Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep
January 2024
Summary: Thyroid cancer is one of the most common manifestations of Cowden syndrome, yet the syndrome is rare. The incidence of Cowden syndrome is 1 in 200,000. The diagnosis can be made clinically when patients present with a combination of symptoms such as mucocutaneous lesions with a strong personal or family history of thyroid, breast, endometrial, and colorectal cancer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMedia Cult Soc
January 2022
This article examines the media framing of and relations to the 2014 iCloud hack, wherein hundreds of female celebrities' private photos were stolen and distributed online. In particular, I problematize the reading of this event as merely signalling the misogyny of 'toxic' online cultures and contextualize it as part of a larger political economy of female celebrity. I argue that, while the growth in feminist discourses emanating from both the mainstream media and celebrity women is encouraging, it perhaps occludes the broader power relations that extend across both new and traditional media, ensuring maintenance of the status quo.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCase Rep Endocrinol
December 2019
Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is a rare form of neoplasm affecting the thyroid gland. This neuroendocrine tumor is capable of releasing active substances causing systemic manifestation in the form of flushing, diarrhea, and uncommonly, Ectopic Cushing's syndrome (ECS). MTC can be hereditary as a part of multiple endocrine neoplasm type 2 syndrome (MEN2) or arise sporadically.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNestle Nutr Workshop Ser Clin Perform Programme
November 2009
When President Lyndon Johnson signed the Medicare and Medicaid bill into law in 1965, it ended the 46-year campaign to enact a healthcare program for senior citizens and started what is now a 42-year effort by the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and its members to expand its coverage to 'nutrition services' for all appropriate diseases, disorders and conditions. In December 2000, Congress passed a Medicare Part B Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) provision, limited to patients with diabetes and/or renal disease, effective January 2002. In December 2003, the Medicare Modernization Act expanded access to MNT benefit and ADA continues to focus on the role of the registered dietician in MNT.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRegistered dietitians (RDs) have a defined and unique role in care for patients with diabetes that differs depending on whether the service is for medical nutrition therapy (MNT) or part of a diabetes self-management training (DSMT) program (DSMT and diabetes self-management education [DSME] are used interchangeably in this article). The purpose of this article is to describe the current regulatory and practice framework that supports nutrition care under Medicare Part B for people with diabetes. A description of MNT and DSMT provided under Medicare Part B is included.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Am Diet Assoc
November 2002