Large language models (LLMs) with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) have improved information extraction over previous methods, yet their reliance on embeddings often leads to inefficient retrieval. We introduce CLinical Entity Augmented Retrieval (CLEAR), a RAG pipeline that retrieves information using entities. We compared CLEAR to embedding RAG and full-note approaches for extracting 18 variables using six LLMs across 20,000 clinical notes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Am Med Inform Assoc
February 2025
Objectives: To quantify utilization and impact on documentation time of a large language model-powered ambient artificial intelligence (AI) scribe.
Materials And Methods: This prospective quality improvement study was conducted at a large academic medical center with 45 physicians from 8 ambulatory disciplines over 3 months. Utilization and documentation times were derived from electronic health record (EHR) use measures.
Objective: This study evaluates the pilot implementation of ambient AI scribe technology to assess physician perspectives on usability and the impact on physician burden and burnout.
Materials And Methods: This prospective quality improvement study was conducted at Stanford Health Care with 48 physicians over a 3-month period. Outcome measures included burden, burnout, usability, and perceived time savings.
J Gen Intern Med
February 2025
Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) is a new technology with potentially broad applications across important domains of healthcare, but serious questions remain about how to balance the promise of generative AI against unintended consequences from adoption of these tools. In this position statement, we provide recommendations on behalf of the Society of General Internal Medicine on how clinicians, technologists, and healthcare organizations can approach the use of these tools. We focus on three major domains of medical practice where clinicians and technology experts believe generative AI will have substantial immediate and long-term impacts: clinical decision-making, health systems optimization, and the patient-physician relationship.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMeasurable residual disease (MRD) testing is an essential aspect of disease prognostication in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and informs clinical decisions. The depth of MRD clearance is highly relevant and requires assays with sufficient sensitivity. Austin Pathology is one of the few laboratories in Australia currently utilising a fully validated and National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA)-accredited ultrasensitive next-generation sequencing (NGS) platform for MRD monitoring in ALL.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: This report describes a root cause analysis of incorrect provider assignments and a standardized workflow developed to improve the clarity and accuracy of provider assignments.
Materials And Methods: A multidisciplinary working group involving housestaff was assembled. Key drivers were identified using value stream mapping and fishbone analysis.
AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc
May 2024
This study explored the efficacy of electronic phenotyping in data labeling for machine learning with a focus on urinary tract infections (UTIs). We contrasted labels from electronic phenotyping against previously published labels such as urine culture positivity. In comparison, electronic phenotyping showed the potential to enhance specificity in UTI labeling while maintaining similar sensitivity and was easily scaled for application to a large dataset suitable for machine learning, which we used to train and validate a machine learning model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: The emergence and promise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) represent a turning point for health care. Rigorous evaluation of generative AI deployment in clinical practice is needed to inform strategic decision-making.
Objective: To evaluate the implementation of a large language model used to draft responses to patient messages in the electronic inbox.
In analyzing direct hospitalization cost and clinical data from an academic medical center, commonly used metrics such as diagnosis-related group (DRG) weight explain approximately 37% of cost variability, but a substantial amount of variation remains unaccounted for by case mix index (CMI) alone. Using CMI as a benchmark, we isolate and target individual DRGs with higher than expected average costs for specific quality improvement efforts. While DRGs summarize hospitalization care after discharge, a predictive model using only information known before admission explained up to 60% of cost variability for two DRGs with a high excess cost burden.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReproductive performance is a key determinant of cow longevity in a pasture-based, seasonal dairy system. Unfortunately, direct fertility phenotypes such as intercalving interval or pregnancy rate tend to have low heritabilities and occur relatively late in an animal's life. In contrast, age at puberty (AGEP) is a moderately heritable, early-in-life trait that may be estimated using an animal's age at first measured elevation in blood plasma progesterone (AGEP4) concentrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Many phenotypes in animal breeding are derived from incomplete measures, especially if they are challenging or expensive to measure precisely. Examples include time-dependent traits such as reproductive status, or lifespan. Incomplete measures for these traits result in phenotypes that are subject to left-, interval- and right-censoring, where phenotypes are only known to fall below an upper bound, between a lower and upper bound, or above a lower bound respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnogenital distance (AGD) is a moderately heritable trait that can be measured at a young age that may provide an opportunity to indirectly select for improved fertility in dairy cattle. In this study, we characterized AGD and its genetic and phenotypic relationships with a range of body stature and fertility traits. We measured AGD, shoulder height, body length, and body weight in a population of 5,010 Holstein-Friesian and Holstein-Friesian × Jersey crossbred heifers at approximately 11 mo of age (AGD1).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAims: To explore animal- and herd-level risk factors influencing age at puberty in predominantly Holstein-Friesian dairy heifers managed in seasonal, pasture-based systems.
Methods: Heifers born in spring 2018 (n = 5,010) from 54 commercial dairy herds in New Zealand were visited on three occasions when the mean heifer age, within herd, was 10 (visit 1; V1), 11 (V2) and 12 (V3) months old. Blood samples were collected on each visit and liveweight, stature and anogenital distance (AGD) were measured at V2.
Previous work has suggested that the price of food sold at supermarkets may vary according to the socioeconomic characteristics of a neighborhood. Given the importance of food prices in securing access to food, understanding how food prices vary across neighborhoods is crucial to assessing affordability. To study food pricing in New York City (NYC) a defined standard food basket (SFB) was collected in supermarkets across NYC neighborhoods.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGraves' ophthalmopathy is the most common cause of both unilateral and bilateral proptoses in adults. Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pPNET) is a small round cell malignant lesion of neuroectodermal origin which very rarely affects the orbit. In this case report, we have discussed about a young woman with existing Graves' ophthalmopathy who presented with worsening proptosis; computed tomography imaging revealed an irregular mass lesion in the right orbit without bone erosion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Unnecessary laboratory testing contributes to patient morbidity and healthcare waste. Despite prior attempts at curbing such overutilization, there remains opportunity for improvement using novel data-driven approaches. This study presents the development and early evaluation of a clinical decision support tool that uses a predictive model to help providers reduce low-yield, repetitive laboratory testing in hospitalized patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAge at puberty (AGEP) is a moderately heritable trait in cattle that may be predictive of an animal's genetic merit for reproductive success later in life. In addition, under some mating strategies (for example, where mating begins before all animals have attained puberty) animals that attain puberty at a relatively young age will also likely conceive earlier than their herd mates, and thus begin their productive life earlier. Unfortunately, AGEP is challenging to measure because animals must be observed over a period of several months.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTime-dependent traits are often subject to censorship, where instead of precise phenotypes, only a lower and/or upper bound can be established for some of the individuals. Censorship reduces the precision of phenotypes but can represent compromise between measurement cost and animal ethics considerations. This compromise is particularly relevant for genetic evaluation because phenotyping initiatives often involve thousands of individuals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE J Sel Top Appl Earth Obs Remote Sens
October 2020
At NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, we have been developing spaceborne lidar instruments for space sciences. We have successfully flown several missions in the past based on mature diode pumped solid-state laser transmitters. In recent years, we have been developing advanced laser technologies for applications such as laser spectroscopy, laser communications, and interferometry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFunctional human tissues engineered from patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) hold great promise for investigating the progression, mechanisms, and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases in a controlled and systematic manner. For example, bioengineered models of innervated human skeletal muscle could be used to identify novel therapeutic targets and treatments for patients with complex central and peripheral nervous system disorders. There is a need to develop standardized and objective quantitative methods for engineering and using these complex tissues, in order increase their robustness, reproducibility, and predictiveness across users.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWrinkled polymer surfaces find broad applicability; however, the polymer substrates are often limited to poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), which limits spatial control over wrinkle features and surface chemistry. An approach to surface functionalization of wrinkled elastomer substrates is demonstrated through versatile, multistep thiol-ene click chemistry. The elastomer is formed using a thiol-Michael reaction of tetrathiol with excess diacrylates while wrinkle formation is induced through a second free radical UV polymerization of the acrylates on the surface of the elastomer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: This study was designed to evaluate ventricular size, shape, and function in recipient twins following laser therapy for twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), using novel speckle-tracking techniques.
Methods: This retrospective study enrolled patients that underwent fetal laser surgery for TTTS and had fetal echocardiograms (FE) performed pre- and post-operatively (op), with adequate resolution in the 4-chamber view for analysis, using a speckle-tracking software, to compute the size, shape, and function of both the right (RV) and left (LV) ventricles. Values were indexed to published normal values.
1. A vaccination regime is a schedule for the administration of vaccines which may vary according to country or even by farm. This study aimed to measure the production and health performance of broilers treated with different vaccination regimes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To describe the antenatal course of selective intrauterine growth restriction (SIUGR) type III patients.
Study Design: Retrospective study of monochorionic diamniotic twins with SIUGR type III. Patients were divided into those who did and did not progress to SIUGR type II or twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) (Groups A and B, respectively).