Publications by authors named "Suetov A"

Purpose: This study analyzes the influence of various factors on the hypotensive effect of selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).

Material And Methods: A retrospective study of the SLT effect was performed in 582 patients (756 eyes; mean age - 71.9±9.

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Purpose: This article studies the relationship between structural changes according to the findings of optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT angiography (OCTA), microperimetry (MP), multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) parameters in topographically corresponding areas of the macular region in idiopathic full-thickness macular holes (FTMH).

Material And Methods: OCT, OCTA, MP and mfERG were performed in 14 eyes with FTMH stages I-IV according to Gass. In 13 points at a distance of 0-2.

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Unlabelled: The aim of this study was to evaluate corneal biomechanical properties in myopic patients after ReLEx SMILE and FemtoLASIK surgeries using the Corvis ST analyzer.

Material And Methods: The SMILE group comprised 23 patients (46 eyes) with spherical refraction -3.8±1.

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Varix of the vortex vein ampulla is a rare benign condition that has clinical similarities to more concerning choroidal lesions that pose a threat to vision, in particular choroidal melanoma. The article describes two clinical cases, one of which is unique due to the combination of bilateral lesion and the presence of multiple varices in one eye. A brief review of the literature on this condition is also provided.

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Unlabelled: Purpose - to investigate functional and morphological effects of peptide bioregulator (Retinalamin) in modeling of photochemical damage to rabbit retina.

Material And Methods: The study was conducted on 36 rabbits (72 eyes) randomized into 4 equal groups: two experimental groups received parabulbar injections of Retinalamin («Geropharm», Russia) in each eye in dosages of 0.25 mg/kg in a course of 10 days starting from day 1 and day 10 of the experiment, respectively, and two control groups that received injections of normal solution with the same regimen.

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We developed a model of retinal degeneration in rabbits based on exposure to light with a wavelength of 405 nm. This model allows reproducing structural and functional disorders in the central parts of the retina, including primarily degeneration of the outer layers of the retina (retinal pigment epithelium and layer of photoreceptor cells), and is designed to study the mechanisms of formation, progression and effectiveness of new drugs and methods of treatment of degenerative diseases of the retina.

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Purpose: To evaluate the possibility of using the system "Neuro-ERG" (with a module for multifocal ERG) in the study of focal and diffuse pathology in laboratory animals (rabbits).

Material And Methods: Focal retinal damage was modelled in 5 eyes of 5 rabbits by singular laser pulses (532 nm, 100 ms, power 30, 60, 100, 150 and 200 mW) and diffuse retinal damage was modelled in 5 eyes of 5 rabbits by exposure to polychromatic light for 14 days (9500 lm, 6400 K, 230 mW/cm2, 8 h/day). The pair of eyes and areas of intact retina in the eyes with focal retinal damage were used for control.

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Purpose: To investigate the clinical and morphological manifestations of ocular lesions resulting from acute exposure to microwave radiation (MR).

Material And Methods: Twenty-four rabbits were included in the study and divided into four equal groups according to MR exposure time (15, 30, 45, 60 s). The right eyes of rabbits were exposed to MR of 3.

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We studied the effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field on the ovaries in rats. The female rats were exposed to a 30 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field of 4 kA/m for 2 h per day for a period of 10 weeks, including the period of embryonic development. After the exposure, the duration of the estrous cycle and serum levels of luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, progesterone, and estradiol E2 were measured in different phases of the estrous cycle and morphological changes in the ovaries were evaluated.

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Hyalocytes of the vitreous body are variety of tissue macrophages that exercise various functions - from ensuring the synthesis of extracellular matrix components and modulating the immune response in the vitreous body to participating in different stages of inflammatory processes. Some aspects of the biology of hyalocytes remain poorly understood and controversial. However, the vitreous cells are starting to be considered a potential point of application in the treatment of diseases of the vitreous body and the retina.

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A tumor-like condition of the optic nerve head of unknown etiology was found in a domestic pig. Clinical and histological manifestations suggest that the unusual tumor-like condition is probably a variant of proliferative optic neuropathy caused by unknown nonspecific damage (perhaps trauma), which was received earlier.

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Aim: To determine the frequency of detection of ocular and extraocular Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infection in non-high myopes with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD).

Methods: This was a single-center, nonrandomized, prospective, case-control study. One hundred and four patients were divided into a study group with RRD (n=63) and a control group with traumatic retinal detachment (n=41).

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Purpose: Little is known about the susceptibility of posterior segment tissues, particularly the human retinal pigment epithelium (hRPE), to Chlamydia trachomatis. The purpose of the study was to investigate the possibility of infecting the hRPE with Chlamydia trachomatis, and to examine the infectivity of different Chlamydia trachomatis clinical isolates for hRPE cells and the hRPE cell response to the infection.

Methods: Cultured hRPE and McCoy cells were inoculated with eight Chlamydia trachomatis (serovar E) clinical isolates at multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 2.

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Objective: To study the influence of C. trachomatis infection on proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) stimulation and development in an experimental model.

Material And Methods: Intravitreal C.

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Purpose: To investigate latent conjunctival Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Bacteroides fragilis (BF) infections as potential risk factors for posttrabeculectomy bleb failure.

Patients And Methods: This retrospective observational study included 50 primary open-angle glaucoma eyes of 50 patients who were submitted to trabeculectomy without cytostatics from September 2010 to June 2011 and were followed up for at least a year. Preoperatively, conjunctival scrapings were taken and their specimens subjected to polymerase chain reaction, direct fluorescent assay and cell culture testing for CT, and culture for BF on blood agar medium.

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Lattice degeneration of the retina is a clinically important type of peripheral retinal dystrophies due to its participation in the pathogenesis of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. In spite of extensive epidemiological, morphological, and clinical data, the question on causes of this particular type of retinal dystrophies currently remains debatable. Existing hypotheses on pathogenesis of retinal structural changes in lattice degeneration explain it to a certain extent.

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Purpose: To investigate clinical and histopathologic manifestations of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT)-induced chronic posterior segment (PS) inflammation in rabbits.

Methods: Fifteen rabbits were divided into three equal groups of CT subconjunctival-only (SC) and subconjunctival plus intravitreal (SC+IV) inoculation, and controls. Both noncontrol groups received a bilateral SC injection (BSI) and the SC+IV group additionally received a unilateral IV injection (UII) of CT L2 culture, whereas the controls received a BSI+UII of phosphate-buffered saline.

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Incidence and character of vitreous changes in ocular chlamydia infection was studied. 312 patients were enrolled into the study (175 males and 137 females) aged from 24 to 52 years old (mean age 38.4 +/- 5.

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Aim: Study the ability of Chlamydia trachomatis and Chlamydophila pneumoniae to damage structures of eye posterior segment, features of development of such infectious process, its morphological and clinical characteristics.

Materials And Methods: 6 rabbits with confirmed absence of C. trachomatis, C.

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Chlamidia spp. are obligate intracellular pathogens that cause a variety of diseases in humans and animals. Their generalization was proved as hematogenic spreading from the urogenital (C.

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Until the present time, ophthalmic chlamydiasis has been generally associated with diseases of auxiliary organs of the eye and its anterior segment: conjunctivitis and iridocyclitis. The morphological substrate of eye posterior segment lesion caused by C. trachomatis and C.

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The clinical and pathomorphological features of vitreous retinochorioidal complex lesion with the pathogen Chlamydia pneumoniae were studied. Three rabbits (6 eyes) were infected with Ch. pneumoniae strain TWAR by instillation, subconjunctivally and 2 eyes were infected by intravitreally.

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The investigation was undertaken to study changes in the structure of the vitreoretinal complex in experimental chlamydial infection. Six rabbits were inoculated with Ch. pneumonia (6 eyes) and Ch.

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