Publications by authors named "Susan Way"

Problem: Knowing how to help staff thrive and remain in practice in maternity services.

Background: A chronic shortage of staff in maternity services in the United Kingdom and high levels of stress and burnout in midwifery and medical staff.

Purpose: To understand how to support and enhance the wellbeing of staff in a small UK maternity service.

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Background: Women without complications have lower obstetric intervention if they remain at home in early labour but many women report dissatisfaction in doing this. Using self-efficacy theory as an underpinning framework, a web-based intervention was co-created with women who had previously used maternity services. The intervention provides early labour advice, alongside the videoed, real experiences of women.

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Introduction: Urinary incontinence (UI) in women is a global public health issue. However, there is a limited understanding of the experience of women from underrepresented groups suffering from UI. The purpose of this systematic review was to examine current evidence regarding the experience of women with UI from these groups.

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Objective: The Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASI) Care Bundle is designed to reduce the incidence of obstetric anal sphincter injuries. However, introducing behavioural change requires an understanding of current practice. This study aims to establish midwives practise at the time of birth, and the factors that influence this.

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Introduction: There are many mobile telephone apps to help women self-monitor aspects of pregnancy and maternal health. This literature review aims to understand midwives' perspectives on women self-monitoring their pregnancy using eHealth and mHealth, and establish gaps in research.

Methods: MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL and PsycINFO were systematically searched on midwifery, eHealth/mHealth and perspectives.

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Newborn Infant Physical Examination is recommended between six to 72 h from birth and the midwife is ideally placed to undertake this screening examination. In the United Kingdom only a small percentage of midwives are competent to undertake this screening, and is usually taught once qualified. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences of student midwives in relation to the impact and effectiveness of introducing the theory of Newborn Infant Physical Examination into an undergraduate midwifery curriculum and the opportunity to apply the skills in practice.

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Interprofessional education is a key requirement identified in various professional and regulatory body education standards in the UK. However, recent high-profile investigatory reports into adverse incidents in NHS organisations have demonstrated failures of translating interprofessional education into practice. This paper explores how a university in the south of England uses service improvement projects to address this.

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This paper presents the final phase of a national project exploring grading of practice in programmes leading to registration as a midwife in the United Kingdom. The aim was to develop a generic framework for grading practice, enhancing standardisation while enabling flexibility in application of current and new educational standards. A mixed method on-line survey considered existing practice assessment tools, factors contributing to robust and reliable assessment and perceptions of two assessment tools developed by the research team: a 'Lexicon Framework' and 'Rubric', which were tested through scenarios.

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Aim: To reduce variations in grading of midwifery practice and enhance reliability of assessment.

Background: The first phase of a national project showed there to be widely ranging interpretation and application of professional educational standards in relation to grading of practice in midwifery. This raised concerns about reliability and equity of professional assessment.

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Since the publication of the Francis Report (2013), providing care that is kind and compassionate is high on the agenda of all NHS services, including maternity. This article introduces the humanising values framework that explores aspects of what it is to be human and offers practical examples of how it can be incorporated into midwifery care. Susan Way and Janet Scammell consider the advantages of woman-centred care, highlighting the benefits of humanising care.

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Grading of practice is a mandatory element of programmes leading to registration as a midwife in the United Kingdom, required by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. This validates the importance of practice by placing it on an equal level with academic work, contributing to degree classification. This paper discusses a scoping project undertaken by the Lead Midwives for Education group across the 55 Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom which deliver pre-registration midwifery programmes.

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This service evaluation investigated an interdisciplinary allied professional health care strategy to address the problem of suboptimal breastfeeding. A clinic of midwives and chiropractors was developed in a university-affiliated clinic in the United Kingdom to care for suboptimal feeding through a multidisciplinary approach. No studies have previously investigated the effect of such an approach.

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The midwifery council at Bournemouth University, each year, is set the objective to organise and deliver a conference for student midwives. It is a very lengthy task that requires a lot of dedication from the students who make up the council; they work tirelessly to arrange speakers for the day. Previous speakers at the conferences have included Michel Odent, Milli Hill and representatives from charities.

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Background: There is growing evidence in the UK that some National Health Service improvements, particularly in the postnatal period, are having an impact on the quality and variety of student midwives' clinical experiences, making it challenging for them to meet the standards set by the regulatory body for midwives and receive a licence to practice. A possible solution to this may be the introduction of a Student Midwife integrated Learning Environment (SMiLE) focusing upon the delivery of postnatal care (PN) through a student run clinic.

Objective: To identify the current state of knowledge, regarding the educational outcomes of students who engage with student run clinics (SRC) and the satisfaction of clients who attend them.

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Dalfampridine extended release tablets (D-ER; prolonged-release fampridine in Europe) are available to improve walking in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). D-ER is mainly renally eliminated; the approved 10-mg twice daily dose is contraindicated in the United States in patients with moderate or severe renal impairment. This study evaluated single-dose and steady-state pharmacokinetics of a 7.

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Objective: to explore the feelings, perceptions and experiences of women in relation to their perineum following childbirth in the early postnatal period.

Design: a qualitative study using grounded theory. Data were collected using diaries and interviews and analysed using constant comparative method.

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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha is a major cytokine produced by alveolar macrophages in response to pathogen-associated molecular patterns such as lipopolysaccharide. TNF-alpha secretion is regulated at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Post-transcriptional regulation occurs by modulation of TNF-alpha mRNA stability via the binding of tristetraprolin (TTP) to the adenosine/uridine-rich elements found in the 3'-untranslated region of the TNF-alpha transcript.

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