Publications by authors named "Stanley D"

A retrospective case-control study was undertaken to evaluate the pathologic radiographic changes that occur in primary osteoarthritis of the elbow. The radiographs of 50 patients with primary osteoarthritis of the elbow were compared with an age- and sex-matched control group to distinguish those features specific to elbow osteoarthritis from those occurring as a result of normal aging. We assessed 100 radiographs (50 anteroposterior and 50 lateral views) in both the study and control groups for 10 radiographic features.

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Nodulation is the predominant insect cellular immune response to bacterial and fungal infections and it can also be induced by some viral infections. Treating seventh instar larvae of greater wax moth Galleria mellonella with Bovine herpes simplex virus-1 (BHSV-1) induced nodulation reactions in a dose-dependent manner. Because eicosanoids mediate nodulation reactions to bacterial and fungal infection, we hypothesized that eicosanoids also mediate nodulation reactions to viral challenge.

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The purpose of this study was to design a clinically applicable classification for distal humeral fractures that would provide guidance to the surgeon with regard to surgical approach and operative management. The new classification was assessed by use of the original radiographs from a study comparing distal humeral fracture classifications undertaken in Oxford, England, and was validated by use of the exact methodology of that study. Nine independent assessors were asked to classify 33 sets of radiographs on 2 separate occasions using the classifications of Riseborough and Radin, Mehne and Jupiter, and the AO, as well as the new classification system.

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We propose a method for the statistical analysis of fMRI data that tests cluster units rather than voxel units for activation. The advantages of this analysis over previous ones are both conceptual and statistical. Recognizing that the fundamental units of interest are the spatially contiguous clusters of voxels that are activated together, we set out to approximate these cluster units from the data by a clustering algorithm especially tailored for fMRI data.

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There is neither consensus on the number nor agreement on the location of the anatomic compartments of the foot. This project utilized high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to identify foot compartments. The purpose of this study was to devise a new system using 3-Tesla (3T) MRI that assessed the number and location of these compartments.

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The non-venom insect phospholipases A2.

Biochim Biophys Acta

November 2006

Phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)s) are responsible for releasing the fatty acid moiety from the sn-2 position of phospholipids. These enzymes are virtually ubiquitous proteins known from all major biological taxa. Various PLA(2)s act in a wide array of biological processes, including digestion of dietary lipids, cellular homeostasis, intra- and intercellular signaling, host defense and at least a few ecological interactions.

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Objective: To provide a framework for keeping current in the immunizations field; an update on changes in adult and pediatric vaccine delivery since 2003; and an update on new immunization guidelines, new approved vaccines, and changes in uses for current vaccines.

Data Sources: Published guidelines identified from the Centers for Disease Control National Immunization Program Web site. In addition, published articles were identified through Medline (January 2003-November 2005) using specific vaccine names as search terms.

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Insecticide susceptibility in tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), was determined for 8 yr (1991-2001) with larvae sampled from cotton in southern Tamaulipas, Mexico. Before 1996, when Bollgard cotton expressing the Cry1A(c) delta-endotoxin was introduced into the region, two important patterns were documented.

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This article addresses the issue of clinical leadership and how it is defined. The concepts and definitions of clinical leadership are considered as well as the results of new research that suggests that clinical leaders can be seen as experts in their field, and because they are approachable and are effective communicators, are empowered to act as a role model, motivating others by matching their values and beliefs about nursing and care to their practice. This is supported by a new leadership theory, congruent leadership, proposed as the most appropriate leadership theory to support an understanding of clinical leadership.

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Two full-length cDNAs, encoding delta (delta) and mu (mu) opioid receptors, were cloned from the brain of the rough-skinned newt Taricha granulosa, complementing previous work from our laboratory describing the cloning of newt brain kappa (kappa) and ORL1 opioid receptors. The newt delta receptor shares 82% amino acid sequence identity with a frog delta receptor and lower (68-70%) identity with orthologous receptors cloned from mammals and zebrafish. The newt mu receptor shares 79% sequence identity with a frog mu receptor, 72% identity with mammalian mu receptors, and 66-69% identity with mu receptors cloned from teleost fishes.

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Most studies that have used Kanizsa-type illusory figures to investigate perceptual completion have treated the crisp bounding illusory contours (ICs) and the enclosed region as nondissociable stimulus attributes. However, there is evidence that enclosed "salient regions" (SRs; Stanley & Rubin, 2003) are detected even in cases when bounding ICs are not perceptually completed. Here we used apparent motion (AM) to test whether SRs are detected in the absence of crisp bounding ICs.

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Prostaglandins and other eicosanoids are oxygenated metabolites of certain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These compounds are well known for their important actions in mammalian physiology and disease. Recent work has revealed the presence and biological actions of eicosanoids in insects and many other invertebrate animals.

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Automatic positive airway pressure (auto-PAP) devices, used in the treatment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), may not function optimally in the presence of an air leak. We set out to determine the magnitude of air leak that prevents auto-PAP devices from responding to respiratory events of OSA in a bench model. We simulated apnea, flow limitation, obstructive hypopnea, nonobstructive hypopnea, and snoring events of OSA with an artificial airway and a loudspeaker in a bench model connected to a commercially available auto-PAP device.

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We report on a secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) associated with membrane-enriched fractions prepared from hemocytes of the tobacco hornworms, Manduca sexta. Virtually no PLA2 activity was detected in serum of immunologically naive or bacterially challenged hornworms. PLA2 activity was detected in cytosolic and membrane-enriched fractions prepared from hemocytes.

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Parallel imaging is a recently developed family of techniques that take advantage of the spatial information inherent in phased-array radiofrequency coils to reduce acquisition times in magnetic resonance imaging. In parallel imaging, the number of sampled k-space lines is reduced, often by a factor of two or greater, thereby significantly shortening the acquisition time. Parallel imaging techniques have only recently become commercially available, and the wide range of clinical applications is just beginning to be explored.

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Sixteen patients who underwent a revision operation for nonunion of fractures of the distal humerus following previous internal fixation were reviewed at a mean follow-up of 39 months (8 to 69). The Mayo elbow performance score was excellent in 11, good in two, fair in two and poor in one. In 15 patients union was achieved and in one with an infected nonunion a subsequent bone graft was necessary in order to obtain union.

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Purpose: To compare myocardial enhancement during first-pass myocardial perfusion imaging at 3.0 Tesla (T) and 1.5T.

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Addition of new granule cells to the dentate gyrus (DG) from stem or progenitor cells declines considerably during ageing. However, potential age-related alterations in migration, enduring survival and neuronal fate choice of newly born cells, and rate of maturation and dendritic growth of newly differentiated neurons are mostly unknown. We addressed these issues by analysing cells that are positive for 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), doublecortin (DCX), BrdU and DCX, and BrdU and neuron-specific nuclear antigen (NeuN) in the DG of young adult, middle-aged and aged F344 rats treated with daily injections of BrdU for 12 consecutive days.

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Eight randomly selected patients undergoing the Outerbridge-Kashiwagi (ulnohumeral arthroplasty) debridement procedure for primary osteoarthritis of the elbow had fenestration of the olecranon fossa by use of a bone trephine. The cores of bone removed were compared histologically with age- and sex-matched controls derived from necropsy samples with no history of osteoarthritis. All components of the olecranon fossa membrane (anterior cortical bone, medullary cavity, posterior cortical bone, and anterior and posterior fibrous tissue) were noted to be of increased thickness in those patients with osteoarthritis of the elbow when compared with the control group.

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We describe a phospholipase A2 (PLA2) associated with the salivary glands of tobacco hornworms, Manduca sexta. This enzyme is able to hydrolyze arachidonic acid from the sn-2 position of PLs. Addition of the calcium chelator, EGTA, or calcium, to the Tris reaction buffer impaired the PLA2 activity, from which we infer the enzyme requires very low concentrations of calcium or perhaps other ions for optimal activity.

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The bacterium, Xenorhabdus nematophila, is a virulent insect pathogen. Part of its pathogenicity is due to impairing cellular immunity by blocking biosynthesis of eicosanoids, the major recognized signal transduction system in insect cellular immunity. X.

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The entomopathogenic bacterium, Xenorhabdus nematophila, induces immunodepression in target insects and finally leads to lethal septicemia of the infected hosts. A hypothesis has been raised that the bacteria inhibit eicosanoid-biosynthesis pathway to interrupt immune signaling of the infected hosts. Here, we show direct evidence that X.

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Insect cellular immune reactions to bacterial infection include nodule formation. Eicosanoids mediate several cellular actions in the nodulation process, including formation of hemocyte microaggregates, an early step. In previous work, we reported that isolated hemocytes produce and secrete eicosanoids that influence hemocyte behavior in response to bacterial challenge.

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