J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol
March 2017
The aims of this article are to describe the ongoing development of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer services within the European Union (EU), and to develop consensus on key areas within the field. This survey used an e-Delphi design. An initial survey was distributed via email to professionals working in Europe.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Adolesc Young Adult Oncol
March 2017
Purpose: To gather the perspectives of Teenagers and Young Adults (TYA) with cancer across Europe on the care they received and research priorities for TYA services.
Methods: A questionnaire was designed by TYA oncology specialists in the United Kingdom and translated into 11 other European languages. It was disseminated to TYAs in various European countries with the help of collaborators in the European Network for Cancer in Children and Adolescents (ENCCA).