Objective: To compare and contrast the perceived care needs of children with life-limiting conditions (CLLC) from the perspectives of the children, parents and healthcare providers.
Design: A qualitative case study method using semistructured interviews was employed with a within-case and across-case analysis. Themes and subthemes emerging from the cases were compared and contrasted in the across-case analysis to explore the similarities and variations in participant perceptions.
Introduction: Attendance at emergency departments and unplanned hospital readmissions are common for frail older patients after discharge from hospitals. A virtual ward service was piloted to deliver "hospital-at-home" services by community nurses and geriatricians to frail older patients immediately after their discharge from hospital to reduce emergency services utilization.
Objectives: This study examined the impacts of the virtual ward service on changes in the patients' emergency attendance and medical readmissions, and their quality of life (QOL).