Publications by authors named "Syed M Tahir"

Sika deer velvet antler is the most important animal nutraceutic in traditional Chinese medicine. Reducing the breeding cost of sika deer by looking for a low-cost diet is the main research direction at present. The purpose of this experiment was to find an alternative diet for sika deer and reduce the cost of the diet by using spent mushroom substrate (SMS) as a concentrate supplement.

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At present, spent mushroom substrate (SMS) is a waste resource that is producing a pollution problem in China, and which has some use as animal feed or fertilizer, has not been assessed as a feed for deer. The purpose of this study is to expand the feed of male sika deer and reduce the feeding cost by using the waste resource of SMS. The 10% concentrated supplement was replaced with SMS and the feed intake, apparent digestibility, blood index and velvet production of male sika deer were measured.

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Objective: To observe the level of bone mineral density by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Methods: The observational study was conducted at Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Jamshoro, Pakistan, from January 2011 to December 2014. Bone mineral density was measured from the femoral neck, ward's triangle and lumbar spine, in patients 25-55 years of age, who were diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

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Objective: To compare the outcome of the open proximal and distal fractures of tibia treated by Nasser Awais External Fixtator with T-clamp.

Methods: The descriptive case series was conducted from August 2009 to July 2012 at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro, and comprised in-patients of open proximal and distal fractures of tibia who were divided into two equal groups: group A had distal and group B had proximal patients. All patients had extra-articular open fractures Gustilo I, II, IIIA and IIIB of proximal and distal end of tibia between 15 and 60 years of age who had arrived within 8 hours of the injury.

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Background: Aerial firing is shooting, using fire arm, into the air usually during a celebration.

Objectives: This observational study aimed to quantify magnitude and impact of stray bullet injuries by aerial firing at surgical emergencies of the Liaquat University Hospital (a university hospital), Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan from January 2009 to December 2010 (2 years).

Patients And Methods: During the study period, 144 firearm injuries due to stray bullet reported to the A and E departments of the university hospital.

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Objective: To evaluate the association of bone mass density with chronic backache.

Methods: The case-control observational study was conducted at Bone Mass Density Assessment Unit, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro from January 2011 to December 2013. Adult patients of either gender having chronic backache were studied alongside subjects without backache who served as the control group.

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Background: During the last few decades management of burns has undergone positive revolutionary change. Today, over 50% of all patients with burns involving 80% of their total body-surface area can survive. Although the objective assessment by attending physician can well define a patient's degree of health, the patient's subjective perceptions and expectations that can influence burn survivors experience of their life is much more important.

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Background: Cholecystectomy through laparotomy with or without intra-peritoneal drain has been the standard operation for the gall bladder disease for the last 100 years. It implies removal of gall bladder and is performed mainly for symptomatic gall stones. The Objectives was to analyse the outcome of open cholecystectomy without drain in term of complications.

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Background: Audit is a means of quality control for medical practice by which the profession should regulate its activities with intention of improving overall patient care. Objective of this study was to report 1 year basic clinical audit of a general surgical ward and comparison of results with available data.

Methods: All patients admitted and managed in Department of Surgery Unit-II, Liaquat University Hospital, Jamshoro/Hyderabad from January to December 2007 were included in the study for basic clinical audit.

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Background: Many studies have demonstrated that honey has antibacterial activity in vitro, and a small number of clinical case studies have shown that application of honey to severely infected cutaneous wounds is capable of clearing infection from the wound and improving tissue healing. Research has also indicated that honey may possess anti-inflammatory activity and stimulate immune responses within a wound. The overall effect is to reduce infection and to enhance wound healing in burns, ulcers, and other cutaneous wounds.

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The temporal patterns of outcomes and therapy in patients aged > or =65 years with acute myocardial infarctions (AMIs) from a national database were examined to better understand this increasingly important demographic group. The National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS), a nationally representative sample of acute care hospitals in the United States, was used for analysis. Using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification codes, hospitalizations with first-listed diagnoses of AMI from 1985 to 2002 were identified.

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Introduction: Catheter stability is a key prerequisite for a successful EP procedure. Remote magnetic navigation system (RMNS) was recently introduced for the manipulation of EP catheters. It may provide an improved catheter stability but this has not been tested prospectively.

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CD1d-reactive natural killer T (NKT) cells can rapidly produce T helper type 1 (Th1) and/or Th2 cytokines, can activate antigen-presenting cell (APC) interleukin-12 (IL-12) production, and are implicated in the regulation of adaptive immune responses. The role of the CD1d system was assessed during infection with encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV-D), a picornavirus that causes acute diabetes, paralysis and myocarditis. EMCV-D resistance depends on IL-12-mediated interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production.

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