Publications by authors named "T Yu Vostrikova"

An Escherichia coli sequence type 31 isolate co-harbouring mcr-1 and bla genes on the plasmids of Incl2 and IncC groups, respectively, was recovered from a newborn with ventilator-associated pneumonia in Moscow, Russia. The convergence of polymyxin and carbapenem resistance and its expansion beyond Southeast Asia is a serious threat to human health.

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is an extremely infectious and malignant pathogen among many bacteria species. The aim of this work is to provide a robust classification model that would be able to identify independent of the culture growth stage and the variations in bacteria concentration in suspension and also one that would be able to identify the pathogen among both taxonomically close species of the same genus and taxonomically distant species of different genera, using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In total, the spectra of 141 isolates of 17 bacteria have been used.

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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of direct identification of pathogens of bacteremia by direct matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-flight mass spectrometry (mALDI-TOF) compared to routine method.

Material And Methods: A prospective study included 211 positive blood cultures obtained from 116 patients (106 adults and 10 children, aged from 2 weeks to 77 years old in the ICU after open heart surgery. Incubation was carried out under aerobic vials with a sorbent for antibiotics Analyzer BacT/ALERT 3D 120 (bioMerieux, France) in parallel with the primary sieving blood cultures on solid nutrient media with subsequent identification of pure cultures using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analyzer Vitek MS, bioMerieux, France routine method), after appropriate sample preparation we carried out a direct (without screening) MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric study of monocomponental blood cultures (n = 201).

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Purpose Of The Study: To define diagnostics ability of procalcitonin (PCT) test for prediction of bacteremia of different etiology in cardio-surgical patients.

Materials And Methods: 10158 pairs of blood examples from cardio-surgical patients in early postoperative period were studied from 2007 to 2012. Results of PCT test were compared with blood cultures.

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The comparative evaluation was carried out concerning the effectiveness of generic identification of hemocultures using the technique of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry by comparison with data of common cultural method. The content of vials with positive hemoculture was analyzed using both the common microbiologic methods and the technique of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with detection of markers of the most widespread agents of nosocomial bacteriemias: microorganisms of genus Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Escherichia, Serratia, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Stenotrophomonas, Candida. The possibility of applying the technique of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for generic express-identification of agents of bacteriemias was established.

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