Publications by authors named "T LUTHARDT"

The age-specific and seasonal distribution of serologically confirmed hepatitis A-cases in the area of Tübingen in southern Germany is reported. During 1978-1980 most of the hepatitis A-cases diagnosed by high anti-HAV-IgM titers occurred from September to December. The age distribution of patients with German names showed two age-related peaks, the first one in young children 5-10 years of age and a second one in young adults between 20-30 years.

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Seven patients received a total of 23 infusions of a polyvalent largely monomeric and intravenously applicable immunoglobulin preparation (Sandoglobulin). Among them are two with congenital antibody deficiency syndrome. One of them, who has agammaglobulinaemia type Bruton, is still receiving 9 g Sandoglobulin every three months.

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In a total of 406 sera an age-dependent pattern of complement fixing antibodies against Rotavirus (Nebraska calf diarrhea virus) was found: 85% of the adults had antibodies, infants in the second half-year of life had the lowest percentage (42%). Thereupon a Rotavirus survey was carried out in a newborn ward by means of electron microscopy, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and complement fixation test during three weeks in January/February 1978. A chronically high infection rate was discovered.

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