Several lattice models display a condensation transition in real space when the density of a suitable order parameter exceeds a critical value. We consider one of such models with two conservation laws, in a onedimensional open setup where the system is attached to two external reservoirs. Both reservoirs impose subcritical boundary conditions at the chain ends.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA mean-field kinetic model suggests that the relaxation dynamics of wormlike micellar networks is a long and complex process due to the problem of reducing the number of free end-caps (or dangling ends) while also reaching an equilibrium level of branching after an earlier overgrowth. The model is validated against mesoscopic molecular dynamics simulations and is based on kinetic equations accounting for scission and synthesis processes of blobs of surfactants. A long relaxation time scale is reached with both thermal quenches and small perturbations of the system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider the phenomenon of condensation of a globally conserved quantity H=∑_{i=1}^{N}ε_{i} distributed on N sites, occurring when the density h=H/N exceeds a critical density h_{c}. We numerically study the dependence of the participation ratio Y_{2}=〈ε_{i}^{2}〉/(Nh^{2}) on the size N of the system and on the control parameter δ=(h-h_{c}), for various models: (i) a model with two conservation laws, derived from the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation; (ii) the continuous version of the zero-range process class, for different forms of the function f(ε) defining the factorized steady state. Our results show that various localization scenarios may appear for finite N and close to the transition point.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe thermodynamics of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the vicinity of infinite temperature is explicitly solved in the microcanonical ensemble by means of large-deviation techniques. A first-order phase transition between a thermalized phase and a condensed (localized) one occurs at the infinite-temperature line. Inequivalence between statistical ensembles characterizes the condensed phase, where the grand-canonical representation does not apply.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTransport phenomena are ubiquitous in physics, and it is generally understood that the environmental disorder and noise deteriorates the transfer of excitations. There are, however, cases in which transport can be enhanced by fluctuations. In the present work, we show, by means of micromagnetics simulations, that transport efficiency in a chain of classical macrospins can be greatly increased by an optimal level of dephasing noise.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicrorheology experiments show that viscoelastic media composed by wormlike micellar networks display complex relaxations lasting seconds even at the scale of micrometers. By mapping a model of patchy colloids with suitable mesoscopic elementary motifs to a system of worm-like micelles, we are able to simulate its relaxation dynamics, upon a thermal quench, spanning many decades, from microseconds up to tens of seconds. After mapping the model to real units and to experimental scission energies, we show that the relaxation process develops through a sequence of non-local and energetically challenging arrangements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe provide evidence of an extremely slow thermalization occurring in the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger model. At variance with many similar processes encountered in statistical mechanics-typically ascribed to the presence of (free) energy barriers-here the slowness has a purely dynamical origin: it is due to the presence of an adiabatic invariant, which freezes the dynamics of a tall breather. Consequently, relaxation proceeds via rare events, where energy is suddenly released towards the background.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a novel mechanism for resolving the mechanical rigidity of nanoscopic circular polymers that flow in a complex environment. The emergence of a regime of negative differential mobility induced by topological interactions between the rings and the substrate is the key mechanism for selective sieving of circular polymers with distinct flexibilities. A simple model accurately describes the sieving process observed in molecular dynamics simulations and yields experimentally verifiable analytical predictions, which can be used as a reference guide for improving filtration procedures of circular filaments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate thermal conduction in arrays of long-range interacting rotors and Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) oscillators coupled to two reservoirs at different temperatures. The strength of the interaction between two lattice sites decays as a power α of the inverse of their distance. We point out the necessity of distinguishing between energy flows towards or from the reservoirs and those within the system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study irreversible processes for nonlinear oscillators networks described by complex-valued Langevin equations that account for coupling to different thermochemical baths. Dissipation is introduced via non-Hermitian terms in the Hamiltonian of the model. We apply the stochastic thermodynamics formalism to compute explicit expressions for the entropy production rates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this paper, we work out a parameterization of environmental noise within the Haken-Strobl-Reinenker (HSR) model for the PE545 light-harvesting complex, based on atomic-level quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) simulations. We use this approach to investigate the role of various auto- and cross-correlations in the HSR noise tensor, confirming that site-energy autocorrelations (pure dephasing) terms dominate the noise-induced exciton mobility enhancement, followed by site energy-coupling cross-correlations for specific triplets of pigments. Interestingly, several cross-correlations of the latter kind, together with coupling-coupling cross-correlations, display clear low-frequency signatures in their spectral densities in the 30-70 [Formula: see text] region.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
July 2015
We investigate numerically the magnetization dynamics of an array of nanodisks interacting through the magnetodipolar coupling. In the presence of a temperature gradient, the chain reaches a nonequilibrium steady state where energy and magnetization currents propagate. This effect can be described as the flow of energy and particle currents in an off-equilibrium discrete nonlinear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
April 2015
By means of a simple theoretical model and numerical simulations, we demonstrate the presence of persistent energy currents in a lattice of classical nonlinear oscillators with uniform temperature and chemical potential. In analogy with the well-known Josephson effect, the currents are proportional to the sine of the phase differences between the oscillators. Our results elucidate general aspects of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and point towards a way to practically control transport phenomena in a large class of systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA novel class of nonequilibrium phase transitions at zero temperature is found in chains of nonlinear oscillators. For two paradigmatic systems, the Hamiltonian XY model and the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation, we find that the application of boundary forces induces two synchronized phases, separated by a nontrivial interfacial region where the kinetic temperature is finite. Dynamics in such a supercritical state displays anomalous chaotic properties whereby some observables are nonextensive and transport is superdiffusive.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
July 2012
We study nonequilibrium steady states of the one-dimensional discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation. This system can be regarded as a minimal model for the stationary transport of bosonic particles such as photons in layered media or cold atoms in deep optical traps. Due to the presence of two conserved quantities, namely, energy and norm (or number of particles), the model displays coupled transport in the sense of linear irreversible thermodynamics.
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