Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine differences in precollision, pericollision, and postcollision clinical variables across litigating motor vehicle collision (MVC) patients who were classified as Dysfunctional (DYS), Interpersonally Distressed (ID), or Adaptive Copers (ACs) based on Multidimensional Pain Inventory (MPI) profile classifications.
Materials And Methods: A sample of 240 MVC patients who sustained serious physical injuries and experienced MVC-related chronic pain completed the MPI and provided responses to a semistructured psycholegal interview designed to elicit injury-related and pain-related symptoms and treatments, determine the presence and impact of precollision experiences, and render psychiatric diagnoses and ratings of psychological disability.
Results: A significant multivariate effect of MPI profile group on postcollision variables was revealed, with the DYS and ID groups reporting more pain sites than the AC group and the DYS group receiving more recommendations for treatment than the AC group.