A technique for reducing the number of integrals in a Monte Carlo calculation is introduced. For integrations relying on classical or mean-field trajectories with local weighting functions, it is possible to integrate analytically at least half of the integration variables prior to setting up the particular Monte Carlo calculation of interest, in some cases more. Proper accounting of invariant phase space structures shows that the system's dynamics is reducible into composite stable and unstable degrees of freedom.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOne major objective of controlling classical chaotic dynamical systems is exploiting the system's extreme sensitivity to initial conditions in order to arrive at a predetermined target state. In a recent Letter [Phys. Rev.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA bipartite system whose subsystems are fully quantum chaotic and coupled by a perturbative interaction with a tunable strength is a paradigmatic model for investigating how isolated quantum systems relax toward an equilibrium. It is found that quantum coherence of the initial product states in the energy eigenbasis of the subsystems-quantified by the off-diagonal elements of the subsystem density matrices-can be viewed as a resource for equilibration and thermalization as manifested by the entanglement generated. Results are given for four distinct perturbation strength regimes, the ultraweak, weak, intermediate, and strong regimes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOne of the principal goals of controlling classical chaotic dynamical systems is known as targeting, which is the very weakly perturbative process of using the system's extreme sensitivity to initial conditions in order to arrive at a predetermined target state. It is shown that a generalization to chaotic quantum systems is possible in the semiclassical regime, but requires tailored perturbations whose effects must undo the dynamical spreading of the evolving quantum state. The procedure described here is applied to initially minimum uncertainty wave packets in the quantum kicked rotor, a preeminent quantum chaotic paradigm, to illustrate the method, and investigate its accuracy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSaddle-point approximations, extremely important in a wide variety of physical contexts, require the analytical continuation of canonically conjugate quantities to complex variables in quantum mechanics. An important component of this approximation's implementation is arriving at the phase correction attributable to caustics, which involves determinantal prefactors. The common prescription of using the inverse of half a certain determinant's total accumulated phase sometimes leads to sign errors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSemiclassical methods are extremely important in the subjects of wave-packet and coherent-state dynamics. Unfortunately, these essentially saddle-point approximations are considered nearly impossible to carry out in detail for systems with multiple degrees of freedom due to the difficulties of solving the resulting two-point boundary-value problems. However, recent developments have extended the applicability to a broader range of systems and circumstances.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe entanglement production in bipartite quantum systems is studied for initially unentangled product eigenstates of the subsystems, which are assumed to be quantum chaotic. Based on a perturbative computation of the Schmidt eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix, explicit expressions for the time-dependence of entanglement entropies, including the von Neumann entropy, are given. An appropriate rescaling of time and the entropies by their saturation values leads a universal curve, independent of the interaction.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe magnitudes of the terms in periodic orbit semiclassical trace formulas are determined by the orbits' stability exponents. In this paper, we demonstrate a simple asymptotic relationship between those stability exponents and the phase-space positions of particular homoclinic points.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough highly successful, the truncated Wigner approximation (TWA) leaves out many-body quantum interference between mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii solutions as well as other quantum effects, and is therefore essentially classical. Turned around, if a system's quantum properties deviate from TWA, they must be exhibiting some quantum phenomenon, such as localization, diffraction, or tunneling. Here, we examine a particular interference effect arising from discrete symmetries, which can significantly enhance quantum observables with respect to the TWA prediction, and derive an augmented TWA in order to incorporate them.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHomoclinic and heteroclinic orbits provide a skeleton of the full dynamics of a chaotic dynamical system and are the foundation of semiclassical sums for quantum wave packets, coherent states, and transport quantities. Here, the homoclinic orbits are organized according to the complexity of their phase-space excursions, and exact relations are derived expressing the relative classical actions of complicated orbits as linear combinations of those with simpler excursions plus phase-space cell areas bounded by stable and unstable manifolds. The total number of homoclinic orbits increases exponentially with excursion complexity, and the corresponding cell areas decrease exponentially in size as well.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA practical search technique for finding the complex saddle points used in wave packet and coherent state propagation is developed which works for a large class of Hamiltonian dynamical systems with many degrees of freedom. The method can be applied to problems in atomic, molecular, and optical physics and other domains. A Bose-Hubbard model is used to illustrate the application to a many-body system where discrete symmetries play an important and fascinating role.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHomoclinic and unstable periodic orbits in chaotic systems play central roles in various semiclassical sum rules. The interferences between terms are governed by the action functions and Maslov indices. In this article, we identify geometric relations between homoclinic and unstable periodic orbits, and derive exact formulas expressing the periodic orbit classical actions in terms of corresponding homoclinic orbit actions plus certain phase space areas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSemiclassical sum rules, such as the Gutzwiller trace formula, depend on the properties of periodic, closed, or homoclinic (heteroclinic) orbits. The interferences embedded in such orbit sums are governed by classical action functions and Maslov indices. For chaotic systems, the relative actions of such orbits can be expressed in terms of phase-space areas bounded by segments of stable and unstable manifolds and Moser invariant curves.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe entanglement and localization in eigenstates of strongly chaotic subsystems are studied as a function of their interaction strength. Excellent measures for this purpose are the von Neumann entropy, Havrda-Charvát-Tsallis entropies, and the averaged inverse participation ratio. All the entropies are shown to follow a remarkably simple exponential form, which describes a universal and rapid transition to nearly maximal entanglement for increasing interaction strength.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhilos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci
June 2016
Using semiclassical methods, it is possible to construct very accurate approximations in the short-wavelength limit of quantum dynamics that rely exclusively on classical dynamical input. For systems whose classical realization is strongly chaotic, there is an exceedingly short logarithmic Ehrenfest time scale, beyond which the quantum and classical dynamics of a system necessarily diverge, and yet the semiclassical construction remains valid far beyond that time. This fact leads to a paradox if one ponders the reversibility and predictability properties of quantum and classical mechanics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe statistical properties of interacting strongly chaotic systems are investigated for varying interaction strength. In order to model tunable entangling interactions between such systems, we introduce a new class of random matrix transition ensembles. The nearest-neighbor-spacing distribution shows a very sensitive transition from Poisson statistics to those of random matrix theory as the interaction increases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe ultimate semiclassical wave packet propagation technique is a complex, time-dependent Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin method known as generalized Gaussian wave packet dynamics (GGWPD). It requires overcoming many technical difficulties in order to be carried out fully in practice. In its place roughly twenty years ago, linearized wave packet dynamics was generalized to methods that include sets of off-center, real trajectories for both classically integrable and chaotic dynamical systems that completely capture the dynamical transport.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn a recent letter [Hegewisch and Tomsovic, Europhys. Lett. 97, 34002 (2012)], random matrix theory is introduced for long-range acoustic propagation in the ocean.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGeneric 2D Hamiltonian systems possess partial barriers in their chaotic phase space that restrict classical transport. Quantum mechanically, the transport is suppressed if Planck's constant h is large compared to the classical flux, h>>Φ, such that wave packets and states are localized. In contrast, classical transport is mimicked for h<<Φ.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
July 2011
The Kolmogorov-Sinai (KS) entropy is a central measure of complexity and chaos. Its calculation for many-body systems is an interesting and important challenge. In this paper, the evaluation is formulated by considering N-dimensional symplectic maps and deriving a transfer matrix formalism for the stability problem.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe conductance change due to a local perturbation in a phase-coherent nanostructure is calculated. The general expressions to first and second order in the perturbation are applied to the scanning gate microscopy of a two-dimensional electron gas containing a quantum point contact. The first-order correction depends on two scattering states with electrons incoming from opposite leads and is suppressed on a conductance plateau; it is significant in the step regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClassical sum rules arise in a wide variety of physical contexts. Asymptotic expressions have been derived for many of these sum rules in the limit of long orbital period (or large action). Although sum-rule convergence may well be exponentially rapid for chaotic systems in a global phase-space sense with time, individual contributions to the sums may fluctuate with a width which diverges in time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
September 2009
Quantized systems whose underlying classical dynamics possess an elaborate mixture of regular and chaotic motion can exhibit rather subtle long-time quantum transport phenomena. In a short wavelength regime where semiclassical theories are most relevant, such transport phenomena, being quintessentially interference based, are difficult to understand with the system's specific long-time classical dynamics. Fortunately, semiclassical methods applied to wave packet propagation can provide a natural approach to understanding the connections, even though they are known to break down progressively as time increases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
May 2009
In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. Lett.
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