Publications by authors named "Stephan M Wildi"

Objectives: In critically ill patients, correct placement of enteral feeding tubes is usually controlled by X-ray. A bedside method without radiation exposure would be preferable. This study aimed to demonstrate the feasibility and value of endoscopic position control for enteral feeding tubes by transnasal re-endoscopy.

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Background: Combined fluorine 18-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography-CT imaging has been shown to be of good diagnostic value in the preoperative evaluation of patients with colorectal cancer and liver metastases. The adjunctive use of intraoperative sonography (IOUS) may have a limited impact on treatment selection in these patients.

Purpose: To compare the diagnostic performance of preoperative positron emission tomography (PET)-CT alone and PET-CT combined with IOUS in the evaluation of patients who are considered for curative resection of hepatic metastases from colorectal carcinoma.

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Background: Transnasal endoscopy with a small-caliber endoscope has been shown to be helpful for the placement of nasoenteral feeding tubes in patients who are critically ill. Success rates were limited by the short working length of the small-caliber endoscopes.

Objective: To compare the success rate of a 133-cm-long, small-caliber, prototype videoendoscope with a standard 92-cm-long, small-caliber, fiberoptic endoscope for the transnasal placement of feeding tubes.

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Background And Aims: There is growing evidence that gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may cause typical laryngeal/pharyngeal lesions secondary to tissue irritation. The prevalence of those lesions in GERD patients is not well established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of GERD signs in the laryngopharyngeal area during routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.

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Background: Granular cell tumors (GCTs) of biliary system are rare. GCTs show a striking preponderance for young, black females, who generally present with obstructive jaundice. To our knowledge, these are the first 2 reports of GCT of biliary system identifed on endoscopic brushing cytology.

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Background: The postprandial increase of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) results largely from an increase in the rate of transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations (TLESRs). Gastric distension is believed to be the most important contributing factor. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of rapid food intake on GER in healthy volunteers using combined multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH (MII-pH) testing to record both acid and nonacid reflux.

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Objectives: Palliation of terminal conditions such as malignant dysphagia must take into account individual preferences for aggressive or nonaggressive care, with a focus on quality of life. Despite this, there are very few data on patients' preferences for palliative therapy. This study is designed to quantitatively determine individual preferences for palliation of malignant dysphagia using health state utilities (HSU).

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Background: Unsedated esophagoscopy with ultrathin endoscopes is a valuable screening modality for Barrett's esophagus, but the stomach and the duodenum cannot be examined completely with the smallest and best tolerated of these endoscopes. There are no data as to how often disease in the stomach and the duodenum would be missed when using this screening strategy. Our hypothesis is that patients with reflux symptoms, in the absence of daily abdominal pain, nausea, or history of ulcer, were unlikely to have clinically significant gastroduodenal disease.

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Background: Increasingly, EUS is being used to stage lung cancer. Direct mediastinal invasion (T4) by lung cancer is stage IIIb disease. Patients in this stage have a 5-year survival of less than 5% and generally are offered chemotherapy without surgery.

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Background: EUS with FNA is useful for staging non-small-cell lung cancer. However, benign mediastinal adenopathy is common. The aims of this study were to identify clinical factors, especially primary tumor location, and EUS lymph nodal characteristics predictive of aortopulmonary window and subcarinal lymph node metastases of non-small-cell lung cancer.

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Background: EUS is commonly used in the staging of GI, thoracic, and other malignancies. Studies suggest EUS can detect occult liver metastases, but the frequency with which this occurs is unknown.

Methods: Records were reviewed for all patients seen during a 3-year period who underwent EUS of the upper-GI tract for staging of known or suspected malignancy.

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Background: Flexible endoscopy plays an important role in digestive health. However, access to endoscopy is limited in many rural areas throughout the world. Training non-physician personal to perform diagnostic endoscopy and to transmit images to a central hospital, where experienced endoscopists can review the procedures, may improve digestive health for patients in remote areas.

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Objectives: A more widely available, well-tolerated, and cost-effective technique is needed to screen a broad population at risk for esophageal cancer. An ideal solution might be to perform unsedated esophagoscopy with an entirely self-contained, small-caliber endoscope. In a prospective, blinded study in three phases, we compared the feasibility, patient tolerance, and diagnostic accuracy of esophagoscopy performed with a prototype, superthin, battery-powered esophagoscope (BPE) with standard video esophagogastroduodenoscopy (SVE).

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Background: Benign mediastinal cysts, which account for approximately 20% of mediastinal masses, may be diagnostic challenges. Information regarding the use of EUS and EUS-guided FNA in this setting is limited. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the value and potential risks of EUS and EUS-FNA in the diagnosis of mediastinal foregut cysts.

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Background: A cost-effective technique is needed for screening of a broad population at risk for esophageal cancer. A solution would be to have non-physician endoscopists perform esophagoscopy with small-caliber battery-powered endoscopes.

Methods: In a prospective blinded study, the diagnostic accuracy of sedated esophagoscopy performed by a trained nurse practitioner with a battery-powered 4-mm diameter endoscope was compared with that for a sedated standard video-endoscopy performed by a gastroenterologist.

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