Electroadhesive (EA) clutches are promising for advanced motion and force control in robotics, haptics, and rehabilitation, owing to their compactness and light weight. However, their practical use is limited by the inability to deliver high forces at low voltages, primarily due to a lack of understanding of their mechanics. We introduce a novel deformable body fracture mechanics approach and high-resolution strain field imaging to reveal that nonuniform stress distributions cause EA clutches to fail through delamination and crack propagation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The purpose of the Accelerating Colorectal Cancer Screening and Follow-up through Implementation Science (ACCSIS) Program, a Cancer Moonshot℠ Initiative, is to support research to build the evidence base on multilevel interventions that increase rates of colorectal cancer screening, follow-up, and referral to care to address disparities in colorectal cancer screening. The National Cancer Institute funded eight Research Projects to implement multilevel interventions to improve colorectal cancer screening among communities who traditionally have been medically underserved. To analyze the impact of ACCSIS across Research Projects, the consortium developed a set of common data elements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: The HEALing Communities Study (HCS) evaluated the effectiveness of the Communities That HEAL (CTH) intervention in preventing fatal overdoses amidst the US opioid epidemic.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of the CTH intervention on total drug overdose deaths and overdose deaths involving combinations of opioids with psychostimulants or benzodiazepines.
Design, Setting, And Participants: This randomized clinical trial was a parallel-arm, multisite, community-randomized, open, and waitlisted controlled comparison trial of communities in 4 US states between 2020 and 2023.
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
September 2024
Objective: To examine whether changes in survival without moderate or severe neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI) at 18-26 months' corrected age from 1999 to 2018 differed between male and female infants.
Design: This retrospective cohort study used data from the NICHD Neonatal Research Network hospitals. Robust Poisson regression models were used to estimate adjusted relative risks (aRRs) and 95% CIs for survival without moderate or severe NDI between males and females.
Background: Scaling up overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) and medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) is needed to reduce opioid overdose deaths, but barriers are pervasive. This study examines whether the Communities That HEAL (CTH) intervention reduced perceived barriers to expanding OEND and MOUD in healthcare/behavioral health, criminal-legal, and other/non-traditional venues.
Methods: The HEALing (Helping End Addiction Long-Term®) Communities Study is a parallel, wait-list, cluster randomized trial testing the CTH intervention in 67 communities in the United States.
Importance: Observational studies often report that anemia and red blood cell (RBC) transfusions are associated with a higher risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) among extremely low-birthweight (ELBW) infants.
Objective: To evaluate whether there is a temporal association between 72-hour hazard periods of exposure to RBC transfusions and NEC among ELBW infants randomized to either higher or lower hemoglobin transfusion thresholds.
Design, Setting, And Participants: This post hoc secondary analysis of 1690 ELBW infants who survived to postnatal day 10 enrolled in the Transfusion of Prematures (TOP) randomized multicenter trial between December 1, 2012, and April 12, 2017, was performed between June 2021 and July 2023.
Lancet Reg Health Am
April 2024
Background: Community stigma against people with opioid use disorder (OUD) and intervention stigma (e.g., toward naloxone) exacerbate the opioid overdose crisis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To compare the rates of death or survival with severe neurodevelopmental impairment (sNDI) at 2 years among extremely preterm infants in relation to pre-pregnancy or first-trimester maternal body mass index (BMI).
Methods: This retrospective cohort study included extremely preterm infants (gestational age 22-26 weeks). The study was conducted at National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network sites.
Functional trait ecology has the potential to provide generalizable and mechanistic predictions of ecosystem function from data of species distributions and traits. The traits that are selected should both respond to environmental factors and influence ecosystem functioning. Invertebrate mouthpart traits fulfill these criteria, but are seldom collected, lack standardized measurement protocols, and have infrequently been investigated in response to environmental factors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Newborns with hypoxemia often require life-saving respiratory support. In low-resource settings, it is unknown if respiratory support is delivered more frequently to term infants or preterm infants. We hypothesized that in a registry-based birth cohort in 105 geographic areas in seven low- and middle-income countries, more term newborns received respiratory support than preterm newborns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Our objective was to analyze a prospective population-based registry including five sites in four low- and middle-income countries to observe characteristics associated with vaginal birth after cesarean versus repeat cesarean birth, as well as maternal and newborn outcomes associated with the mode of birth among women with a history of prior cesarean.
Hypothesis: Maternal and perinatal outcomes among vaginal birth after cesarean section will be similar to those among recurrent cesarean birth.
Methods: A prospective population-based study, including home and facility births among women enrolled from 2017 to 2020, was performed in communities in Guatemala, India (Belagavi and Nagpur), Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
Background: Community stigma toward people with opioid use disorder (OUD) can impede access to harm reduction services and treatment with medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). Such community OUD stigma is partially rooted in community-level social and economic conditions, yet there remains a paucity of large-scale quantitative data examining community-level factors associated with OUD stigma. We examined whether rurality, social inequity, and racialized segregation across communities from four states in the HEALing Communities Study (HCS) were associated with 1) greater perceived community stigma toward people treated for OUD, 2) greater perceived intervention stigma toward MOUD, and 3) greater perceived intervention stigma toward naloxone by community stakeholders in the HCS.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: Preterm infants with varying degrees of anemia have different tissue oxygen saturation responses to red blood cell (RBC) transfusion, and low cerebral saturation may be associated with adverse outcomes.
Objective: To determine whether RBC transfusion in preterm infants is associated with increases in cerebral and mesenteric tissue saturation (Csat and Msat, respectively) or decreases in cerebral and mesenteric fractional tissue oxygen extraction (cFTOE and mFTOE, respectively) and whether associations vary based on degree of anemia, and to investigate the association of Csat with death or neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI) at 22 to 26 months corrected age.
Design, Setting, And Participants: This was a prospective observational secondary study conducted among a subset of infants between August 2015 and April 2017 in the Transfusion of Prematures (TOP) multicenter randomized clinical trial at 16 neonatal intensive care units of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network.
Objectives: To compare serum ferritin and RET-He values among extremely low gestational age neonates ELGANs with other markers of iron-deficient erythropoiesis.
Study Design: This is a secondary analysis of the NICHD Darbepoetin Trial. Study data from placebo recipients who had a serum ferritin, a RET-He, and a mean corpuscular volume (MCV) measurement within a 24-hour period were analyzed for correlation.
IEEE Trans Haptics
December 2023
We present PixeLite, a novel haptic device that produces distributed lateral forces on the fingerpad. PixeLite is 0.15 mm thick, weighs 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: The Helping End Addictions Long Term (HEALing) Communities Study (HCS) seeks to significantly reduce overdose deaths in 67 highly impacted communities in Kentucky (KY), Massachusetts (MA), New York (NY), and Ohio (OH) by implementing evidence-based practices (EBPs) to reduce overdose deaths. The Opioid-overdose Reduction Continuum of Care Approach (ORCCA) organizes EBP strategies under three menus: Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution (OEND), Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD), and Safer Prescribing and Dispensing Practices (SPDP). The ORCCA sets requirements for strategy selection but allows flexibility to address community needs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants are at risk for end-organ hypoxia and ischemia. Regional tissue oxygenation of the brain and gut as monitored with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) may change with postnatal age, but normal ranges are not well defined.
Methods: A prospective study of ELBW preterm infants utilized NIRS monitoring to assess changes in cerebral and mesenteric saturation (Csat and Msat) over the first week after birth.
Importance: Compared with normothermia, hypothermia has been shown to reduce death or disability in neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy but data on seizures during rewarming and associated outcomes are scarce.
Objective: To determine whether electrographic seizures are more likely to occur during rewarming compared with the preceding period and whether they are associated with abnormal outcomes in asphyxiated neonates receiving hypothermia therapy.
Design, Setting, And Participants: This prespecified nested cohort study of infants enrolled in the Optimizing Cooling (OC) multicenter Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Neonatal Research Network trial from December 2011 to December 2013 with 2 years' follow-up randomized infants to either 72 hours of cooling (group A) or 120 hours (group B).
Background: Limited data suggest that higher hemoglobin thresholds for red-cell transfusions may reduce the risk of cognitive delay among extremely-low-birth-weight infants with anemia.
Methods: We performed an open, multicenter trial in which infants with a birth weight of 1000 g or less and a gestational age between 22 weeks 0 days and 28 weeks 6 days were randomly assigned within 48 hours after delivery to receive red-cell transfusions at higher or lower hemoglobin thresholds until 36 weeks of postmenstrual age or discharge, whichever occurred first. The primary outcome was a composite of death or neurodevelopmental impairment (cognitive delay, cerebral palsy, or hearing or vision loss) at 22 to 26 months of age, corrected for prematurity.
Objective: The objective of this paper is to compare in-hospital survival and survival without major morbidities in extremely preterm infants in relation to maternal body mass index (BMI).
Methods: This retrospective cohort study included extremely preterm infants (gestational age 22-28 weeks). This study was conducted at National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network sites.
Objective: To test the primary hypothesis that extremely preterm children antenatally exposed to both magnesium sulfate and antenatal corticosteroids have a lower rate of severe neurodevelopmental impairment or death compared with those exposed to antenatal corticosteroids alone.
Methods: This was a prospective observational study of children born at 22 0/7-26 6/7 weeks of gestation from 2011 to 2014 at Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network hospitals (N=3,093). The primary outcome was severe neurodevelopmental impairment or death at 18-26 months of corrected age follow-up based on exposure to antenatal corticosteroids and magnesium sulfate or antenatal corticosteroids alone.
Background: Blood donors represent a healthy population, whose red blood cell (RBC) alloantibody persistence or evanescence kinetics may differ from those of immunocompromised patients. A better understanding of the biologic factors impacting antibody persistence is warranted, as the presence of alloantibodies may impact donor health and the fate of the donated blood product.
Methods: Donor/donation data collected from four US blood centers from 2012 to 2016 as part of the Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-III (REDS-III) were analyzed.
Objective: To determine the associations between age at first postnatal corticosteroids (PNS) exposure and risk for severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI).
Study Design: Cohort study of 951 infants born <27 weeks gestational age at NICHD Neonatal Research Network sites who received PNS between 8 days of life (DOL) and 36 weeks' postmenstrual age was used to produce adjusted odds ratios (aOR).
Results: Compared with infants in the reference group (22-28 DOL-lowest rate), aOR for severe BPD was similar for children given PNS between DOL 8 and 49 but higher among infants treated at DOL 50-63 (aOR 1.
Background: Using the Recipient and Donor Epidemiology Study-III (REDS-III) recipient and donor databases, we performed a retrospective analysis of platelet use in 12 US hospitals that were participants in REDS-III.
Study Design And Methods: Data were electronically extracted from participating transfusion service and blood center computer systems and from medical records of the 12 REDS-III hospitals. All platelet transfusions from 2013 to 2016 given to patients aged 18 years and older were included in the analysis.