Publications by authors named "TF Kelly"

Background: Emerging evidence suggests that athletes and military personnel are at increased risk for lower extremity musculoskeletal injury after a concussion; however, the association between concussion and subsequent upper extremity (UE) musculoskeletal injury is unknown.

Purpose: To prospectively examine the association between concussion and UE musculoskeletal injury risk within the first year after returning to unrestricted activity.

Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3.

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The operating temperature is a critical parameter in atom probe tomography experiments. It affects the spatial precision, mass resolving power and other key aspects of the field-evaporation process. Current commercially available atom probes operate at a minimum temperature of ∼25 K when measured at the specimen.

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. Detrusor overactivity (DO) is a urodynamic observation characterized by fluctuations in detrusor pressure () of the bladder. Although detecting DO is important for the management of bladder symptoms, the invasive nature of urodynamic studies (UDS) makes it a source of discomfort and morbidity for patients.

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Background: Multidisciplinary care of placenta accreta spectrum cases improves pregnancy outcomes, but the specific components of such a multidisciplinary collaboration varies between institutions. As experience with placenta accreta spectrum increases, it is crucial to assess new surgical techniques and protocols to help improve maternal outcomes and to advocate for hospital resources.

Objective: This study aimed to assess a novel multidisciplinary protocol for the treatment of placenta accreta spectrum that comprises cesarean delivery, multivessel uterine embolization, and hysterectomy in a single procedure within a hybrid operative suite.

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Context: Approximately half of individuals who sustain a concussion do not immediately report their injuries. Motivators for not reporting include thinking the suspected concussion was not a serious injury and wanting to continue participating in activity. Additionally, military personnel have concerns about how concussions may affect their careers.

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Context: Assessments of the duration of concussion recovery have primarily been limited to sport-related concussions and male contact sports. Furthermore, whereas durations of symptoms and return-to-activity (RTA) protocols encompass total recovery, the trajectory of each duration has not been examined separately.

Objective: To identify individual (eg, demographics, medical history), initial concussion injury (eg, symptoms), and external (eg, site) factors associated with symptom duration and RTA-protocol duration after concussion.

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Objective: In response to advancing clinical practice guidelines regarding concussion management, service members, like athletes, complete a baseline assessment prior to participating in high-risk activities. While several studies have established test stability in athletes, no investigation to date has examined the stability of baseline assessment scores in military cadets. The objective of this study was to assess the test-retest reliability of a baseline concussion test battery in cadets at U.

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Introduction: Baseline symptom, balance, and neurocognitive scores have become an integral piece of the concussion management process. Factors such as sleep, learning disorders, fitness level, and sex have been linked to differences in performance on baseline assessments; however, it is unclear how tobacco use may affect these scores. The objective of this study was to compare baseline concussion assessment scores between service academy cadets who use and do not use tobacco.

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Background: Concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury, is a major public health concern affecting 42 million individuals globally each year. However, little is known regarding concussion risk factors across all concussion settings as most concussion research has focused on only sport-related or military-related concussive injuries.

Methods: The current study is part of the Concussion, Assessment, Research, and Education (CARE) Consortium, a multi-site investigation on the natural history of concussion.

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We present sample transfer instrumentation and integrated protocols for the preparation and atom probe characterization of environmentally-sensitive materials. Ultra-high vacuum cryogenic suitcases allow specimen transfer between preparation, processing and several imaging platforms without exposure to atmospheric contamination. For expedient transfers, we installed a fast-docking station equipped with a cryogenic pump upon three systems; two atom probes, a scanning electron microscope / Xe-plasma focused ion beam and a N2-atmosphere glovebox.

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Introduction: The prevalence and possible long-term consequences of concussion remain an increasing concern to the U.S. military, particularly as it pertains to maintaining a medically ready force.

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Atomic-Scale Analytical Tomography.

Microsc Microanal

February 2017

The concept of atomic-scale tomography has been proposed in the past decade as a technique that could deliver the position of all atoms with high precision and their elemental (isotopic) identity. The technique was never intended to be limited to merely structural information and there is clearly a rich array of additional analytical information that can be brought to bear on such tomographs. In this paper, some of these types of information are considered and the implications are explored.

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Background: Wound complications (WC) following cesarean delivery (CD) result in significant morbidity. A randomized trial in 2013, which demonstrated lower WC rates with suture closure compared to staple closure, resulted in a practice change within our academic institution.

Objective: To determine the impact of this practice change on WC rates and identify other modifiable risk factors for WC.

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[Correction Notice: An Erratum for this article was reported in Vol 145(10) of (see record 2016-42695-001). In the article, the symbols in Figure 2 were inadvertently altered in production. All versions of this article have been corrected.

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Open-space nanomaterials are a widespread class of technologically important materials that are generally incompatible with analysis by atom probe tomography (APT) due to issues with specimen preparation, field evaporation and data reconstruction. The feasibility of encapsulating such non-compact matter in a matrix to enable APT measurements is investigated using nanoparticles as an example. Simulations of field evaporation of a void, and the resulting artifacts in ion trajectory, underpin the requirement that no voids remain after encapsulation.

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Background: Dextromethorphan is an over-the-counter antitussive agent that may be a rapidly acting treatment for bipolar depression. Like ketamine, it is an NMDA receptor antagonist.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of depressed patients with treatment resistant bipolar II or bipolar NOS disorder who were treated with the combination of dextromethorphan 20 mg and quinidine 10 mg (DMQ).

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The University of California San Diego Community Women's Health Program (CWHP) has emerged as a successful and sustainable coexistence model of women's healthcare. The cornerstone of this midwifery practice is California's only in-hospital birth center. Located within the medical center, this unique and physically separate birth center has been the site for more than 4000 births.

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Atomic-scale tomography (AST) is defined and its place in microscopy is considered. Arguments are made that AST, as defined, would be the ultimate microscopy. The available pathways for achieving AST are examined and we conclude that atom probe tomography (APT) may be a viable basis for AST on its own and that APT in conjunction with transmission electron microscopy is a likely path as well.

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The ability to accurately reconstruct original spatial positions of field-evaporated ions emitted from a surface is fundamental to the success of atom probe tomography. As such, a clear understanding of the evolution of specimen shape and the resultant ions' trajectories during field evaporation plays an important role in improving reconstruction accuracy. To further this understanding, field-evaporation simulations of a bilayer specimen composed of two materials having an evaporation field difference of 20% were performed.

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The purpose of this investigation was to conduct atom probe tomography (APT) analyses on ferritin specimens prepared with focused ion beam (FIB) to assess whether this approach can be used to effectively characterize biomaterials. Soft matter is particularly sensitive to ion beam exposure which can induce physical and chemical changes. We employ protective metal films and low-energy ion fluence to mitigate potential problems that may be introduced by FIB.

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In atom probe tomography (APT), a technique that has been used to determine 3D maps of ion compositions of metals and semiconductors at sub-nanometer resolutions, controlled emissions of ions can be induced from needle-shaped specimens in the vicinity of a strong electric field. Detection of these ions in the plane of a position sensitive detector provides two-dimensional compositional information while the sequence of ion arrival at the detector provides information in the third dimension. Here we explore the use of APT technology for imaging biological specimens.

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Leukemia during pregnancy is rare, posing a complex series of questions, including appropriate therapy and maternal counseling. Management of chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) during pregnancy is limited. Our patient presented at 30 weeks' gestation with anemia, leukocytosis, and a non-productive cough.

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We demonstrate for the first time that multivariate statistical analysis techniques can be applied to atom probe tomography data to estimate the chemical composition of a sample at the full spatial resolution of the atom probe in three dimensions. Whereas the raw atom probe data provide the specific identity of an atom at a precise location, the multivariate results can be interpreted in terms of the probabilities that an atom representing a particular chemical phase is situated there. When aggregated to the size scale of a single atom (∼0.

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The benefits of using kinetic-energy information to aid ion discrimination in atom probe tomography (APT) are explored. Ion peak interferences in time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectra are categorized by difficulty of discrimination using TOF and kinetic-energy information. Several of these categories, which are intractable interferences when only TOF information is available, may be discriminated when kinetic-energy information also is available.

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