Publications by authors named "Straten E"

Background: In order to estimate the prevalence and understand the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Sweden, the Public Health Agency of Sweden, with support from the Swedish Armed Forces, conducted a series of point prevalence surveys between March and December 2020.

Methods: Sampling material and instructions on how to perform self-sampling of the upper respiratory tract were delivered to the homes of the participants. Samples were analysed by real-time PCR, and the participants completed questionnaires regarding symptoms.

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A national point seroprevalence study of SARS-CoV-2 was conducted in Sweden in April-May 2021. In total, 2860 individuals 3 to 90 years old from a probability-based web panel were included. Results showed that an estimated 32.

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Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a vaccine-preventable, high-priority disease in Sweden, with increasing incidence. However, surveillance is limited to case reports. We investigated relationships between reported TBE incidence and syndromic surveillance data to determine if these novel data sources could provide earlier indications of disease activity.

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Background: The wide availability of the Internet and the growth of digital communication technologies have become an important tool for epidemiological studies and health surveillance. Influenzanet is a participatory surveillance system monitoring the incidence of influenza-like illness (ILI) in Europe since 2003. It is based on data provided by volunteers who self-report their symptoms via the Internet throughout the influenza season and currently involves 10 countries.

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The growth of digital communication technologies for public health is offering an unconventional means to engage the general public in monitoring community health. Here we present Influenzanet, a participatory system for the syndromic surveillance of influenza-like illness (ILI) in Europe. Through standardized online surveys, the system collects detailed profile information and self-reported symptoms volunteered by participants resident in the Influenzanet countries.

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In 2013-2014, the Public Health Agency of Sweden developed a web-based participatory surveillance system, Hӓlsorapport, based on a random sample of individuals reporting symptoms weekly online, to estimate the community incidence of self-reported acute gastrointestinal (AGI), acute respiratory (ARI) and influenza-like (ILI) illnesses and their severity. We evaluated Hӓlsorapport's acceptability, completeness, representativeness and its data correlation with other surveillance data. We calculated response proportions and Spearman correlation coefficients (r) between (i) incidence of illnesses in Hӓlsorapport and (ii) proportions of specific search terms to medical-advice website and reasons for calling a medical advice hotline.

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Objective: The prevalence of exposure to the bacteria Helicobacter pylori in Central Texas is unknown. It has been shown that elderly individuals have a higher rate of infection than younger individuals. Exposure is even higher in the elderly living in long term care facilities.

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Background: Nutritional conditions during fetal life influence the risk of the development of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases in adult life (metabolic programming). Impaired glucose tolerance and dysregulated fatty acid metabolism are hallmarks of metabolic syndrome.

Objective: We aimed to establish a mouse model of metabolic programming focusing on the sex-specific effects of a maternal low-protein diet during gestation on glucose and lipid metabolism in the adult offspring.

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Purpose: A feasibility study was performed to investigate the presence of VEGF in melanoma lesions by VEGF-SPECT with (111)In-bevacizumab. In addition the effect of a single therapeutic bevacizumab dose on (111)In-bevacizumab uptake was compared with VEGF levels in resected melanoma lesions.

Patients And Methods: Eligible were patients with stage III/IV melanoma who presented with nodal recurrent disease.

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Objectives: The Liver X receptors (LXR) alpha and beta and their target genes such as the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters have been shown to be crucially involved in the regulation of cellular cholesterol homeostasis. The aim of this study was to characterize the role of LXR alpha/beta in the human placenta under normal physiological circumstances and in preeclampsia.

Study Design: We investigated the expression pattern of the LXRs and their target genes in the human placenta during normal pregnancy and in preeclampsia.

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Intrauterine malnutrition is associated with increased susceptibility to chronic diseases in adulthood. Growth-restricted infants display a less favorable lipid profile already shortly postnatal. Maternal low protein diet (LPD) during gestation is a well-defined model of fetal programming in rodents and affects lipid metabolism of the offspring.

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Prenatal nutrition as influenced by the nutritional status of the mother has been identified as a determinant of adult disease. Feeding low-protein diets during pregnancy in rodents is a well-established model to induce programming events in offspring. We hypothesized that protein restriction would influence fetal lipid metabolism by inducing epigenetic adaptations.

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There is increasing evidence that the metabolic state of the mother during pregnancy affects long-term glucose and lipid metabolism of the offspring. The liver X receptors (LXR)α and -β are key regulators of cholesterol, fatty acid, and glucose metabolism. LXRs are activated by oxysterols and expressed in fetal mouse liver from day 10 of gestation onward.

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Cholesterol is critical for several cellular functions and essential for normal fetal development. Therefore, its metabolism is tightly controlled during all life stages. The liver X receptors-alpha (LXRalpha; NR1H3) and -beta (LXRbeta; NR1H2) are nuclear receptors that are of key relevance in coordinating cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism.

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Cholesterol is an important sterol in mammals. Defects in cholesterol synthesis or intracellular routing have devastating consequences already in utero: the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, desmosterolosis and Niemann-Pick C1 disease provide examples of severe human inherited diseases caused by mutations in cholesterol metabolism genes. On the other hand, elevated plasma cholesterol concentrations are associated with the development of atherosclerosis which represents a major health risk in Western societies.

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This study examined, whether the postprandial fate of dietary amino acids from different amino acid sources is regulated by the responses of insulin, glucagon, corticosterone and growth hormone (GH). Male Wistar rats were cannulated in the vena jugularis and assigned to dietary groups. The diets contained 21% casein or the same amino acids in free form.

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Proteins secreted from adipose tissue are increasingly recognized to play an important role in the regulation of glucose metabolism. However, much less is known about their effect on lipid metabolism. The fasting-induced adipose factor (FIAF/angiopoietin-like protein 4/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma angiopoietin-related protein) was previously identified as a target of hypolipidemic fibrate drugs and insulin-sensitizing thiazolidinediones.

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In 2002, the internet based reporting system OSIRIS was introduced in the Netherlands and by the end of that year had fully replaced the paper-based reporting system. The objectives of OSIRIS were to improve timeliness and completeness of surveillance data on infectious diseases reported from regional to national level. We compared the timeliness of infectious diseases reported by the conventional paper-based system in 2001 with those reported by OSIRIS in 2003.

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In 2002, the internet based reporting system OSIRIS was introduced in the Netherlands and by the end of that year had fully replaced the paper-based reporting system. The objectives of OSIRIS were to improve timeliness and completeness of surveillance data on infectious diseases reported from regional to national level. We compared the timeliness of infectious diseases reported by the conventional paper-based system in 2001 with those reported by OSIRIS in 2003.

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Rapid detection of outbreaks is recognized as crucial for effective control measures and has particular relevance with the recently increased concern about bioterrorism. Automated analysis of electronically collected laboratory data can result in rapid detection of widespread outbreaks or outbreaks of pathogens with common signs and symptoms. In the Netherlands, an automated outbreak detection system for all types of pathogens has been developed within an existing electronic laboratory-based surveillance system called ISIS.

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