Background: Although the association of repolarization alterations to the development of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias has received considerable research attention, there is paucity of data regarding what may be considered as normal, especially in children.
Methods: To define electrocardiographic (ECG) and vectorcardiographic (VCG) descriptors of ventricular repolarization in healthy school-age children, 12-lead digital ECGs were obtained from 646 children (348 males/298 females, mean age 8.54 ± 1.
Background: P waves > or = 110 ms in adults and > or = 90 ms in children are considered abnormal, signifying interatrial block, particularly in the first case.
Methods: To evaluate the prevalence of interatrial block in healthy school-aged children, we obtained 12-lead digital ECGs (Cardioperfect 1.1, CardioControl NV, Delft, The Netherlands) of 664 healthy children (349 males/315 females, age range 6-14 years old).