Background: Little is known about real-time in-vivo microscopy of pulmonary capillary perfusion because current microscopy requires direct access to lung tissue with surgical intervention such as the thoracic-window technique and open-lung model.
Objectives: To evaluate if probe-based confocal laser scanning endomicroscopy (pCLE) via the trachea allows for real-time in-vivo visualisation of pulmonary capillary density and red blood cell (RBC) velocity in pigs.
Design: An interventional animal study.
Background: Angina pectoris early after aortic valve replacement surgery in patients with previously normal coronary arteries may be life threatening and has to be assessed immediately.
Case Report: 12 weeks after aortic valve replacement surgery, a 60-year-old female patient was referred for evaluation of recent onset of severe chest pain on mild exertion and at rest. Coronary angiography showed severe stenosis involving the left coronary ostium and the left main stem.