We examined the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and endorsement of honour. We studied the SES-honour link in 5 studies (N = 13,635) with participants recruited in different world regions (the Mediterranean and MENA, East Asian, South-East Asian, and Anglo-Western regions) using measures that tap into various different facets of honour. Findings from these studies revealed that individuals who subjectively perceived themselves as belonging to a higher (vs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: People are overwhelmed with COVID-19 news every day, which induces stress but also makes people feel connected to others. The present study examined two conflicting pressures of COVID-19-stress and communion-on the link between COVID-19 saliency and psychological consequences in two cultures. Specifically, we aimed to examine whether COVID-19 saliency and daily emotional experiences are mediated by COVID-19 stress and communion, and whether the relation between communion and daily emotions is emphasized among Koreans compared to U.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo whom do we turn for support in times of need, and what does the support from close others convey? The present research investigated how the structure and function of attachment differ for individuals in East Asian and Western cultures. In three studies, using survey and daily diary data, we examined the role of the romantic partner as an attachment figure, and the consequences of receiving responsive support in close relationships among individuals in Korea and the United States. As expected, the role of the romantic partner as an attachment figure was less emphasized for Koreans compared with U.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSoc Personal Psychol Compass
January 2023
In this article, we review research in psychology and other related social science fields that has adopted an honor framework to examine intrapersonal, interpersonal, and intergroup processes taking a culture-comparative or individual differences approach. In the sections below, we will first review research on the role of honor in interpersonal processes focusing primarily on interpersonal aggression including in close relationships, non-aggressive ways of responding to threats (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe extent to which culture moderates the effects of need for approval from others on a person's handling of interpersonal conflict was investigated. Students from 24 nations rated how they handled a recent interpersonal conflict, using measures derived from face-negotiation theory. Samples varied in the extent to which they were perceived as characterised by the cultural logics of dignity, honour, or face.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: People's psychological tendencies are attuned to their sociocultural context and culture-specific ways of being, feeling, and thinking are believed to assist individuals in successfully navigating their environment. Supporting this idea, a stronger "fit" with one's cultural environment has often been linked to positive psychological outcomes. The current research expands the cultural, conceptual, and methodological space of cultural fit research by exploring the link between well-being and honor, a central driver of social behavior in the Mediterranean region.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground Post-COVID-19 condition encompasses symptoms following COVID-19 infection that linger at least 4 weeks after the end of active infection. Symptoms are wide ranging, but breathlessness is common. Purpose To determine if the previously described lung abnormalities seen on hyperpolarized (HP) pulmonary xenon 129 (Xe) MRI scans in participants with post-COVID-19 condition who were hospitalized are also present in participants with post-COVID-19 condition who were not hospitalized.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Preparatory, written plans for mass casualty incidents are designed to help hospitals deliver an effective response. However, addressing the frequently observed mismatch between planning and delivery of effective responses to mass casualty incidents is a key challenge. We aimed to use simulation-based iterative learning to bridge this gap.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThree studies examined cultural perceptions of self-change in romantic relationships. In Study 1 ( = 191), Chinese participants perceived hypothetical couples who changed for the sake of the relationship to have better relationship quality than couples who did not, compared to European American participants. In Study 2 ( = 396), Chinese individuals in a dating relationship were more likely to perceive that they had changed in the relationship, and self-change was a stronger predictor of relationship quality for them than for American dating individuals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince the seminal publication of Nisbett and Cohen in 1996 linking the higher rates of violence in the Southern United States compared with the Northern United States to a "culture of honor," researchers have paid increasing attention to conceptualizing honor and identifying its underlying psychological mechanisms and its behavioral outcomes. The concern for reputation and other values embedded in culture of honor act as potential sociocultural risk factors for several major social problems in the United States. The aim of this article is to review the recent research on culture of honor and to discuss its societal implications by focusing on 3 pressing social problems: intimate partner aggression, school violence, and reluctance to seek mental health care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Loss of hand function following high level spinal cord injury (SCI) is perceived as a high priority area for rehabilitation. Following discharge, it is often impractical for the specialist care centre to provide ongoing therapy for people living with chronic SCI at home, which can lead to further deterioration of hand function and a direct impact on an individual's capability to perform essential activities of daily living (ADL).
Objective: This pilot study investigated the therapeutic effect of a self-administered home-based hand rehabilitation programme for people with cervical SCI using the soft extra muscle (SEM) Glove by Bioservo Technologies AB.
Social psychological research on honor has been growing rapidly in the last decade and contributing to our understanding of cross-cultural differences in a variety of psychological processes. This growing interest in honor has stimulated research designed to examine the origins of honor cultures which is increasingly adopting creative methodologies to tackle the difficulty associated with studying causes of cultural syndromes that are rooted in macro-level structures such as politics, economics, and religion. In this review, we briefly summarize this research as inspiring examples that can be adopted to examine socio-ecological roots of other cultural dimensions commonly used to explain cultural differences in psychological processes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn honour cultures, such as Turkey, reputation management is emphasised, whereas in dignity cultures such as northern US, self-respect and personal achievements are central. Turkey is also a collectivistic culture, where relationship harmony is as important as reputation management. When Turkish people's reputation is threatened, they may experience an internal conflict between these two motives and display helplessness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRationale: Highly prevalent and severe sleep-disordered breathing caused by acute cervical spinal cord injury (quadriplegia) is associated with neurocognitive dysfunction and sleepiness and is likely to impair rehabilitation.
Objective: To determine whether 3 months of autotitrating CPAP would improve neurocognitive function, sleepiness, quality of life, anxiety and depression more than usual care in acute quadriplegia.
Methods And Measurements: Multinational, randomised controlled trial (11 centres) from July 2009 to October 2015.
Segmental testicular infarction is a rare diagnosis and there are few documented cases in the literature. Those cases that have been reported are usually in the setting of epididymitis, hypercoaguable states, vasculitis, sickle cell disease, post orchidopexy or vasectomy, and idiopathic. We report a case of a patient who developed segmental testicular infarction that was managed conservatively, following nephrectomy for a ruptured kidney and the associated ultrasonographic appearances.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFour studies investigated ideal standards for one's marital partner and relationship held by Taiwan Chinese and European Americans. We first generated a list of attributes that tapped lay representations of marriage ideals based on free responses from Chinese and European Americans, and we uncovered attributes describing extended family that were overlooked in Western research (Study 1). We found similar ideal knowledge structures across the two cultural groups; importantly, Chinese prioritized ideals denoting financial resources and extended family to a greater extent than did European Americans (Study 2).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRheumatological manifestations complicate many benign and malignant blood disorders. Significant advances in haematology, with improved diagnostic techniques and newer musculoskeletal imaging, have occurred in the past two decades. This review focuses on the interrelationship between the major haematological diseases (haemochromatosis, haemophilia, sickle cell disease, thalassaemia, leukaemia, lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndromes, multiple myeloma and cryoglobulinaemia) and rheumatic manifestations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo studies investigated retaliatory responses to actual honor threats among members of an honor culture (Turkey) and a dignity culture (northern United States). The honor threat in these studies was based on previous research which has shown that honesty is a key element of the conception of honor and that accusations of dishonesty are threatening to one's honor. In both studies, participants wrote an essay describing the role of honesty in their lives and received feedback on their essay accusing them of being dishonest (vs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe main goal of the current research is to investigate emotional reactions to situations that implicate honour in Turkish and northern American cultural groups. In Studies 1A and 1B, participants rated the degree to which a variety of events fit their prototypes for honour-related situations. Both Turkish and American participants evaluated situations generated by their co-nationals as most central to their prototypes of honour-related situations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHemophilic arthropathy (HA) contributes the greatest morbidity and cost in the hemophilic population. Imaging plays a crucial role in accurately monitoring the disease process in all phases and evaluating treatment. It has been shown that prophylactic factor VIII replacement therapy, if given early in life, can prevent or delay the progression of HA and reduce the frequency of hemarthroses.
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