Publications by authors named "T T Frolova"

Aim: Study the effectiveness of Cytoflavin in the medical rehabilitation of elderly and senile patients after pneumonia associated with a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) at the outpatient stage.

Materials And Methods: A prospective observational randomized study involving 66 patients (45 women and 21 men, average age 66.5±5.

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The European catfish Silurus glanis is attracting growing interest as an object of fisheries and aquaculture, which is reinforced by the expansion of its natural range under climate change. Shaping the effective exploitation strategy for this valuable species requires detailed knowledge of its biology, including feeding and digestion processes, especially near the natural limits of the species range. Meanwhile, the digestion physiology of the European catfish remains poorly explored, including the activity of major digestive enzymes and the possible effect of intestinal parasites on this activity.

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Present worldwide healthcare researches prove that female patients are more sensitive to the population aging. Menopause or climacteria (climax) - is not as ageing itself, but a physiological unstoppable process. The main task for a physician is to improve life quality for female despite of ageing problems.

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Currently, little is known about inhibitory substances enabling tapeworms to settle in fish intestines thereby avoiding proteolysis. Contrary to previous studies with certain host-parasite pairs, this research compares the inhibitory capacities in three tapeworm species of the same genus Proteocephalus from four different fishes (P. torulosus from dace and zope, P.

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Phytophthora infestans Mont. de Bary is the main oomycete pathogen of cultivated crops in the family Solanaceae, especially potato (Solanum tuberosum). Because potato is the fourth most cultivated crop worldwide, its annual losses from late blight are tremendous.

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