SAGE Open Med Case Rep
September 2024
Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova
January 2007
Amplitudes and peak latencies as functions of wave length and monochromatic light intensity were investigated for b-wave ERG and tectal evoked potentials (EP) in the dark-adapted carp (Cyprinus carpio L). It was found, that independently of light intensity b-wave action spectra had one maximum in the medium wave band, corresponding to rod sensitivity area. For tectal EP, similar action spectra with maximum in the middle-wave were seen at low light intensity only.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe authors analyze experimental data on in vitro effects induced by chemicals that were used throughout MEIC toxicologic studies in ovalbumin and acetylcholinesterase of human RBC. Influence on proteins is compared to acute toxicity caused by the chemicals in humans and various cell lines. The conclusion is that the method is prospective for screening of acute chemical toxicity signs in humans.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova
February 2006
Saccadic latency and averaged EEG-potentials connected with switching on of the set and cue visual stimuli were examined in 12 right-handed healthy subjects in M. Posner's "cost-benefit" experimental paradigm. It was shown that attention was reflected in parameters of positive potential P100 evoked by switching on of set and cue stimuli and P300 and slow positive wave PMP1 evoked by switching on of the set stimulus in the relevant conditions.
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