complex-related components.

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Nuclear steroid/thyroid vitamin A/D receptor genes form a gene superfamily and encode DNA-binding transcription factors that control the transcription of target genes in a ligand-dependent manner. It has become clear that chromatin remodeling and the modification of histones, the main components of chromatin, play crucial roles in gene transcription, and many distinct classes of NR-interacting co-regulators have been identified that perform significant roles in gene transcription. Since NR dysfunction can lead to the onset or progression of endocrine disease, elucidation of the mechanisms of gene regulation mediated by NRs, as well as the identification and characterization of co-regulator complexes (especially chromatin remodeling and histone-modifying complexes), is essential not only for better understanding of NR ligand function, but also for pathophysiological studies and the development of therapeutic interventions in humans.

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It is well established that genetic mutations that impair BRCA1 function predispose women to early onset of breast and ovarian cancer. However, the co-regulatory factors that support normal BRCA1 functions remain to be identified. Using a biochemical approach to search for such co-regulatory factors, we identified hGCN5, TRRAP, and hMSH2/6 as BRCA1-interacting proteins.

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Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) usually occurs in immunocompromised patients. However, rarely, this infection can occur in normal hosts. This review of the literature identified 13 cases of IPA associated with influenza, of which 12 had influenza A and the type of influenza was not mentioned in the other case.

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TBP-free TAF II-containing-type HAT complex subclasses, which contain hGCN5 HAT and TRRAP, appear to act as common coactivator complexes for nuclear receptors. However, their physiological significance with respect to each nuclear receptor remains to be established. To address this issue, we used hepatic cell lines (HepG2) with reduced endogenous TRRAP expression through antisense RNA expression or with overexpressed TRRAP or other major coactivators.

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Purpose: To clarify the functions of a specific subtype of thyroid hormone receptor (TR), TRbeta2, and photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor (PNR) in the development of cone photoreceptors.

Methods: The expression of short (S)- and medium (M)-wavelength cone opsins was analyzed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Northern blot analysis in mice without a functional PNR (rd7/rd7 mice), and levels of plasma thyroid hormones and expression of TRbeta2 were also examined. Concomitantly, by means of reporter assays, the roles of PNR and TRbeta2 in the S- and M-cone opsin expression were explored at the transcriptional level.

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The last Crypto-Jews (Marranos) are the survivors of Spanish Jews who were persecuted in the late fifteenth century, escaped to Portugal and were forced to convert to save their lives. Isolated groups still exist in mountainous areas such as Belmonte in the Beira-Baixa province of Portugal. We report here the genetic study of a highly consanguineous endogamic population of Crypto-Jews of Belmonte affected with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (RP).

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