This research aimed to analyze whether ewes' total reproductive performance up to the fourth year of life (RP4) can be predicted based on the data available at an early stage of a ewe's productive life. The RP4 of 133 Romanov ewes was measured in terms of the total number of lambs born per ewe (TNLE) and total birth weight of lambs per ewe (TBLE). Multiple regression was used to analyze whether early reproductive performance indicators (first litter size - FLS, age at first lambing - AFL, first lambing interval - FLI), ewe birth rank, dam age, and dam birth rank can be used as the predictors of RP4.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExotic pet medicine is rapidly evolving, with reptiles becoming increasingly popular pet animals. Yet, there are only a few literature reports on veterinary perception of reptiles kept as pets. The aim of the study was to assess opinions and knowledge of the Croatian veterinarians-to-be about pet reptiles and their welfare.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to compare fungal contamination of poultry litter between warm and cold seasons. It was carried out in commercial production conditions over two five-week fattening periods: one in the summer (July-August) and one in the winter (December-January). Broilers were reared on a litter composed of chopped straw and sawdust.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the present study was to investigate whether and to what extent the RNF4-SacII gene polymorphism influences reproduction performances in hyperprolific sow lines. The study involved 101 Landrace x Large White crossbred sows, with 461 records collected on the following reproductive traits: Total Number of piglets Born per litter (TNB), Number of piglets Born Alive per litter (NBA), Number of StillBorn piglets per litter (NSB), piglet Pre-Weaning Mortality (PWM) and Number of piglets at Weaning per litter (NW). The least square method with the GLM procedure in SAS with eight effects was used to pursue the data analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of dietary vibroactivated clinoptilolite supplementation on the intramammary microbiological findings in dairy cows, causative agents of potential intramammary infection, and their sensitivity to antibiotics. Cows ( = 78) were randomly divided into two groups: CPL-treated group that received clinoptilolite (CPL) in-feed ( = 38), i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBerl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr
April 2015
The aim of the study was to assess the effect of rubber mats in service unit on displaying stereotypies in gilts. Four 28-day production cycles in all seasons were observed. Each cycle included 28 gilts housed in gestation stalls with slatted concrete floor, which was covered with adjusted mats for 14 gilts (experimental group), while the remaining 14 gilts served as controls.
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