Over the course of history, human beings have never stopped seeking effective methods for information storage. From rocks to paper, and through the past several decades of using computer disks, USB sticks, and on to the thin silicon "chips" and "cloud" storage of today, it would seem that we have reached an era of efficiency for managing innumerable and ever-expanding data. Astonishingly, when tracing this technological path, one realizes that our ancient methods of informational storage far outlast paper (10,000 vs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the original publication the name of third author was incorrectly published.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Aim: L-Acetyl-carnitine (LAC) exerts an energetic effect on nerves and muscles. Recently, preclinical experiments have demonstrated a central anti-nociceptive action.
Objective: Our objective was to assess the effects of LAC on neuroprotection, pain, and function in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), a very frequent chronic compressive neuropathy.
Background: Polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) are known to affect several negative outcomes in older patients. However, studies comparatively assessing polypharmacy and PIMs in relation to readmission are distinctively lacking.
Aims: To compare the impact of polypharmacy and PIMs on 3-month readmission among older patients discharged from acute care hospital.
J Oral Facial Pain Headache
July 2019
Although several reports have indicated that trigeminal neuralgia related to multiple sclerosis may occur bilaterally in the orofacial region, trigeminal neuralgia pain usually involves the two sides in different time lapses, and the simultaneous involvement of trigeminal territories on both sides is commonly considered incompatible with its diagnosis. This case report describes a patient with bilateral trigeminal neuralgia related to multiple sclerosis that started simultaneously on both sides of the orofacial region. A 55-year-old man presented with a 16-year history of relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent advances highlight mechanisms that enable the morphological integrity of the plant ER in relation to the other organelles and the cytoskeleton.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPerception of space has been guiding effective therapeutic interventions in a number of unilateral chronic pain conditions. However little is known about how trigeminal neuralgia (TN), a condition in which trigeminal stimulation triggers paroxysmal facial pain, affects defensive peripersonal space (DPPS), the portion of space surrounding the body within which defensive responses are enhanced. Given that TN is unilateral, in TN patients the DPPS of the face might not be horizontally symmetric as in pain-free individuals, but instead larger around the affected side.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLipomas are benign mesenchymal tumours that are rarely seen in the scrotum. Few cases of primary scrotal lipomas originating from the scrotal wall have been reported in the literature. We describe the case of a giant primary intrascrotal lipoma presenting as scrotal swelling and discomfort.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In the neurophysiological assessment of patients with neuropathic pain, laser evoked potentials (LEPs), contact heat evoked potentials (CHEPs) and the evoked potentials by the intraepidermal electrical stimulation via concentric needle electrode are widely agreed as nociceptive specific responses; conversely, the nociceptive specificity of evoked potentials by surface concentric electrode (SE-PREPs) is still debated.
Methods: In this neurophysiological study we aimed at verifying the nociceptive specificity of SE-PREPs. We recorded LEPs, CHEPs and SE-PREPs in eleven healthy participants, before and after epidermal denervation produced by prolonged capsaicin application.
In BRCA2-defective cells, poly(adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerase inhibitors can trigger synthetic lethality, as two independent DNA-repairing mechanisms are simultaneously impaired. Here, we have pharmacologically induced synthetic lethality, which was triggered by combining two different small organic molecules. When administered with a BRCA2-Rad51 disruptor in nonmutant cells, Olaparib showed anticancer activity comparable to that shown when administered alone in BRCA2-defective cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnique among the different neuropathic pain conditions, trigeminal neuralgia frequently has an excellent response to some selected drugs, which, on the other hand, often entail disabling side effects. Physicians should be therefore acquainted with the management of these drugs and the few alternative options. Areas covered: This article, based on a systematic literature review, describes the pharmacological options, and indicates the future perspectives for treating trigeminal neuralgia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe molecular evolution of genomic DNA across diverse plant and animal phyla involved dynamic registrations of sequence modifications to maintain existential homeostasis to increasingly complex patterns of environmental stressors. As an essential corollary, driver effects of positive evolutionary pressure are hypothesized to effect concerted modifications of genomic DNA sequences to meet expanded platforms of regulatory controls for successful implementation of advanced physiological requirements. It is also clearly apparent that preservation of updated registries of advantageous modifications of genomic DNA sequences requires coordinate expansion of convergent cellular proofreading/error correction mechanisms that are encoded by reciprocally modified genomic DNA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction Although it is widely accepted that facial pain paroxysms triggered by innocuous stimuli constitute a hallmark sign of trigeminal neuralgia, very few studies to date have systematically investigated the role of the triggers involved. In the recently published diagnostic classification, triggered pain is an essential criterion for the diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia but no study to date has been designed to address this issue directly. In this study, we set out to determine, in patients with trigeminal neuralgia, how frequently triggers are present, which manoeuvres activate them and where cutaneous and mucosal trigger zones are located.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSingle cells, as part of their evolution, acquired the ability to sense their internal and external environment, move to or away from a particular environment, the latter depending on the appropriate integration of the sensory input with motor ability. Clearly, the ability to sense stimuli must be a rapid process and one that has been selected upon for survival over long periods of time in concert with environmental challenges. Interestingly, various differing sensory inputs have their own receptors to respond to a specific stimulus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is not surprising to find microbiome abnormalities present in psychiatric disorders such as depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, etc. Evolutionary pressure may provide an existential advantage to the host eukaryotic cells in that it survives in an extracellular environment containing non-self cells (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIctal blinking (IB) is a very rare disease manifesting as an epileptic motor event in children and adults. Until now it has not been included in any classification of focal seizures of the International League Against Epilepsy Commission. It could be unilateral or bilateral, isolated or in association with other motor manifestations such as limbs' clonus and spasms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOver the course of human history, it has been common to use plants for medicinal purposes, such as for providing relief from particular maladies and self-medication. Opium represents one longstanding remedy that has been used to address a range of medical conditions, alleviating discomfort often in ways that have proven pleasurable. Opium is a combination of compounds obtained from the mature fruit of opium poppy, papaver somniferum.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent trends in biomedical research have highlighted the potential for effecting significant extensions in longevity with enhanced quality of life in aging human populations. Within this context, any proposed method to achieve enhanced life extension must include therapeutic approaches that draw upon essential biochemical and molecular regulatory processes found in relatively simple single cell organisms that are evolutionarily conserved within complex organ systems of higher animals. Current critical thinking has established the primacy of mitochondrial function in maintaining good health throughout plant and animal phyla.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenetic polymorphisms, in concert with well-characterized etiology and progression of major pathologies, plays a significant role in aberrant processes afflicting human populations. Mitochondrial heteroplasmy represents a dynamically determined co-expression of inherited polymorphisms and somatic pathology in varying ratios within individual mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genomes with repetitive patterns of tissue specificity. The ratios of the MtDNA genomes represent a balance between healthy and pathological cellular outcomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHuman microRNA-125a-5p (miR-125a) is expressed in most tissues where it downregulates the expression of membrane receptors or intracellular transductors of mitogenic signals, thus limiting cell proliferation. Expression of this miRNA generally increases with cell differentiation whereas it is downregulated in several types of tumors, such as breast, lung, ovarian, gastric, colon, and cervical cancers, neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma, glioblastoma, and retinoblastoma. In this study, we focused on hepatocellular carcinoma and used real-time quantitative PCR to measure miR-125a expression in 55 tumor biopsies and in matched adjacent non-tumor liver tissues.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough cigarette smoking is a leading cause of preventable mortality, tobacco is consumed by approximately 22% of the adult population worldwide. Smoking is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, affects brain processing, and is a recognized risk factor for Alzheimer disease (AD). Tobacco toxins (e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince the realization that certain maladies can be corrected via surgical techniques, we have been consumed by the desire to constantly advance the tools of surgery, as well as the techniques. In recent times, computer-assisted surgical tools have emerged and are growing in their use. The Puma 560 emerged in 1985 for brain biopsies and laparoscopic surgery.
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