Publications by authors named "Sten Eirik Jacobsen"

Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are multipotent, but individual HSCs can show restricted lineage output in vivo. Currently, the molecular mechanisms and physiological role of HSC fate restriction remain unknown. Here we show that lymphoid fate is epigenetically but not transcriptionally primed in HSCs.

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Cardiac progenitor/stem cells in adult hearts represent an attractive therapeutic target for heart regeneration, though (inter)-relationships among reported cells remain obscure. Using single-cell qRT-PCR and clonal analyses, here we define four subpopulations of cardiac progenitor/stem cells in adult mouse myocardium all sharing stem cell antigen-1 (Sca1), based on side population (SP) phenotype, PECAM-1 (CD31) and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α (PDGFRα) expression. SP status predicts clonogenicity and cardiogenic gene expression (Gata4/6, Hand2 and Tbx5/20), properties segregating more specifically to PDGFRα(+) cells.

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Objectives: Thrombocytopenia is an independent adverse prognostic factor in patients with Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Azacitidine, first-line treatment for the majority of patients with higher-risk MDS, is associated with aggravated thrombocytopenia during the first cycles. Eltrombopag is a novel thrombopoietin receptor agonist, which also has been shown to inhibit proliferation of leukaemia cell lines in vitro.

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Cellular decision-making is mediated by a complex interplay of external stimuli with the intracellular environment, in particular transcription factor regulatory networks. Here we have determined the expression of a network of 18 key haematopoietic transcription factors in 597 single primary blood stem and progenitor cells isolated from mouse bone marrow. We demonstrate that different stem/progenitor populations are characterized by distinctive transcription factor expression states, and through comprehensive bioinformatic analysis reveal positively and negatively correlated transcription factor pairings, including previously unrecognized relationships between Gata2, Gfi1 and Gfi1b.

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The 40-fold increase in childhood megakaryocyte-erythroid and B-cell leukemia in Down syndrome implicates trisomy 21 (T21) in perturbing fetal hematopoiesis. Here, we show that compared with primary disomic controls, primary T21 fetal liver (FL) hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitors are markedly increased, whereas granulocyte-macrophage progenitors are reduced. Commensurately, HSC and megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitors show higher clonogenicity, with increased megakaryocyte, megakaryocyte-erythroid, and replatable blast colonies.

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Ischemic stroke causes transient increase of neural stem and progenitor cell (NSPC) proliferation in the subventricular zone (SVZ), and migration of newly formed neuroblasts toward the damaged area where they mature to striatal neurons. The molecular mechanisms regulating this plastic response, probably involved in structural reorganization and functional recovery, are poorly understood. The adaptor protein LNK suppresses hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal, but its presence and role in the brain are poorly understood.

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There is much interest in the mechanisms that regulate adult tissue homeostasis and their relationship to processes governing foetal development. Mice deleted for the Wilms' tumour gene, Wt1, lack kidneys, gonads, and spleen and die at mid-gestation due to defective coronary vasculature. Wt1 is vital for maintaining the mesenchymal-epithelial balance in these tissues and is required for the epithelial-to-mesenchyme transition (EMT) that generates coronary vascular progenitors.

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The transcription factors that control lineage specification of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have been well described for the myeloid and lymphoid lineages, whereas transcriptional control of erythroid (E) and megakaryocytic (Mk) fate is less understood. We here use conditional removal of the GATA-1 and FOG-1 transcription factors to identify FOG-1 as required for the formation of all committed Mk- and E-lineage progenitors, whereas GATA-1 was observed to be specifically required for E-lineage commitment. FOG-1-deficient HSCs and preMegEs, the latter normally bipotent for the Mk and E lineages, underwent myeloid transcriptional reprogramming, and formed myeloid, but not erythroid and megakaryocytic cells in vitro.

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The role of autophagy, a lysosomal degradation pathway which prevents cellular damage, in the maintenance of adult mouse hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) remains unknown. Although normal HSCs sustain life-long hematopoiesis, malignant transformation of HSCs leads to leukemia. Therefore, mechanisms protecting HSCs from cellular damage are essential to prevent hematopoietic malignancies.

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The regulatory pathways necessary for the maintenance of adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) remain poorly defined. By using loss-of-function approaches, we report a selective and cell-autonomous requirement for the p300/CBP-binding transcriptional coactivator Cited2 in adult HSC maintenance. Conditional deletion of Cited2 in the adult mouse results in loss of HSCs causing multilineage bone marrow failure and increased lethality.

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Background Aims: Human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are promising candidates for cell therapy because of their intriguing properties (high proliferation and differentiation capacity, microenvironmental function and immune modulation). However, MSC are heterogeneous and a better understanding of the heterogeneity of the cells that form the MSC cultures is critical.

Methods: Human MSC were generated in standard cultures and stained with carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) for cell division tracking.

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Although successful in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation (IUHCT) of X-linked severe combined immune deficiency (X-SCID) with enriched stem and progenitor cells was achieved more than a decade ago, it remains applied only in rare cases. Although this in part reflects that postnatal transplantations have overall given good results, there are no direct comparisons between IUHCT and postnatal transplantations of X-SCID. The proposed tolerance of the fetal immune system to foreign human leukocyte antigen early in gestation, a main rationale behind IUHCT, has recently been challenged by evidence for a considerable immune barrier against in utero transplanted allogeneic bone marrow cells.

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Neural stem cells (NSCs) in the adult rat subventricular zone (SVZ) generate new striatal neurons during several months after ischemic stroke. Whether the microglial response associated with ischemic injury extends into SVZ and influences neuroblast production is unknown. Here, we demonstrate increased numbers of activated microglia in ipsilateral SVZ concomitant with neuroblast migration into the striatum at 2, 6, and 16 weeks, with maximum at 6 weeks, following 2 h middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats.

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Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) numbers are tightly regulated and maintained in postnatal hematopoiesis. Extensive studies have supported a role of the cytokine tyrosine kinase receptor Kit in sustaining cycling HSCs when competing with wild-type HSCs posttransplantation, but not in maintenance of quiescent HSCs in steady state adult bone marrow. In this study, we investigated HSC regulation in White Spotting 41 (Kit(W41/W41)) mice, with a partial loss of function of Kit.

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Purpose: Promoter hypermethylation of, for example, tumor-suppressor genes, is considered to be an important step in cancerogenesis and a negative risk factor for survival in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS); however, its role for response to therapy has not been determined. This study was designed to assess the effect of methylation status on the outcome of conventional induction chemotherapy.

Experimental Design: Sixty patients with high-risk MDS or acute myeloid leukemia following MDS were treated with standard doses of daunorubicin and 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine.

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Despite their known transforming properties, the effects of leukemogenic FLT3-ITD mutations on hematopoietic stem and multipotent progenitor cells and on hematopoietic differentiation are not well understood. We report a mouse model harboring an ITD in the murine Flt3 locus that develops myeloproliferative disease resembling CMML and further identified FLT3-ITD mutations in a subset of human CMML. These findings correlated with an increase in number, cell cycling, and survival of multipotent stem and progenitor cells in an ITD dose-dependent manner in animals that exhibited alterations within their myeloid progenitor compartments and a block in normal B cell development.

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Hematopoiesis is a highly regulated process resulting in the formation of all blood lineages. Aberrant regulation of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) signaling has been observed in hematopoietic malignancies, suggesting that regulated PI3K signaling is critical for regulation of blood cell production. An ex vivo differentiation system was used to investigate the role of PI3K and its downstream effector, protein kinase B (PKB/c-akt) in myelopoiesis.

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Human brain tumor stem cells have been enriched using antibodies against the surface protein CD133. An antibody recognizing CD133 also served to isolate normal neural stem cells from fetal human brain, suggesting a possible lineage relationship between normal neural and brain tumor stem cells. Whether CD133-positive brain tumor stem cells can be derived from CD133-positive neural stem or progenitor cells still requires direct experimental evidence, and an important step toward such investigations is the identification and characterization of normal CD133-presenting cells in neurogenic regions of the embryonic and adult brain.

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Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a proinflammatory cytokine, acting through the TNF-R1 and TNF-R2 receptors. The two receptors have been proposed to mediate distinct TNF-alpha effects in the CNS, TNF-R1 contributing to neuronal damage and TNF-R2 being neuroprotective. Whether TNF-alpha and its receptors play any role for neurogenesis in the adult brain is unclear.

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Cellular cardiomyoplasty is an attractive option for the treatment of severe heart failure. It is, however, still unclear and controversial which is the most promising cell source. Therefore, we investigated and examined the fate and functional impact of bone marrow (BM) cells and embryonic stem cell (ES cell)-derived cardiomyocytes after transplantation into the infarcted mouse heart.

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The laminin receptor integrin alpha6 chain is ubiquitously expressed in human and mouse hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. We have studied its role for homing of stem and progenitor cells to mouse hematopoietic tissues in vivo. A function-blocking anti-integrin alpha6 antibody significantly reduced progenitor cell homing to bone marrow (BM) of lethally irradiated mice, with a corresponding retention of progenitors in blood.

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