Publications by authors named "Swadi H"

Extensive production and utilization of plastics have resulted in the subsequent accumulation of microplastics (MPs) in the environment, which has become a serious threat to human health globally. Therefore, in this study, 112 drinks and food products were purchased from local markets in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and the abundance of MPs was investigated. The dominant size of MPs was 101-250 μm for tuna fish, noodles, bottled water, and disposable containers, 251-500 μm for honey, tea bags, and sugar, and 501-1000 μm for salt, juice, and soft drink samples.

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Water scarcity and droughts are among the most challenging issues worldwide, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions like Saudi Arabia. Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), a major crop in Saudi Arabia, is being significantly affected by water scarcity, soil salinity, and desertification.

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In this study, biochar (BC) and hydrochar (HC) composites were synthesized with natural kaolinite clay and their properties, stability, carbon (C) sequestration potential, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) toxicity, and impacts on maize germination and growth were explored. Conocarpus waste was pretreated with 0%, 10%, and 20% kaolinite and pyrolyzed to produce BCs (BC, BCK10, and BCK20, respectively), while hydrothermalized to produce HCs (HC, HCK10, and HCK20, respectively). The synthesized materials were characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope analyses, Fourier transform infrared, thermogravimetric analysis, surface area, proximate analyses, and chemical analysis to investigate the distinction in physiochemical and structural characteristics.

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Microplastics (MPs) are emerging environmental pollutants worldwide, posing potential health risks. Moreover, MPs may act as vectors for other contaminants and affect their fate, transport, and deposition in the environment. Therefore, efficient and economical techniques are needed for the removal of contemporary MPs and contaminants from the environment.

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Extensive production and utilization of plastic products have resulted in the generation of microplastics (MPs), subsequently polluting the environment. The efficiency of biochars (BCs) derived from jujube (Ziziphus jujube L.) biomass (300 °C and 700 °C) for nylon (NYL) and polyethylene (PE) removal from contaminated water was explored in fixed-bed column trials.

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Mining activities provide a pathway for the entry and accumulation of various heavy metals in soil, which ultimately leads to severe environmental pollution. Utilization of various immobilizing agents could restore such contaminated soils. Therefore, in this study, date palm-derived biochars (BCs: produced at 300 °C, 500 °C and 700 °C) and magnetized biochars (MBCs) were employed to stabilize heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn) in mining polluted soil.

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Sources and levels of heavy metals (HMs) in soil and dust of urban and suburban areas in Riyadh (industrial city) and Mahad AD'Dahab (mining area) cities in Saudi Arabia were reported in this study. Additionally, the concentrations of HMs in different soil particle size fractions (> 250, 63-250 and < 63 µm) were reported. Pollution extent, and ecological and human health risks associated with collected soil and dust samples were explored.

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Elevated levels of doxycycline (DC) have been detected in the environment due to its extensive utilization as a veterinary antibiotic. Sorption-desorption behavior of DC in soil affects its transport, transformation, and availability in the environment. Thus, sorption-desorption behavior of DC was explored in three soils (S1, S2, and S3) after manure application with and without mesquite wood-waste-derived biochar (BC) pyrolyzed at 600 °C.

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Objective: To determine the rate, indications and process for using seclusion for patients undergoing treatment at an older adolescent inpatient unit.

Method: Data were gathered prospectively and retrospectively as part of a quality assurance initiative at the Christchurch Youth Inpatient Unit (YIU); paper, electronic and legal documentation were examined.

Results: During the time period of the investigation, approximately 13% of individuals admitted to the unit were secluded.

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Objective: To asses the frequency of ectopic pregnancy and to evaluate the relevance of the risk factors in a Medical Center, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

Methods: This retrospective study was done in Royal Commission Medical Centre, Yanbu Industrial City, KSA over a period of four years, where the medical records of patients with the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy were reviewed. Data was collected on initial presentation, chief medical complaints, sociodemographic characteristics, past obstetrics and gynaecological history, history of previous surgeries (tubal, ovarian and/or uterine), history of infertility and use of ovulation induction and history of contraception was obtained.

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The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of quetiapine in the treatment of first onset psychosis in older adolescents using risperidone as a comparator. Twenty-two patients with first onset psychosis were randomized to receive quetiapine (up to 800 mg/day) or risperidone (up to 6 mg/day) for 6 weeks. Raters blind to treatment assignment performed outcome symptom ratings.

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Little is known about which nursing interventions used in adolescent psychiatric inpatient treatment demonstrate improvements in outcome in the 'real world' setting, despite an increase in external outcomes reporting requirements.This paper examines nursing and other multidisciplinary interventions commonly used at the Youth Inpatient Unit, Christchurch, New Zealand, in relation to improvements in outcomes as measured by the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents, utilizing data gathered prospectively as part of an ongoing quality assurance and outcomes project. We found the majority of interventions investigated were utilized equally across diagnostic groups, although stress management and problem-solving education was used more for patients with mixed affective disorders.

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Objectives: The aim of this paper was to determine if patients undergoing treatment at an older adolescent inpatient unit receive psychoeducation according to the unit philosophy of providing timely and pertinent information regarding illness/diagnosis, medication, diet, outpatient follow-up, and alcohol/ drug use.

Methods: Data were gathered prospectively as part of a quality assurance initiative at the Christchurch Youth Inpatient Unit. Patients were interviewed by a registered nurse using a structured audit tool.

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Background: The aim of this report was to study the prevalence of headache and migraine among schoolchildren in the United Arab Emirates, and to determine the relationship between headache and various factors, with special emphasis on migraine, and the impact of headache on school attendance.

Materials And Methods: A cross-section population study was performed over a period between October 1995 and June 1996. Subjects were selected by multistage stratified sampling procedure.

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Objective: To determine the level of compliance with official guidelines for prescribing mood stabilizers among adolescents in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Methods: A retrospective audit of clinical files of patients aged 13-19 years attending inpatient and outpatient services in the Child, Adolescent and Family Service in the Canterbury District catchment area was carried out against set criteria derived from the Ministry of Health Guidelines regarding the use of mood stabilizers (lithium and sodium valproate). A guideline compliance index was also created to measure overall compliance.

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Objective: To determine the length of stay in hospital for youth with acute psychiatric illness, and the treatment outcome.

Methods: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edn; DSM-IV) psychiatric diagnosis, clinical outcome and the length of stay were systematically gathered for admissions over an 18 month period at the Christchurch Youth Inpatient Unit (YIU). Clinical outcome data were collected at admission, 3 weeks after admission and at discharge, using the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA).

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Objective: Substance abuse/dependence has been reported to show significant association with psychopathology, and is likely to influence the course and outcome of psychiatric illness. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of substance use disorders (other than alcohol) comorbidity among inpatient adolescents with severe Axis 1 psychiatric disorder.

Method: A retrospective analysis of systematically collected data was carried out.

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The prevalence of behavioural and emotional problems was evaluated among 620 United Arab Emirates nationals aged 6-18 years using the Rutter Parent Questionnaire. Of these children, 11.8% scores above the cut-off point indicating behavioural disturbance.

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Background: The popularization of problem-based learning (PBL) has drawn attention to the motivational and cognitive skills necessary for medical students in group learning. This study identifies the effect of motivational and cognitive factors on group productivity of PBL tutorial groups.

Description: A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 115 students at the end of PBL tutorials for 4 themes.

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To determine the extent of psychiatric morbidity among Arab schoolchildren with asthma in the United Arab Emirates, we surveyed a stratified community sample of schoolchildren (6-13 years) using the Rutter questionnaire (teachers' and parents' versions). Comparisons were made between children with asthma and controls matched for age, sex, and school. About 16 per cent of children with asthma were simultaneously reported by parents and teachers to show significant psychopathology.

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A cross-sectional study of the prevalence of psychiatric problems among 26 children each with a learning disability (mental retardation) and specific speech disorder was conducted in an Arab population using the Rutter Behavioural Scale, and compared with a community sample of 100 control children matched for age. The prevalence of psychiatric problems, as identified by both the parents and the teachers was 35, 19 and 4 per cent respectively, in the learning disabled, speech impaired and control groups. Children with global disability or mental retardation showed significantly higher rates of psychiatric morbidity than those with specific speech disorder, both of which were significantly higher than that in the control group.

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The aim of this study was to translate a fatigue questionnaire, which had been developed in England for use in epidemiological studies and in community settings, into Arabic. It was intended that the translated questionnaire could be used in any setting where Arabic is the first language of the patient. The process of translating the questionnaire and the revalidation method are described.

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Identification of risk factors that influence initiation and escalation of drug use in the adolescent population is the approach which has gained currency. The wide array of risk factors involved can be condensed into three main domains: constitutional predisposition, environmental factors (family and peers) and life events. This has been complemented by a surging interest in protective factors.

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