Despite the recent advances in minimally invasive surgery, kidney stones still pose a significant clinical challenge due to their high recurrence rate of 50% in 5-10 years after the first stone episode. Using the methods of geosciences and biology, the GeoBioMed approach treats kidney stones as biogenic minerals, offering a novel perspective on their formation and dissolution processes. In this review, we discuss kidney stones' structural and mechanical properties as emerging biomarkers of urolithiasis, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive stone analysis in developing personalized treatment strategies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Early intervention in psychosis (EIP) services improve outcomes for young people, but approximately 30% disengage.
Aims: To test whether a new motivational engagement intervention would prolong engagement and whether it was cost-effective.
Method: We conducted a multicentre, single-blind, parallel-group, cluster randomised controlled trial involving 20 EIP teams at five UK National Health Service (NHS) sites.
Histories of large-scale horizontal and vertical lithosphere motion hold important information on mantle convection. Here, we compare continent-scale hiatus maps as a proxy for mantle flow induced dynamic topography and plate motion variations in the Atlantic and Indo-Australian realms since the Upper Jurassic, finding they frequently correlate, except when plate boundary forces may play a significant role. This correlation agrees with descriptions of asthenosphere flow beneath tectonic plates in terms of Poiseuille/Couette flow, as it explicitly relates plate motion changes, induced by evolving basal shear forces, to non-isostatic vertical motion of the lithosphere.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOver the last decade, there has been an irreversible shift from hydrocarbon exploration towards carbon storage, low-carbon energy generation and hydrogen exploration. Whilst basin modelling techniques may be used to predict the migration of hydrocarbons through sedimentary basins on geological timescales, there remains little understanding of how fluids behave at the basin scale on present-day timescales. We apply the Darcy flow equation to present an algorithm to determine the basin-scale mobilities and maximum vertical velocity, [Formula: see text], of CO[Formula: see text], methane, hydrogen and hydrocarbons with depth for sandstone and carbonate.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper aims to evaluate the current state of the remanufacturing of medical devices, considering the differences between developed and developing countries. With reference to various socio-economic factors, the impact of remanufacturing to sustainability was evaluated and from this, single-use medical devices were deemed to be critical in minimising waste within the medical industry. This is even more critical with increasing use of single-use devices in the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) pandemic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Approach bias modification (ApBM), a computerized cognitive intervention that trains people to "avoid" alcohol-related images and "approach" nonalcohol images, reduces the likelihood of relapse when administered during residential alcohol treatment. However, most individuals experiencing alcohol problems do not require, do not seek, or have difficulty accessing residential treatment. Smartphone-delivered ApBM could offer an easily accessible intervention to reduce alcohol consumption that can be personalized (eg, allowing selection of personally relevant alcohol and positive nonalcohol training images) and gamified to optimize engagement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services improve health outcomes for young people with psychosis in the medium-long term, but 25% of young people disengage in the first 12 months with costs to their mental health, families, society and the NHS. This study will evaluate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and implementation of a team-based motivational Early Youth Engagement (EYE-2) intervention.
Method: The study design is a cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) with economic evaluation, comparing the EYE-2 intervention + standardised EIP service to standardised EIP service alone, with randomisation at the team level.
Acoustic waves propagating in anisotropic media are important for various applications. Even though these wave phenomena do not generally occur in nature, they can be used to approximate wave motion in various physical settings. We propose a method to derive wave equations for anisotropic wave propagation by adjusting the dispersion relation according to a selected type of anisotropy and transforming it into another metric space.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBr J Oral Maxillofac Surg
December 2016
Odontogenic infections can range from simple toothache to life-threatening swellings in the neck. We conducted a national survey to assess the confidence of the "first on-call" in oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) to admit or discharge these patients, and to see if local protocols or guidelines were in place to aid decision-making. We designed a questionnaire and emailed it to all OMFS units across the UK over a 3-week period in June 2015.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBr J Oral Maxillofac Surg
January 2017
Odontogenic infections are often referred to the oral and maxillofacial surgical department, which can cause a dilemma for junior clinicians who have to decide whether such patients require admission. We have devised a score to be used on admission to our unit to help junior on-call staff, and designed a prospective pilot study to assess it.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTrauma of the palate in children is a common presentation in emergency departments. Children have a tendency to place objects in their mouths, which leaves them at risk of traumatising the oral cavity. Most traumatic injuries, including those that penetrate the palate, can be treated conservatively, but some require surgical intervention.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: This case series considers the incidence of patients taking bisphosphonate medication that suffer with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) following an exodontia procedure. Forty five such patients who attended the Wigan Royal Albert Edward Infirmary (RAEI) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) department for an exodontia procedure were examined. A patient's age, gender, exodontia technique, bisphosphonate route (Oral/IV), smoking status and reason for taking the bisphosphonates, eg osteoporosis/cancer/ arthritis was considered.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFField isolates of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) have a restricted cell tropism which is limited by the need for certain RGD-dependent integrin receptors. In contrast, cell culture-adapted viruses use heparan sulfate (HS) or other unidentified molecules as receptors to initiate infection. Here, we report several novel findings resulting from cell culture adaptation of FMDV.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Hospitalisation for medical illness has ongoing impact on individuals, healthcare services and society beyond discharge. This study's objective was to determine the 12-month mortality and functional outcomes of patients admitted to the acute medical service at Groote Schuur Hospital (GSH).
Methods: Follow-up, using the hospital records system and provincial death registry, together with telephonic interviews or home visits, was attempted for 465 medical inpatients admitted to GSH between 14 September and 16 November 2009.
The initial stage of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) infection is virus binding to cell surface integrins via the RGD motif in the GH loop of the VP1 capsid protein. As for all ligand/integrin interactions, the initial contact between FMDV and its integrin receptors is cation dependent and hence inhibited by EDTA. We have investigated this binding process with RGD-containing peptides derived from the VP1 capsid protein of FMDV and discovered that, upon binding, some of these peptides form highly stable, EDTA-resistant associations with integrin alphavbeta6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn explosion on the Sun in 1859, serendipitously witnessed by amateur astronomer Richard Carrington, plunged telegraphic communications into chaos and bathed two thirds of the Earth's skies in aurorae. Explaining what happened to the Sun and how it could affect Earth, 93 million miles away, helped change the direction of astronomy. From being concerned principally with charting the stars to aid navigation, astronomers became increasingly concerned with what the celestial objects were, how they behaved and how they might affect life on Earth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report that adaptation to infect the guinea pig did not modify the capacity of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) to kill suckling mice and to cause an acute and transmissible disease in the pig, an important natural host for this pathogen. Adaptive amino acid replacements (I(248)-->T in 2C, Q(44)-->R in 3A, and L(147)-->P in VP1), selected upon serial passages of a type C FMDV isolated from swine (biological clone C-S8c1) in the guinea pig, were maintained after virus multiplication in swine and suckling mice. However, the adaptive replacement L(147)-->P, next to the integrin-binding RGD motif at the GH loop in VP1, abolished growth of the virus in different established cell lines and modified its antigenicity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCatabolism of a (14)C-labelled volatile monoterpene compound (geraniol) to (14)CO(2) was investigated in soils taken from the rhizosphere at distances up to 200 cm from the trunks of three small Populus tremula trees growing at different sites in Slovenia. Emissions of limonene of up to 18 microg m(-2) h(-1) were detected from the soil surface at each site. Evolution of (14)C-labelled CO(2) was measured as a product of catabolism of (14)C-labelled geraniol introduced into the soil samples.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFoot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) can use a number of integrins as receptors to initiate infection. Attachment to the integrin is mediated by a highly conserved arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) tripeptide located on the GH loop of VP1. Other residues of this loop are also conserved and may contribute to integrin binding.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: The oral cavity is an uncommon site for a true lipoma. A distinct histological variant is the spindle cell lipoma. This is a rare oral lesion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn otherwise-healthy 11-month-old white girl presented with a polyp-like lesion on the anteromedial part of the maxillary alveolar ridge. It looked like a congenital epulis, but histological examination showed fascicles of smooth muscle cells dispersed in collagenous stroma with a few peripheral nerve bundles that were intermingled with smooth muscle fibres. The muscle cells stained strongly for desmin and alpha-smooth-muscle actin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have shown that foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) infection mediated by the integrin alphavbeta6 takes place through clathrin-dependent endocytosis but not caveolae or other endocytic pathways that depend on lipid rafts. Inhibition of clathrin-dependent endocytosis by sucrose treatment or expression of a dominant-negative version of AP180 inhibited virus entry and infection. Similarly, inhibition of endosomal acidification inhibited an early step in infection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFField isolates of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) have been shown to use three alphav integrins, alphavbeta1, alphavbeta3, and alphavbeta6, as cellular receptors. Binding to the integrin is mediated by a highly conserved RGD motif located on a surface-exposed loop of VP1. The RGD tripeptide is recognized by several other members of the integrin family, which therefore have the potential to act as receptors for FMDV.
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