Publications by authors named "Stephen Maybank"

The tracking-by-detection paradigm currently dominates multiple target tracking algorithms. It usually includes three tasks: target detection, appearance feature embedding, and data association. Carrying out these three tasks successively usually leads to lower tracking efficiency.

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Previous work for video captioning aims to objectively describe the video content but the captions lack human interest and attractiveness, limiting its practical application scenarios. The intention of video title generation (video titling) is to produce attractive titles, but there is a lack of benchmarks. This work offers CREATE, the first large-scale Chinese shoRt vidEo retrievAl and Title gEneration dataset, to assist research and applications in video titling, video captioning, and video retrieval in Chinese.

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Blind image inpainting involves two critical aspects, i.e., "where to inpaint" and "how to inpaint".

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Computational color constancy is an important component of Image Signal Processors (ISP) for white balancing in many imaging devices. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been introduced for color constancy. They achieve prominent performance improvements comparing with those statistics or shallow learning-based methods.

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Deep learning shows excellent performance usually at the expense of heavy computation. Recently, model compression has become a popular way of reducing the computation. Compression can be achieved using knowledge distillation or filter pruning.

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Previous deep learning-based video stabilizers require a large scale of paired unstable and stable videos for training, which are difficult to collect. Traditional trajectory-based stabilizers, on the other hand, divide the task into several sub-tasks and tackle them subsequently, which are fragile in textureless and occluded regions regarding the usage of hand-crafted features. In this paper, we attempt to tackle the video stabilization problem in a deep unsupervised learning manner, which borrows the divide-and-conquer idea from traditional stabilizers while leveraging the representation power of DNNs to handle the challenges in real-world scenarios.

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Skeleton-based action recognition has attracted considerable attention since the skeleton data is more robust to the dynamic circumstances and complicated backgrounds than other modalities. Recently, many researchers have used the Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) to model spatial-temporal features of skeleton sequences by an end-to-end optimization. However, conventional GCNs are feedforward networks for which it is impossible for the shallower layers to access semantic information in the high-level layers.

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Motion blur in dynamic scenes is an important yet challenging research topic. Recently, deep learning methods have achieved impressive performance for dynamic scene deblurring. However, the motion information contained in a blurry image has yet to be fully explored and accurately formulated because: (i) the ground truth of dynamic motion is difficult to obtain; (ii) the temporal ordering is destroyed during the exposure; and (iii) the motion estimation from a blurry image is highly ill-posed.

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For CNN-based visual action recognition, the accuracy may be increased if local key action regions are focused on. The task of self-attention is to focus on key features and ignore irrelevant information. So, self-attention is useful for action recognition.

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Model compression methods have become popular in recent years, which aim to alleviate the heavy load of deep neural networks (DNNs) in real-world applications. However, most of the existing compression methods have two limitations: 1) they usually adopt a cumbersome process, including pretraining, training with a sparsity constraint, pruning/decomposition, and fine-tuning. Moreover, the last three stages are usually iterated multiple times.

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Convolutional Neural Networks have achieved excellent successes for object recognition in still images. However, the improvement of Convolutional Neural Networks over the traditional methods for recognizing actions in videos is not so significant, because the raw videos usually have much more redundant or irrelevant information than still images. In this paper, we propose a Spatial-Temporal Attentive Convolutional Neural Network (STA-CNN) which selects the discriminative temporal segments and focuses on the informative spatial regions automatically.

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Part-level representations are essential for robust person re-identification. However, common errors that arise during pedestrian detection frequently result in severe misalignment problems for body parts, which degrade the quality of part representations. Accordingly, to deal with this problem, we propose a novel model named Convolutional Deformable Part Models (CDPM).

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In this paper, we address the problem of representing and recognizing human actions from videos on matrix manifolds. For this purpose, we propose a new vector representation method, named tangent Fisher vector, to describe video sequences in the Fisher kernel framework. We first extract dense curved spatio-temporal cuboids from each video sequence.

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This paper presents a new Gaussian Processes (GPs)-based particle filter tracking framework. The framework non-trivially extends Gaussian process regression (GPR) to transfer learning, and, following the tracking-by-fusion strategy, integrates closely two tracking components, namely a GPs component and a CFs one. First, the GPs component analyzes and models the probability distribution of the object appearance by exploiting GPs.

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Graphs are effective tools for modeling complex data. Setting out from two basic substructures, random walks and trees, we propose a new family of context-dependent random walk graph kernels and a new family of tree pattern graph matching kernels. In our context-dependent graph kernels, context information is incorporated into primary random walk groups.

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We construct a new efficient near duplicate image detection method using a hierarchical hash code learning neural network and load-balanced locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) indexing. We propose a deep constrained siamese hash coding neural network combined with deep feature learning. Our neural network is able to extract effective features for near duplicate image detection.

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In this paper, a new nonparametric Bayesian model called the dual sticky hierarchical Dirichlet process hidden Markov model (HDP-HMM) is proposed for mining activities from a collection of time series data such as trajectories. All the time series data are clustered. Each cluster of time series data, corresponding to a motion pattern, is modeled by an HMM.

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Low-rank recovery models have shown potential for salient object detection, where a matrix is decomposed into a low-rank matrix representing image background and a sparse matrix identifying salient objects. Two deficiencies, however, still exist. First, previous work typically assumes the elements in the sparse matrix are mutually independent, ignoring the spatial and pattern relations of image regions.

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Semi-supervised image classification aims to classify a large quantity of unlabeled images by typically harnessing scarce labeled images. Existing semi-supervised methods often suffer from inadequate classification accuracy when encountering difficult yet critical images, such as outliers, because they treat all unlabeled images equally and conduct classifications in an imperfectly ordered sequence. In this paper, we employ the curriculum learning methodology by investigating the difficulty of classifying every unlabeled image.

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Often, tasks are collected for multi-task learning (MTL) because they share similar feature structures. Based on this observation, in this paper, we present novel algorithm-dependent generalization bounds for MTL by exploiting the notion of algorithmic stability. We focus on the performance of one particular task and the average performance over multiple tasks by analyzing the generalization ability of a common parameter that is shared in MTL.

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An appearance model adaptable to changes in object appearance is critical in visual object tracking. In this paper, we treat an image patch as a two-order tensor which preserves the original image structure. We design two graphs for characterizing the intrinsic local geometrical structure of the tensor samples of the object and the background.

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Horror content sharing on the Web is a growing phenomenon that can interfere with our daily life and affect the mental health of those involved. As an important form of expression, horror images have their own characteristics that can evoke extreme emotions. In this paper, we present a novel context-aware multi-instance learning (CMIL) algorithm for horror image recognition.

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In this paper, we propose a tracking algorithm based on a multi-feature joint sparse representation. The templates for the sparse representation can include pixel values, textures, and edges. In the multi-feature joint optimization, noise or occlusion is dealt with using a set of trivial templates.

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In this paper, we address the problem of human action recognition through combining global temporal dynamics and local visual spatio-temporal appearance features. For this purpose, in the global temporal dimension, we propose to model the motion dynamics with robust linear dynamical systems (LDSs) and use the model parameters as motion descriptors. Since LDSs live in a non-Euclidean space and the descriptors are in non-vector form, we propose a shift invariant subspace angles based distance to measure the similarity between LDSs.

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Large variations in image background may cause partial matching and normalization problems for histogram-based representations, i.e., the histograms of the same category may have bins which are significantly different, and normalization may produce large changes in the differences between corresponding bins.

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