Unlabelled: The Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index is widely used for detecting carious lesions, primarily focusing on established cavities, while the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDA-S-II) is designed to identify incipient lesions.
Aim: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the diagnostic effectiveness of the DMFT index compared to the ICDA-S-II criteria designed for early-stage carious lesion diagnosis in schoolchildren from Belém (Brazil).
Materials And Method: A cohort of 107 twelve-year-old schoolchildren from Belém (Brazil) underwent dental examinations by three calibrated examiners using the DMFT and ICDA-S-II indices.
Implant Dent
December 2017
Objectives: To evaluate bone allograft associated to bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC), in maxillary reconstructions.
Materials And Methods: Ten patients with alveolar bone deficiency in the anterior maxilla were randomly divided into control group (CG) and test group (TG). A bone block allograft was placed in both groups, but the graft was impregnated with BMAC only in TG.