Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is accompanied by complex immune alterations and inflammation, and the possible role played by Natural Killer (NK) in such alterations is only barely understood.
Methods: To address this question we analysed activating and inhibitory NK receptors, as well as NK cells phenotype and function in a group of mothers of children who developed ASD (ASD-MO; N=24) comparing results to those obtained in mothers of healthy children who did not develop (HC-MO; N=25).
Results: Results showed that in ASD-MO compared to HC-MO: 1) NK cells expressing the inhibitory receptor ILT2 are significantly decreased; 2) the activating HLA-G14bp+ polymorphism is more frequently observed and is correlated with the decrease of ILT2-expressing cells; 3) the CD56 and CD56 NK subsets are increased; 4) IFNγ and TNF production is reduced; and 5) perforin- and granzymes-releasing NK cells are increased even in unstimulated conditions and could not be upregulated by mitogenic stimulation.