Publications by authors named "T V Chudinova"

Immunohistochemical distribution of calcium-binding proteins, parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin (CB), has been studied in the mesencephalic auditory center (MLd) of pigeon (Columba livia). In the central region of the MLd (core, ICC), an overlap in distribution of the PVand CB-immunopositive (ip) neurons and neuropil has been observed, with different patterns in the central and peripheral parts. In the peripheral region of the MLd (belt, ICS, and ICX), both neurons and neuropil contained only CB.

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Multichannel processing of environmental information constitutes a fundamental basis of functioning of sensory systems in the vertebrate brain. Two distinct parallel visual systems - the tectofugal and thalamofugal exist in all amniotes. The vertebrate central nervous system contains high concentrations of intracellular calcium-binding proteins (CaBPrs) and each of them has a restricted expression pattern in different brain regions and specific neuronal subpopulations.

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Using immunohistochemistry and tracer technique, we studied in the optic tectum of turtles (Emys orbicularis and Testudo horsfieldi) the distribution of CaBPr (parvalbumin, PV, calbindin, CB, calretinin, CR) before and after horseradish peroxidase delivery into nucleus rotundus (Rot). In parallel, activity of cytochrome oxidase (CO) was studied. In the main link of the tectofugal visual pathway (the central gray layer, SGC) in the both chelonian species rare PV-ir, as well CB- and CR-ir neurons were found to vary significantly both in the number and the immunoreactivity degree of their bodies and dendrites.

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Distribution of three calcium-binding proteins (CaBPr) calbindin (CB), calretinin (CR) and parvalbumin (PV) in parallel with metabolic activity (cytochrome oxidase, CO) was studied in telencephalic projection zones of the tecto- and thalamofugal visual pathways in experiments on the Horsfield's terrapin Testudo horsfieldi and the pond turtle Emys orbicularis. It was shown that the nucleus rotundus (Rot) and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (GLd) terminal fields in both zones (dorsolateral region of the anterior ventricular ridge, Advrdl and dorsolateral cortex, Cxdl, respectively) were CB-immunoreactive (-ir) in the both studied turtle species. The highest density of CB-ir terminals and the focus of rotundal projections in the Advrdl core coincided precisely.

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