Publications by authors named "T Mitterling"

Article Synopsis
  • The study aims to assess various sleep disorders and related motor phenomena in adults with glioma, examining their relationship with tumor location and grade.
  • It involved 79 glioma patients undergoing structured interviews to evaluate their sleep habits, disorders, and chronotype, revealing that those with frontal tumors experienced poorer sleep quality.
  • The findings indicate a significant prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness and a need for thorough evaluation of sleep symptoms in glioma patients, linked to factors like tumor relapse, depressive symptoms, and fatigue.
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Background: In current clinical practice, sleep is manually scored in discrete stages of 30-s duration. We hypothesize that modelling sleep automatically as continuous and dynamic process predicts healthy ageing better than traditional scoring.

Methods: Sleep electroencephalography of 15 young healthy subjects (aged ≤40 years) was used to train the modelling method.

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Background And Purpose: Functional connectivity studies revealed alterations within thalamic, salience, and default mode networks in restless legs syndrome patients.

Methods: Eighty-two patients with restless legs syndrome (untreated, n = 30; on dopaminergic medication, n = 42; on alpha-2-delta ligands as mono- or polytherapy combined with dopaminergic medication, n = 10), and 82 individually age- and gender-matched healthy controls were studied with resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Connectivity of 12 resting-state networks was investigated with independent component analysis, and network topology was studied with graph methods among 410 brain regions.

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Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects on subjective and objective sleepiness of a stay above a large struck singing bowl compared to a relaxation period in a silent singing bowl.

Methods: Fifty-eight healthy subjects were recruited for the study, 48 participated on two days, one week apart, during the same timeslot. The Karolinska sleepiness scale was used to evaluate current subjective sleepiness, and the relative pupillary unrest index to assess objective sleepiness.

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Study Objectives: Integrated information on brain microstructural integrity and iron storage and its impact on the morphometric profile is not available in restless legs syndrome (RLS). We applied multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including diffusion tensor imaging, the transverse relaxation rate (R2*), a marker for iron storage, as well as gray and white matter volume measures to characterize RLS-related MRI signal distribution patterns and to analyze their associations with clinical parameters.

Methods: Eighty-seven patients with RLS (mean age 51, range 20-72 years; disease duration, mean 13 years, range 1-46 years, of those untreated n = 30) and 87 healthy control subjects, individually matched for age and gender, were investigated with multimodal 3T MRI.

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