Publications by authors named "Susanne Michl"

Rationale: To meet concerns about ethical and unethical behavior in their work environments and workplaces, organizations began establishing ethics programs that contain ethics committees (ECs). There is now a tradition and diverse use of ECs for ethical decision-making in many different organizational settings. In addition, ECs have been subject to many publications in books and articles in the scientific literature.

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The undergraduate degree program in medical data science aims to train future data scientists with a medical lens to tackle healthcare challenges using a data-driven approach. The program is a collaborative effort within the Berlin University Alliance, addressing the lack of healthcare-focused data science education in Berlin and Germany. The curriculum covers mathematics, informatics, medical informatics, and medicine, featuring diverse didactic formats.

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The aim was to develop evidence-based recommendations where possible. The guideline presents the medical principles and scientific evidence for indications, the counselling of affected women, performing terminations, the choice of method, and the care and monitoring of a terminated pregnancy up until week 12 + 0 of gestation p. c.

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The aim was to develop evidence-based recommendations where possible. The guideline presents the medical principles and scientific evidence for indications, counselling of affected persons, performing terminations, the choice of method, and the care and monitoring of a terminated pregnancy up until week 12 + 0 of gestation p. c.

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Ethics teaching in medicine, nursing and other health care professions does not only consist of knowledge transfer that can be easily implemented digitally. Rather, it focuses on specific ethical competences (such as arguing and articulating one's own moral position) and attitudes (such as empathic patient orientation, critical self-reflection, and ambiguity tolerance), for whose development interactive formats are superior. Competence-oriented ethical learning goals are important for the development of professionalism, but require time, space and personal exchange.

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Slippery slope-, taboo-breaking- or Nazi-analogy-arguments are common, but not uncontroversial examples of the complex relationship between bioethics and the various ways of using historical arguments in these debates. In our analysis we examine first the relationship between bioethics and medical history both as separate disciplines and as argumentative practices. Secondly, we then analyse six common types of historical arguments in bioethics (slippery slope-, analogy-, continuity-, knockout/taboo-, ethical progress- and accomplice-arguments), some as arguments within the academic debate of bioethics, others as arguments within political and public debates over bioethical issues.

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This article compares the gender and health politics of the German and the French medical professions, which incorporated military command structures into their civilian self-conception. Mobilized doctors committed themselves to the new circumstances and opportunities offered by the war. They applied the established military spatial 'map' which distinguished between the male-dominated front and the female-dominated home front and turned it into an epidemiological map, identifying danger zones which arose from points of contact between men and women.

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Members of the scientific and medical communities concerned with genetic testing might wonder, why cultural and ethical analyses of genetic testing are increasing again, especially since legal frameworks have, by now, come to provide more solid grounds for the routine application of genetic testing on both levels of application, diagnostics, and prediction. This contribution aims to shed light on the changing concept of genetic testing as it is raised by novel cultural practices and perceptions mainly triggered by direct-to-consumer predictive testing, including the phenomenon of a new genetic exceptionalism "from below". We are seeking to determine what is at stake in this practice and what consequences arise from it for the medical and scientific community.

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