In closed system models of fibrin formation, exosite-mediated thrombin binding to fibrin contributes to clot stability and is resistant to inhibition by antithrombin/heparin while still susceptible to small, active-site inhibitors. Each molecule of fibrin can bind ∼1.6 thrombin molecules at low-affinity binding sites (K = 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThrombin has multiple functions in blood coagulation and its regulation is central to maintaining the balance between hemorrhage and thrombosis. Empirical and computational methods that capture thrombin generation can provide advancements to current clinical screening of the hemostatic balance at the level of the individual. In any individual, procoagulant and anticoagulant factor levels together act to generate a unique coagulation phenotype (net balance) that is reflective of the sum of its developmental, environmental, genetic, nutritional and pharmacological influences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA hallmark of dysfunctional fibroblast to myofibroblast differentiation associated with fibrotic disorders is persistent expression of ACTA2, the gene encoding the cyto-contractile protein smooth muscle α-actin. In this study, a PURB-specific gene knockdown approach was used in conjunction with biochemical analyses of protein subdomain structure and function to reveal the mechanism by which purine-rich element binding protein B (Purβ) restricts ACTA2 expression in mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs). Consistent with the hypothesized role of Purβ as a suppressor of myofibroblast differentiation, stable short hairpin RNA-mediated knockdown of Purβ in cultured MEFs promoted changes in cell morphology, actin isoform expression, and cell migration indicative of conversion to a myofibroblast-like phenotype.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe standard clinical coagulation assays, activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and prothrombin time (PT) cannot predict thrombotic or bleeding risk. Since thrombin generation is central to haemorrhage control and when unregulated, is the likely cause of thrombosis, thrombin generation assays (TGA) have gained acceptance as "global assays" of haemostasis. These assays generate an enormous amount of data including four key thrombin parameters (lag time, maximum rate, peak and total thrombin) that may change to varying degrees over time in longitudinal studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Because understanding of the inventory, connectivity and dynamics of the components characterizing the process of coagulation is relatively mature, it has become an attractive target for physiochemical modeling. Such models can potentially improve the design of therapeutics. The prothrombinase complex (composed of the protease factor (F)Xa and its cofactor FVa) plays a central role in this network as the main producer of thrombin, which catalyses both the activation of platelets and the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, the main substances of a clot.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn terms of its soluble precursors, the coagulation proteome varies quantitatively among apparently healthy individuals. The significance of this variability remains obscure, in part because it is the backdrop against which the hemostatic consequences of more dramatic composition differences are studied. In this study we have defined the consequences of normal range variation of components of the coagulation proteome by using a mechanism-based computational approach that translates coagulation factor concentration data into a representation of an individual's thrombin generation potential.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDelivery of iron to cells requires binding of two iron-containing human transferrin (hTF) molecules to the specific homodimeric transferrin receptor (TFR) on the cell surface. Through receptor-mediated endocytosis involving lower pH, salt, and an unidentified chelator, iron is rapidly released from hTF within the endosome. The crystal structure of a monoferric N-lobe hTF/TFR complex (3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBioinformatics is central to biology education in the 21st century. With the generation of terabytes of data per day, the application of computer-based tools to stored and distributed data is fundamentally changing research and its application to problems in medicine, agriculture, conservation and forensics. In light of this 'information revolution,' undergraduate biology curricula must be redesigned to prepare the next generation of informed citizens as well as those who will pursue careers in the life sciences.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe original signature of the transferrin (TF) family of proteins was the ability to bind ferric iron with high affinity in the cleft of each of two homologous lobes. However, in recent years, new family members that do not bind iron have been discovered. One new member is the inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase (ICA), which as its name indicates, binds to and strongly inhibits certain isoforms of carbonic anhydrase.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTransferrin (TF) is a bilobal transport protein that acquires ferric iron from the diet and holds it tightly within the cleft of each lobe (thereby preventing its hydrolysis). The iron is delivered to actively dividing cells by receptor mediated endocytosis in which diferric TF preferentially binds to TF receptors (TFRs) on the cell surface and the entire complex is taken into an acidic endosome. A combination of lower pH, a chelator, inorganic anions, and the TFR leads to the efficient release of iron from each lobe.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDeterministic mathematical models of biochemical processes operate as if the empirically derived rate constants governing the dynamics are known with certainty. Our objective in this study was to explore the sensitivity of a deterministic model of blood coagulation to variations in the values of its 44 rate constants. This was accomplished for each rate constant at a given time by defining a normalized ensemble standard deviation (w(k(i))(f)(t)) that accounted for the sensitivity of the predicted concentration of each protein species to variation in that rate constant (from 10 to 1000% of the accepted value).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe G65R mutation in the N-lobe of human transferrin was created to mimic a naturally occurring variant (G394R) found in the homologous C-lobe. Because Gly65 is hydrogen-bonded to the iron-binding ligand Asp63, it comprises part of the second-shell hydrogen bond network surrounding the iron within the metal-binding cleft of the protein. Substitution with an arginine residue at this position disrupts the network, resulting in much more facile removal of iron from the G65R mutant.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThioredoxin reductase (TR) from Drosophila melanogaster (DmTR) is a member of the glutathione reductase (GR) family of pyridine nucleotide disulfide oxidoreductases and catalyzes the reduction of the redox-active disulfide bond of thioredoxin. DmTR is notable for having high catalytic activity without the presence of a selenocysteine (Sec) residue (which is essential for the mammalian thioredoxin reductases). We report here the X-ray crystal structure of DmTR at 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVirtually all software is constantly changing and evolving (and crystallographic software is no exception), which makes it nearly impossible to write a chapter that will remain current. In this chapter, we introduce CRYSTAL, a website (http://crystal.uvm.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSerum transferrin reversibly binds iron in each of two lobes and delivers it to cells by a receptor-mediated, pH-dependent process. The binding and release of iron result in a large conformational change in which two subdomains in each lobe close or open with a rigid twisting motion around a hinge. We report the structure of human serum transferrin (hTF) lacking iron (apo-hTF), which was independently determined by two methods: 1) the crystal structure of recombinant non-glycosylated apo-hTF was solved at 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiochemistry
November 2005
The transferrins (TF) are a family of bilobal glycoproteins that tightly bind ferric iron. Each of the homologous N- and C-lobes contains a single iron-binding site situated in a deep cleft. Human serum transferrin (hTF) serves as the iron transport protein in the blood; circulating transferrin binds to receptors on the cell surface, and the complex is internalized by endocytosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn vertebrate hemostasis, factor Va serves as the cofactor in the prothrombinase complex that results in a 300,000-fold increase in the rate of thrombin generation compared with factor Xa alone. Structurally, little is known about the mechanism by which factor Va alters catalysis within this complex. Here, we report a crystal structure of protein C inactivated factor Va (A1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA unique feature of the mechanism of iron binding to the transferrin (TF) family is the synergistic relationship between metal binding and anion binding. Little or no iron will bind to the protein without concomitant binding of an anion, physiologically identified as carbonate. Substitution of oxalate for carbonate produces no significant changes in polypeptide folding or domain orientation in the N-lobe of human serum TF (hTF) as revealed by our 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe transferrins (TFs) are a family of proteins that are widely distributed in vertebrates, where they serve a major role in iron binding and transport. Most TFs are composed of two homologous lobes, the N- and C-lobes, each able to bind a single iron atom. Human serum transferrin (hTF) binds iron in the blood and delivers it to actively dividing cells; through the process of receptor-mediated endocytosis, diferric hTF in the serum (pH approximately 7.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHuman serum transferrin (hTF) is a bilobal iron-binding and transport protein that carries iron in the blood stream for delivery to cells by a pH-dependent mechanism. Two iron atoms are held tightly in two deep clefts by coordination to four amino acid residues in each cleft (two tyrosines, a histidine, and an aspartic acid) and two oxygen atoms from the "synergistic" carbonate anion. Other residues in the binding pocket, not directly coordinated to iron, also play critical roles in iron uptake and release through hydrogen bonding to the liganding residues.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe crystal structure of fragment D from lamprey fibrinogen has been determined at 2.8 A resolution. The 89 kDa protein was cocrystallized with the peptide Gly-His-Arg-Pro-amide, which in many fibrinogens-but not lamprey-corresponds to the B knob exposed by thrombin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAttachment of a cleavable hexa His tag is a common strategy for the production of recombinant proteins. Production of two recombinant nonglycosylated human serum transferrins (hTF-NG), containing a factor Xa cleavage site and a hexa His tag at the carboxyl terminus, has been described [Mason et al. (2001) Prot.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have developed a model of the extrinsic blood coagulation system that includes the stoichiometric anticoagulants. The model accounts for the formation, expression, and propagation of the vitamin K-dependent procoagulant complexes and extends our previous model by including: (a) the tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)-mediated inactivation of tissue factor (TF).VIIa and its product complexes; (b) the antithrombin-III (AT-III)-mediated inactivation of IIa, mIIa, factor VIIa, factor IXa, and factor Xa; (c) the initial activation of factor V and factor VIII by thrombin generated by factor Xa-membrane; (d) factor VIIIa dissociation/activity loss; (e) the binding competition and kinetic activation steps that exist between TF and factors VII and VIIa; and (f) the activation of factor VII by IIa, factor Xa, and factor IXa.
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