Publications by authors named "Starita C"

Background: Canine lymphoma is the most common hematopoietic cancer in dogs. Numerous studies have evaluated the prognostic value of hematological abnormalities and ratios in both humans and dogs with lymphoma.

Aim: To compare hematological parameters and complete blood count ratios between a population of dogs affected by lymphoma and healthy dogs to identify potential prognostic markers for lymphoma.

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Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disproportionally affect underrepresented ethnoracial groups in the United States. Medical mistrust and vaccine hesitancy will likely impact acceptability of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. This study examined SARS-CoV-2 vaccine hesitancy among underrepresented ethnoracial groups with HIV and identified factors that may reduce vaccine uptake.

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The aim of the study was to evaluate hematological, biochemical, and serological findings in healthy canine blood donors after the administration of CaniLeish® vaccine. Twenty-seven client-owned dogs were included in the study and arranged into 3 groups according to the vaccination stage. Complete blood count (CBC) with blood smear examination, serum biochemical profile (SBP), serum protein electrophoresis (SPE), and serological tests for L.

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Aims: To examine the relationship between visual acuity in each eye and Quality of Life (QoL) outcomes in people with diabetic macular oedema.

Methods: Cross sectional retrospective analysis of data collected at baseline in 289 people entered into a randomized clinical trial with diabetic macular oedema which investigated the safety and efficacy of a vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitor, pegaptanib sodium. At the baseline visit, visual acuity was measured through refraction and using retro-illuminated modified Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Log MAR charts, and patient health-related QoL was determined using the European Quality of Life EQ-5D-3L and the Visual Functioning Questionnaire-25 (NEI-VFQ25).

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Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and tolerability of pegaptanib in patients with diabetic macular edema.

Methods: An open-label, multicenter, noncomparative, one-year study of approximately 500 patients was planned. Recruitment was terminated after enrollment of 46 patients.

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Objective: To assess the rate of pegaptanib-associated sustained intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation.

Methods: A posthoc analysis was conducted on all IOP measurements, except the immediate 30-min postinjection, from all subjects randomised to pegaptanib 0.3 mg or sham injections continuously in the first 2 years of the Vascular endothelial growth factor Inhibition Study in Ocular Neovascularisation (V.

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Background: Several studies have investigated the effect of latanoprost on intraocular pressure (IOP). We compared the IOP-lowering effects of three higher concentrations of latanoprost with the commercially available concentration of 0.005% (50 μg/mL) in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension.

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Diabetic retinopathy (DR), a common complication of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, is rarely expressed at a level greater than background retinopathy during childhood and adolescence. Epidemiological studies in paediatric diabetic patients together with data from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial have demonstrated the importance of glycaemic control in delaying or preventing the development of DR; thus, the incidence of DR has declined somewhat over the past two decades. Both prepubertal and postpubertal years with diabetes contribute to the overall probability of DR development.

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Macromolecular species such as retinal binding protein, transferrin, ceruloplasmin, etc., released by the fenestrated choroidal capillaries must diffuse across Bruch's membrane for interaction with the basal membranes of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) for delivery of essential metabolites to the neural retina. The patency of this pathway through ageing Bruch's was examined by quantifying the diffusional flux of a 21.

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Both clinical and preclinical findings have implicated vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the pathophysiology of diabetic macular edema (DME). VEGF is both a potent enhancer of vascular permeability and a key inducer of angiogenesis. VEGF levels are elevated in the eyes of patients with DME, and in animal models of diabetes this elevation coincides with the breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier.

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Purpose: To determine the site of highest resistance to the movement of water across Bruch's membrane in humans.

Methods: A hydraulic conductivity chamber was designed that enabled us to measure flow across Bruch's membrane while ablating its subepithelial aspect using an excimer laser (193 nm). When resistance was lost, samples were fixed and processed for electron microscopy.

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The hydrodynamic properties of isolated human Bruch's membrane and choroid were investigated as a function of age and retinal location. Macular and peripheral regions of the fundus showed an exponential decline of hydraulic conductivity with half-lives of 15 and 22 years respectively. Comparison of age profiles for hydraulic conductivity and lipid deposits suggests the involvement of two discrete processes for reduction in transport capability.

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Deterioration of visual performance leading to blindness is particularly severe in the early-onset forms of Batten disease. Metabolic support of the neural retina is critically dependent on the choroidal blood supply and on efficient transport pathways through Bruch's membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Conversely, degradation products and, in particular, damaged membranous components of photoreceptor outer segments must be removed in the opposite direction.

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