Infection by microorganisms may cause fatally erroneous interpretations in the biologic researches based on cell culture. The contamination by microorganism in the cell culture is quite frequent (5% to 35%). However, current approaches to identify the presence of contamination have many limitations such as high cost of time and labor, and difficulty in interpreting the result.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Identifying a regulatory module (RM), a bi-set of co-regulated genes and co-regulating conditions (or samples), has been an important challenge in functional genomics and bioinformatics. Given a microarray gene-expression matrix, biclustering has been the most common method for extracting RMs. Among biclustering methods, order-preserving biclustering by a sequential pattern mining technique has native advantage over the conventional biclustering approaches since it preserves the order of genes (or conditions) according to the magnitude of the expression value.
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