Publications by authors named "Stefan Benedikt Hosch"

Fistulae between an ileal pouch and the vagina are an uncommon complication of ileal pouch-anal anastomosis following proctocolectomy and mucosectomy in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis coli. Several reports describe the successful use of muscle flaps to close recurrent pouch-vaginal-fistulae (PVF). However, series only contain small numbers and an optimal management has not yet been determined.

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Despite advances in early diagnosis and surgical treatment, the prognosis for patients with primary malignant tumors of the hepatobiliary tract and pancreas has not changed markedly over the last decades. Early metastatic relapse after complete resection indicates the presence of disseminated tumor cells undetectable by current tumor staging methods. Sensitive immunohistocytochemical and nucleic acid-based assays have been developed to detect single tumor cells present in lymph nodes, bone marrow, or blood.

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