Publications by authors named "Stuardo Valeria"

Introduction: Sexualized drug use (SDU) to enhance and extend sexual relations may involve risks of substances abuse (intoxication, interactions and overdose) and higher exposure to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. There are inconsistencies in the methodology and findings of previous research on SDU in Latin America (LA), and more studies are required. The purpose of this research was to characterize SDU in gay men and other men who have sex with men from 18 LA countries, and describe the aspects by comparing people who practice and do not practice SDU, at the general and country levels.

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Despite men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM) from Latin America (LA) are still a vulnerable population for known health-related conditions and social problems, availability of comparable data across LA countries for assessment and monitoring purposes is limited. The objective of this article is to present the study design and the questionnaire of LAMIS-2018 (Latin America MSM Internet Survey), its recruitment strategy, rates and sources by country, and the lessons learned from its implementation. LAMIS-2018 was a cross-sectional, internet-based survey targeting MSM living in 18 LA countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela) that gathered data about sexual behaviors, HIV/STI and viral hepatitis knowledge, prophylactic use of antiretrovirals, psychosocial health, and access to sexual health services.

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Objective: To describe the socio-epidemiological characteristics of Pediatric Tuberculosis (TB) ca ses, and aspects associated with its incidence, from 2005 to 2018, in North, Central, and South Metro politan Health Services of Chile.

Patients And Method: Descriptive study with an ecological time se ries. We studied the incidence of annual global TB and according to age, sex, location of tuberculosis, bacteriological confirmation, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infection, country of origin, and effectiveness of anti-tuberculosis therapy.

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Background: Tuberculosis (TB)/HIV coinfection has a high mortality rate.

Aim: To describe socio-epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis (TB)-HIV coinfection, and aspects associated with its prevalence, from 2005 to 2018.

Material And Methods: Analysis of the registry of the tuberculosis control and elimination program of three public health services of metropolitan Santiago.

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Background: Poor living conditions promote the spread of communicable diseases. It happened with Tuberculosis (TB) and is happening with COVID-19. Due to its dynamic nature, this group of diseases must be studied in the context of the social determinants of health.

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Background: The Chilean Program for the Control and Elimination of Tuberculosis (PROCET) has reduced mortality from this disease by 78% between 2004 and 2013. However, after decades of successful results, starting in 2000 there was a slowdown in the reduction of incidence and since 2014, an increase in it.

Aim: To describe the socio-epidemiological evolution of tuberculosis (TB) cases treated at health clinics in the Metropolitan Region (MR) of Chile from 2005 to 2018, stratifying by country of origin.

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Background: Adequate adherence to HAART has a high impact on survival of AIDA patients. There is little consensus on the causes of low adherence to treatment in women, who are in a situation of inequality in terms of prevention and related care.

Objectives: To explore and describe the socio-cultural aspects related to the adherence of women to antiretroviral treatment for HIV / AIDS.

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Article Synopsis
  • In Santiago, Chile, sex work occurs in various covert locations, necessitating research to understand its complexity and contexts.
  • A study employed qualitative methods to create a typology of female sex work, identifying seven venue types, such as cafés con piernas and street soliciting, influenced by local regulations and vulnerabilities.
  • The research highlighted barriers to mapping these venues and suggested collaboration with NGOs to improve outreach and data collection for future health research related to HIV and STIs in Chile.
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Objective: To adapt a behavioural questionnaire for second-generation HIV/AIDS surveillance in female sex workers (FSWs) in the Metropolitan Region, Chile.

Methods: Qualitative study of instruments validation. A Spanish instrument adapted in Catalonia was validated through a translation and back-translation of the original version.

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Introduction: Meningococcal disease (MD) is a public health problem worldwide, due to its high morbidity and mortality. Most cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa, where there is a marked seasonal pattern with predominance during the dry season.

Objectives: To describe the morbidity of MD in the Metropolitan Region (MR) of Chile and explore whether there is a correlation between the number of cases with the levels of atmospheric particulate matter PM 10 and PM 2.

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Background: High-risk human Papillomavirus infection is a necessary factor for cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions and invasive cervical cancer. In HIV-1-infected women, HPV infection is more prevalent and a higher risk of cervical cancer has been identified. We aimed to calculate the prevalence of infection by HR-HPV, determine the factors associated with this infection and abnormal cytology findings and to describe the history of cervical cancer screening in HIV-1-infected women.

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