Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic musculoskeletal pain disorder affecting 2% to 5% of the general population. Both genetic and environmental factors may be involved. To ascertain in an unbiased manner which genes play a role in the disorder, we performed complete exome sequencing on a subset of FMS patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA substantial proportion of familial colorectal cancer (CRC) is not a consequence of known susceptibility loci, such as mismatch repair (MMR) genes, supporting the existence of additional loci. To identify novel CRC loci, we conducted a genome-wide linkage scan in 356 white families with no evidence of defective MMR (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe three statistical results that we have found to be useful in case-control genetic association testing. All three involve combining the discovery of novel genetic variants, usually by sequencing, with genotyping methods that recognize previously discovered variants. We first consider expanding the list of known variants by concentrating variant-discovery in cases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), a common, chronic, widespread musculoskeletal pain disorder found in 2% of the general population and with a preponderance of 85% in females, has both genetic and environmental contributions. Patients and their parents have high plasma levels of the chemokines MCP-1 and eotaxin, providing evidence for both a genetic and an immunological/inflammatory origin for the syndrome (Zhang et al., 2008, Exp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicroRNAs regulate diverse cellular processes and play an integral role in cancer pathogenesis. Genomic variation within miRNA target sites may therefore be important sources for genetic differences in cancer risk. To investigate this possibility, we mapped HapMap single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) to putative miRNA recognition sites within genes dysregulated in estrogen receptor-stratified breast tumors and used local linkage disequilibrium patterns to identify high-ranking SNPs in the Cancer Genetic Markers of Susceptibility (CGEMS) breast cancer genome-wide association study for further testing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPreviously, a candidate gene linkage approach on brother pairs affected with prostate cancer identified a locus of prostate cancer susceptibility at D3S1234 within the fragile histidine triad gene (FHIT), a tumor suppressor that induces apoptosis. Subsequent association tests on 16 SNPs spanning approximately 381 kb surrounding D3S1234 in Americans of European descent revealed significant evidence of association for a single SNP within intron 5 of FHIT. In the current study, re-sequencing and genotyping within a 28.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVariation in gene expression may give rise to a significant fraction of inter-individual phenotypic variation. Studies searching for the underlying genetic controls for such variation have been conducted in model organisms and humans in recent years. In our previous effort of assessing conserved underlying haplotype patterns across ethnic populations, we constructed common haplotypes using SNPs having conserved linkage disequilibrium (LD) across ethnic populations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the 24 years since the founding of BioEssays, the level of translational research, as well as the expectations for its success, have burgeoned. Based on our analysis of current and projected US efforts to establish effective centers of translational research, our own institutional experience and discussions with academic research center leaders and institutional research executives, we have arrived at several critical conclusions about how best to foster disease-based research on the institutional, national and international level, what summary statistics may best serve as a measurement of successful practice, roughly how much more money will be required to fund the ongoing venture in the US and how to organize and promote this vision.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSATB1 (special AT-rich sequence-binding protein-1) provides a key link between DNA loop organization, chromatin modification/remodeling, and association of transcription factors at matrix attachment regions (MARs). To investigate the role of SATB1 in cellular events, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen that identified SUMO-1, Ubc9, and protein inhibitor of activated STAT (PIAS) family members as SATB1 interaction partners. These proteins, working in concert, enhanced SUMO conjugation to lysine-744 of SATB1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPharmacogenet Genomics
September 2006
Background: The study of genetic variation will promote our understanding of the differential predisposition to common diseases and variation in drug responses of individuals and ethnic populations. Such genetic variation is intrinsically structured into blocks of haplotypes in populations. Therefore, a comprehensive haplotype map based on the most abundant form of genetic variation, single nucleotide polymorphisms, will be useful.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe conducted linkage analysis of 80 candidate genes in 201 brother pairs affected with prostatic adenocarcinoma. Markers representing two adjacent candidate genes on chromosome 3p, CDC25A and FHIT, showed suggestive evidence for linkage with single-point identity-by-descent allele-sharing statistics. Fine-structure multipoint linkage analysis yielded a maximum LOD score of 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Natl Acad Sci U S A
October 2004
Posttranslational modification by the ubiquitin homologue, small ubiquitin-like modifier 1 (SUMO-1), has been established as an important regulatory mechanism. However, in most cases it is not clear how sumoylation regulates various cellular functions. Emerging evidence suggests that sumoylation may play a general role in regulating protein-protein interactions, as shown in RanBP2/Nup358 and RanGAP1 interaction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
December 2003
Rare alleles at the HRAS1 variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) locus have been implicated in breast cancer risk. We assessed the association of rare HRAS1 alleles and breast cancer in a case-control study nested within the Nurses' Health Study cohort. Using PCR-based methods, 717 incident breast cancer cases and 798 controls were genotyped for the HRAS1 VNTRs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPML bodies play an important role in multiple pathways of growth control, such as transformation suppression, apoptosis, and Ras-induced senescence. However, the molecular and biological bases for these physiological phenomena are not well understood. The findings that viruses transcribe their genomes adjacent to PML bodies and that nascent RNA accumulates at their periphery have suggested that PML bodies are transcription-permissible domains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA yeast two-hybrid screen of a Jurkat (T cell) derived cDNA library, using SATB1 (a matrix attachment region binding protein) as the bait, yielded four independent isolates of a novel variant of the DNA directed RNA polymerase II, subunit 11 (RPB11). Absence of lysine-17 from the amino terminus of this variant cannot be explained by alternative mRNA splicing. Instead, allele-specific PCR, combined with GenBank database searches, suggests that a recent gene duplication event has resulted in distinct loci encoding three variant forms of RPB11.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTranslocation of the BCL2 gene from chromosome 18 to chromosome 14 results in constitutive expression of the gene. We have recently demonstrated that the major breakpoint region (mbr) of BCL2, which is implicated in 70% of t(14;18) translocations present in human follicular lymphoma, is a matrix attachment region. Since these regions are implicated in control of both transcription and replication, we wished to determine whether BCL2 translocation was also accompanied by changes in replication timing of the translocated allele.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLinkage and association analyses were performed to identify loci affecting disease susceptibility by scoring previously characterized sequence variations such as microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms. Lack of markers in regions of interest, as well as difficulty in adapting various methods to high-throughput settings, often limits the effectiveness of the analyses. We have adapted the Escherichia coli mismatch detection system, employing the factors MutS, MutL and MutH, for use in PCR-based, automated, high-throughput genotyping and mutation detection of genomic DNA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFApproximately 10% of ovarian cancers are due to mutations in highly penetrant inherited cancer susceptibility genes. The highly polymorphic HRAS1 minisatellite locus, located just downstream from the proto-oncogene H-ras-1 on chromosome 11p, consists of four common progenitor alleles and several dozen rare alleles, which apparently derive from mutations of the progenitors. Mutant alleles of this locus represent a major risk factor for cancers of the breast, colorectum, and bladder, and it was found that BRCAI mutation carriers with at least one rare HRAS1 allele have a greater risk of ovarian cancer than BRCA1 carriers with only common HRAS1 alleles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe t(14,18) chromosomal translocation that occurs in human follicular lymphoma constitutively activates the BCL2 gene and disrupts control of apoptosis. Interestingly, 70% of the t(14,18) translocations are confined to three 15-bp clusters positioned within a 150-bp region (major breakpoint region or [MBR]) in the untranslated portion of terminal exon 3. We analyzed DNA-protein interactions in the MBR, as these may play some role in targeting the translocation to this region.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInherited mutations in the cystatin B gene ( CSTB ) are responsible for progressive myoclonus epilepsy type 1 (EPM1; MIM 254800). This autosomal recessive disease is characterized by variable progression to mental retardation, dementia and ataxia. The majority of EPM1 alleles identified to date contain expansions of a dodecamer repeat located upstream of the transcription start site of the CSTB gene.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDNA sequence analysis of 130 alleles of the HRAS1 minisatellite has demonstrated that breast cancer-associated variants arise as a consequence of both replication errors and gene conversions. Unlike mutations at other variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs), high-risk variants of the HRAS1 minisatellite do not demonstrate positional polarity. Instead, most mutations occur at three hotspots, with replication errors confined to one hotspot, gene conversions to a second and a mixed pattern of mutation at the third.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have tested a simple procedure, disease association by locus stratification, for identifying breast cancer patients with pathogenetic allelic variants at several candidate loci. The strategy was based on the assumption of epistatic interactions of the candidates. We analyzed 66 independent cases from sib pairs affected with breast cancer that had previously been collected during an investigation of pathogenetic-allele-sharing at the HRAS1 mini-satellite locus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Natl Acad Sci U S A
October 1995
The majority of translocations involving BCL2 are very narrowly targeted to three breakpoint clusters evenly spaced over a 100-bp region of the gene's terminal exon. We have recently shown that the immediate upstream boundary of this major breakpoint region (mbr) is a specific recognition site for single-strand DNA (ssDNA) binding proteins on the sense and antisense strands. The downstream flank of the mbr is a helicase binding site.
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