Publications by authors named "T W Moural"

Broad-spectrum crop protection technologies, such as abamectin and bifenthrin, are globally relied upon to curb the existential threats from economic crop pests such as the generalist herbivore Koch (TSSM). However, the rising cost of discovering and registering new acaricides, particularly for specialty crops, along with the increasing risk of pesticide resistance development, underscores the urgent need to preserve the efficacy of currently registered acaricides. This study examined the overall genetic mechanism underlying adaptation to abamectin and bifenthrin in populations from commercial hop fields in the Pacific Northwestern region of the USA.

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Odorant binding proteins (OBPs) are small water-soluble proteins mainly associated with olfaction, facilitating the transport of odorant molecules to their relevant receptors in the sensillum lymph. While traditionally considered essential for olfaction, recent research has revealed that OBPs are engaged in a diverse range of physiological functions in modulating chemical communication and defense. Over the past 10 years, emerging evidence suggests that OBPs play vital roles in purifying the perireceptor space from unwanted xenobiotics including plant volatiles and pesticides, potentially facilitating xenobiotic adaptation, such as host location, adaptation, and pesticide resistance.

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The European honey bee, Apis mellifera, serves as the principle managed pollinator species globally. In recent decades, honey bee populations have been facing serious health threats from combined biotic and abiotic stressors, including diseases, limited nutrition, and agrochemical exposure. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying xenobiotic adaptation of A.

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Neonicotinoid insecticides are used to manage spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula (White); hereafter SLF), a recently introduced pest in the United States. Neonicotinoids can harm nontargets, such as pollinators potentially exposed via floral resources of treated plants. We quantified neonicotinoid residues in whole flowers of two SLF host plant species, red maple (Acer rubrum L.

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Insects have evolved several intricate defense mechanisms to adapt to their chemical environment. Due to their versatile capabilities in hydrolytic biotransformation, insect carboxyl/cholinesterases (CCEs) play vital roles in the development of pesticide resistance, facilitating the adaptation of insects to their host plants, and manipulating insect behaviors through the olfaction system. CCEs confer insecticide resistance through the mechanisms of qualitative or quantitative changes of CCE-mediated enhanced metabolism or target-site insensitivity, and may contribute to the host plant adaptation.

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