Publications by authors named "Takao Ikushima"

The identification and geographic distribution of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) BglII restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) variants named BgK(L) and BgO(L) in clinical isolates from orolabial and cutaneous sites were described in our previous reports, in which the dispersion and replacement of HSV-1 variants were proposed. The base substitution sites deduced from the BgK(L) multiple RFLP variations were mapped to the U(L)12 (DNase), R(L)2 (alpha0 transactivator), and latency-associated transcript genes in the present study. The results show that the relative frequencies (RFs) of BgK(L) are significantly higher in orolabial and cutaneous HSV-1 infections than in ocular infections.

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